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Philly-Bob’s Free-for-All 2018One man's visual art, largely consisting of digital manipulations of images, taken from (1) my own photographs/videos, (2) downloaded from the Public Domain, or (3) utilized under the Fair Use provision of copyright law.Portrait by Remo Frangiosa |
Although I have been interested in art and graphic design all my life, I only began working seriously after I retired in 2010.
In October, 2017, I changed artistic direction from my usual still images to animation and video, a time-consuming artistic discipline, with a steep learning curve, and many more variables.
My images are strongly influenced by the optical textures I see when I close my eyes and by what I see when I dream. They are also influenced by the hallucinatory visions I saw under the influence of anaesthesia following open heart surgery.
I often use commercial art, illustration, and typography as a source of ideas.
For maximum effect with my animations, click on the four-sided [] icon in the control bar, which should size the image to fit your screen. For my still images, click repeatedly on the image until it is full-size, which may be larger than your computer screen.
VIDEO & MUSIC: Extract from Russian cartoon "Peresvet and Osliamba" by Russian Ministry of Culture and the Russian Orthodox church, about the 1380 Battle of Kulikovo (Link1). Cartoonist is Stanislav Podilov, who also did "Your Cross" (Link2) BACKGROUND IMAGE: Painting "The Duel of Alexander Peresvet and Mambai's Champion" by Victor Vasnetsov (Link3) Link1: www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xpTfk0QLQQ Link2: www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiEU1id3cXE Link3: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Kulikovo#/media/File:Peresv_b.jpg
VIDEO 1: One of the "flocks" of 5-second video abstractions produced by Scott Draves and the Electric Sheep, slowed down (Link1) VIDEO 2: Clip from 1962 "The Innocent Fair," documentary about San Francisco 1915 Panama Pacific International Exposition (Link2) MUSIC: Extract from song "Sacred Spaces" from 2018 album 'Sanctus' by Andorran musician Igniael (Link3) Link1: archive.org/details/electricsheep-flock-244-32500-3 Link2: archive.org/details/AFInnocentFair Link3: archive.org/details/khm0060-sanctus
SOURCES: VIDEO: Clips from Russian TV feature "Военная приемка. «От Т-50 к Су-57» Часть 1" (Link1; trans: 'Military acceptance. From T-50 to Su-57. Part 1') BACKGROUND IMAGE: Photo of bottom of Su-57 with new camouflage scheme (Link2) MUSIC: National Anthem of USSR, composed 1944, performed by the Red Army Chorus (Link3) Link1: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zvy9yXxI6U4 Link2: www.reddit.com/r/MilitaryPorn/comments/8g6jif/su57_t50_pakfa_1500x985/ Link3: www.youtube.com/watch?v=U06jlgpMtQs
SOURCES VIDEO: Striptease stair dance from 1941 British film "The Next of Kin" (Link1) VIDEO & BACKGROUND IMAGE: 2018 RT documentary "My Mother Sold Me," about girls sold into prostitution by their families in Cambodia (Link2) MUSIC: "Fantasia Part 1" from varzuela (operetta) 'El puñao de rosas' composed in 1902 by Spanish composer Ruperto Chapi (Link3; trans: 'A Bunch of Roses') Link1: archive.org/details/TheNextOfKin_201812 Link2: www.rt.com/news/441371-cambodia-girls-sex-workers-rt-documentary/ Link3: imslp.org/wiki/Special:ReverseLookup/552460br> December 15, 2018
VIDEO: Extracts from feature on Russian TV, "Orange mood: how to choose the mandarins" with colors inverted (Link1) MUSIC: Song "Emilia" from 2018 album 'Destajo' (trans: 'Piecework) by Argentinian musician Omar Grandoso (Link2) BACKGROUND IMAGE: Scene from 1985 Steven Spielberg film "The Color Purple." based on novel by Alice Walker (Link3) Link1: www.ntv.ru/video/1673481 Link2: archive.org/details/093-Omar_Grandoso-Destajo Link3: www.hercampus.com/school/cau/13-black-movies-you-must-watch-culture/color-purplebr> December 13, 2018
SOURCES FIRST VIDEO VIDEO & MUSIC: From 1942 English film "In Which We Serve." Noel Coward wrote the script and starred in the film. He also composed the music. The film tells the story of a destroyer from boatyard launch to sinking. This is the opening collage showing the construction. Link1:www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZkdpLFl2Jc SOURCES SECOND VIDEO VIDEO & AUDIO: From 1942 English film, "In Which We Serve." Noel Coward starred as captain of the destroyer HMS Torrin. The story is based on the real-life sinking of a ship commanded by Lord Louis Mountbatten. The speech in the film is based on what Mountbatten said to the remaining crew. BACKGROUND IMAGE: Mountbatten was European aristocracy and partied with the Romanovs. He is said to have kept an image of his boyhood crush, Maria, one of the Romanov children assassinated in 1918, on his bedside table his whole life. (Link2) Link1: www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZkdpLFl2Jc Link2: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Duchess_Maria_Nikolaevna_of_Russia_(1899%E2%80%931918)#/media/File:GrandDuchessMarie1915.jpg
VIDEO, BACKGROUND IMAGE & SOUND: 1941 British film "Target for Tonight," a docudrama about a night-time raid over Germany (Link1) MUSIC: Extract from Song "Away from Old Self" from the 2018 album 'Life Tracks' by the Cleveland-based band Stark's Pond (Link2) Link1: archive.org/details/TARGETFORTONIGHTVideoAndAudioUpgrade Link2: archive.org/details/starks-pond-life-track
MUSIC: "Ubi Caritas [et Amor]" setting by Carlotta Ferrari of early Christian hymn. Performed Nov. 4, 2018 in Koog aan de Zaan, Holland (Link1; translation: 'Where charity and love, there is God') It is not clear who wrote the poem. Ferrari identifies the "librettist" as the 8th century churchman Paulinus, who handled church-state affairs with/for Charlemagne and his son Pepin. Wikipedia offers this translation: Where charity and love are, God is there. Christ's love has gathered us into one. Let us rejoice and be pleased in Him. Let us fear, and let us love the living God. And may we love each other with a sincere heart. Where charity and love are, God is there. As we are gathered into one body, Beware, lest we be divided in mind. Let evil impulses stop, let controversy cease, And may Christ our God be in our midst. Where charity and love are, God is there. And may we with the saints also, See Thy face in glory, O Christ our God: The joy that is immense and good, Unto the ages through infinite ages. Amen. Personal note: the call for charity and love and the prayer that we "love each other with a sincere heart" are relevant today. VIDEO and BACKGROUND IMAGE: Flying scenes from 1942 Air Force recruiting film "Winning Your Wings" by Warner Brothers (Link2) Link1: imslp.org/wiki/Special:ReverseLookup/551619 Link2: www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrVVFWIHznM
IMAGE: Studio portraits of unidentified people from collection of photographer Amadeo León in a small city in the Venezuelan Andes (Pic1: Link1; Pic2: Link2, Link3) Link1: www.flickr.com/photos/bocono/41846879914/ Link2: www.flickr.com/photos/bocono/42569858751/ Link3: www.flickr.com/photos/bocono/40761499140/
MUSIC: "La Vida Orca" from album of the same name on the label Jazzaria (Link 1) BACKGROUND VIDEO 1: Collage of bus scenes shot by Bob Moore BACKGROUND VIDEO 2: Russian automatic potato harvester scene, source unknown. TEXT: Names of relatives present or [absent] at Thanksgiving celebration. Link1: archive.org/details/la-vida-orca; from notes: "Seaside beneath waves, living la vida orca. Whales with teeth, eating anything beneath, living la vida orca. Swimming with kin, vocalizing above the din, living la vida orca. Though here for today, it may not always be that way, living la vida orca. "
Or, in English:
"To obey seriously harms your health and that of those around you. To obey causes the disappearance of freedom. Obeying can lead to a slow and painful death. Delegating one's power increases social inequalities. Power creates a strong dependency, do not start. Power can hurt people and exploit their credulity. The followers die prematurely. Protect the children: do not make them listen to the mediocratic propaganda."
VIDEO: Escalator at National Institute of Health subway stop, shot by me. IMAGES: - Bank vault door and Mormon sculpture from Smithsonian American History Museum, shot by me. - Family photo shot by nephew Ed. MUSIC: "Obéir Tue" (Obedience Kills) from album 'Dernier Mise a Jour' (Latest Update) by French anarchist group La 6eme Republique (Link1) Link1: archive.org/details/La_6Eme_REpublique_DerniEre_Mise_A_Jour
FOREGROUND VIDEO: Clip from 1981 Russian film "СОБАКА БАСКЕРВИЛЕЙ" (Link1; trans: 'Dog of Baskervilles') retelling of Sherlock Holmes story. MUSIC: Song "Of the Refrain" from album 'Room 101' by R.U.R. (Link2) BACKGROUND IMAGE: Studio portrait of unidentified woman from collection of photographer Amadeo León in a small city in the Venezuelan Andes (Link3) BACKGROUND VIDEO: Clip of Russian video from RT.COM showing "Watch Russia's Su-57 fifth-generation fighter jet up close in refuel test-flight" (Link4) Link1: archive.org/details/floxul1_yahoo_20171202 Link2: archive.org/details/room101_rur Link3: www.flickr.com/photos/bocono/42563048272 Link4: www.rt.com/russia/444281-russian-su-57-refueling-flight/
SOURCES VIDEO: Clip from Russian News Agency Tass "Russian nuclear submarine successfully test fires Kalibr cruise missile" (Link1) BACKGROUND IMAGE: Studio portrait of unidentified girl from collection of photographer Amadeo León (1903-2004) in a small city in the Venezuelan Andes (Link2) MUSIC: Song "Thunder of Many Waters" from 2018 album 'Psaltere' by Midwestern U.S. group The Stoudion (Link3) Link1: tass.com/defense/960882 Link2: www.flickr.com/photos/bocono/27745051937 Link3: archive.org/details/sfs001
See text.
SOURCES VIDEO: Clip from the 1967 sci-fi film "They Came from Beyond Space" (Link1) MUSIC: Song "Nude/Freedom" from 2011 album "Oceanide" by Andorran musician Igniael (Link2) Link1: archive.org/details/THEYREBACKATTHEBIJOUdoubleFeature Link2: archive.org/details/khst0059-oceanide-original
SOURCES: VIDEO & IMAGE: by Bob Moore MUSIC: Extract of song "Vibrato Chicano" from Yahi's 2018 album "Ultramar" (Link1) Quote from Barbara Ehrenreich's 2018 book "Natural Causes: An Epidemic of Wellness, the Certainty of Dying, and Killing Ourselves to Live Longer" (Link2) Link1: archive.org/details/YahiUltramar Link2: www.nytimes.com/2018/06/11/books/review/barbara-ehrenreich-natural-causes.html
SOURCES VIDEO & AUDIO: Extract from 1995 documentary "Yelhou Jagoi" (Link1) showing dances at a ceremony in the Indian state of Manipur. Link1: archive.org/details/IGNCA.Yelhou.Jagoi#
SOURCES IMAGES: Illustrations by artist Frank Craig from 1916 novel "The Girl Philippa" by Robert Chambers (Link1) MUSIC: "Il paradiso di Dio" 2017 composition for organ and chorus performed by composer Carlotta Ferrari and Harvard University Choir (Link2; trans: 'The Paradise of God is the heart of man') Link1: archive.org/details/girlphilippa00cham Link2: imslp.org/wiki/Special:ReverseLookup/547497
SOURCES VIDEO: Egyptian flashback from 2017 film "The Mummy" (Link1) IMAGE: Illustration from Rosicrucian advertisement from 1946 edition of "Short Stories" (Link2). Various digital filters are applied to the image. Headline reads: "DESPAIR; Are You in the Clutches of Insecurity?" MUSIC: Debussy's "Clair de Lune" interpreted 2018 by Le Blue Monkey Sax Quartet (Link3) Link1: archive.org/details/CalaveraTieneHambre Link2: archive.org/details/ShortStoriesV195N0619460625 Link3: imslp.org/wiki/Special:ReverseLookup/390481
PHOTOS & BACKGROUND IMAGE: by Bob Moore MUSIC: Song "(1441)" by Eggshell Goblin (Link1); "Vocal experimentation made on April 14th 2018 with family friends and my parents in the next room" Link1: archive.org/details/PILOTELEVEN_016
SOURCES VIDEO: Scene from 1943 film "Lady of Burlesque," based on novel "The G-String Murders" by Gypsy Rose Lee, starring Barbara Stanwyck. (Link1) The film's copyright lapsed in 1971, and sub-optimal copies have been circulating. In this one, the sound is muddy and out of synch with the picture. BACKGROUND IMAGE: - Photo of 17-year-old Barbara Stanwyck as member of Ziegfeld Follies burlesque (Link2) = Illustrations of chrome tools from 1937 catalog "Herbrand Van-Chrome Tools" (Link3) = Photo of foliage from 1975 "Ukiah [California] Field Office draft resource management plan" (Link4) Link1: archive.org/details/LadyOfBurlesqueImageQualityUpgrade Link2: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Barbara_Stanwyck,_Ziegfeld_girl,_by_Alfred_Cheney_Johnston,_ca._1924.jpg Link3: archive.org/details/HerbrandCatalog50M1937 Link4: archive.org/details/ukiahfieldoffice02unse Audio reads: "DIXIE: Wait a minute... I'm not exactly used to making speeches It isn't my beautiful diction that got me this job in burlesque. But here goes. This murderer seems to have done pretty well with what he tried to do -- close the old opera. First, he pulled the raid, and when that wasn't enough he really started putting on the pressure. Now it looks like he's going to get what he wants. And damned if I'm for letting him get away with it. (And damned if I'm sticking around and get strangled with my own beadwork!) I've left a lot of jobs in my time. but I always stuck until the last kick in the pants if the job was worth having. And I'm not going to be scared out of the best job I ever had by a couple of ghosts. We're all stockholders, aren't we? We got a right to protect our property! We've got a stake in seeing that the Owen Opera keeps going. You know, once I thought I wanted to get out of burlesque Now I'm not so sure. Maybe I'm not so snooty anymore. Maybe I just want to stick around with GG and Alice and Archie and Jake and Sammy and Alice and Randy and -- Come on! Who's going to be the first to chip in with me? I'll be in, Dixie. We'll stick in and stick. And stick. Allright, you're all bats but I guess I'll be bats with you. (hubbub)"
VIDEO: Elevator footage shot by Bob Moore MUSIC: "Chaconne," improvisation from Shuwen Zhang's "Musical Diaries 2018" recorded on September 25, 2018 (Link1) Link1: imslp.org/wiki/Musical_Diaries_2018_(Zhang,_Shuwen)#IMSLP546499 Permalink: imslp.org/wiki/Special:ReverseLookup/541047
SOURCES PHOTOS: Transplanted street graffiti by Bob Moore MUSIC: "Lament," improvisation from Shuwen Zhang's "Musical Diaries 2018" recorded on September 11, 2018 (Link1) Link1: imslp.org/wiki/Musical_Diaries_2018_(Zhang,_Shuwen)#IMSLP546402 Permalink: imslp.org/wiki/Special:ReverseLookup/541047
SOURCES: MUSIC: 2018 Song for organ and voice "O nobilissima viriditas" by Carlotta Ferrari (Link1) BACKGROUND IMAGE: - 17th century wood and leather table top from 1907 "L'art ancien au pays de Liège" (Link2; trans: 'The ancient art of Liege [Belgium]) - Portrait of Jewish woman from 1902 "Le Maroc: d'aujourd'hui, d'hier et de demain" (Link3; trans: 'Morocco: today, yesterday and tomorrow') - Vases from 1915 "Aegean archæology; an introduction to the archaeology of prehistoric Greece" (Link4) VIDEO: Footage shot by Bob Moore in Upper Peninsula, Michigan. Link1: imslp.org/wiki/Special:ReverseLookup/545664 Link2: archive.org/details/gri_33125016426138 Link3: archive.org/details/gri_33125009701984 Link4: archive.org/details/gri_33125008391340
SOURCES VIDEO: Bus footage shot by Bob Moore along Walnut Street, Philadelphia BACKGROUND IMAGE: Two superimposed photos taken during stroll down Moravian Alley. MUSIC: "Di quella pira" aria from Verdi's opera "Il Trovatore" sung in 1911 by Giovanni Zenatello (Link1). The setting is that Manrico has just learned that his mother is going to be burned at the stake and he resolves to save her "from that pyre." Link1: archive.org/details/ZenatelloTroubadourColumbia
SOURCES VIDEO: Sidewalk sequence by Bob Moore, Capital One Cafe, 12th & Walnut MUSIC: Extract from "La Symphonie des Abysses" on album "Achéron" by Igniael (Link1) BACKGROUND IMAGE: - Leather scraps from store windows display, photo by Bob Moore - Reflection of wallpaper on plumbing, photo by Bob Moore Link1: archive.org/details/khmst0057-Acheron
SOURCES VIDEO: Scene from 1942 propaganda movie "Flying Tigers" with John Carroll and Anna Lee about American fliers fighting Japanese invaders of China (Link1) MUSIC: Song "A Lonely Place" from 2018 electronic album "City of Industry: Cruel Devices" by Antonio Bizarro (Link2) BACKGROUND IMAGE: - View of school in Madagascar from 1900 travel book "Le Colon" (Link 3; trans: 'The Colonies') - Bones of Northern Bottlenose Whale from 1893 "Anales del Museo de La Plata. Sección zoológica" (Link4: trans: 'Annals of the Museum of La Plata [Argentina]. Zoological section') Link1: archive.org/details/FlyingTigers1942 Link2: archive.org/details/enrmp428_antonio_bizarro_-_city_of_industry__cruel_devices Link3: archive.org/details/gri_33125008984458 Link4: archive.org/details/analesdelmuseod3museb
SOURCES VIDEO: 2018 performance by artist Nina Paley reading her "Prayer for Artists" (Link1). Paley is known for her "Copying is Not Theft" campaign (Link2) MUSIC: "My Feeling," a song from the 2018 album "Bloom" by the Colombian band MALA (Link3) BACKGROUND IMAGE: - Illustration showing prehistoric statues of women from 1925 "La Magie dans L'Egypte Antique" (Link4; trans: 'Magic in Ancient Egypt') - Textile from 9th-10th century Russia, from "Iliustrovana istoriia Ukraïny"(Link5; trans: 'Illustration History of Ukraine') - Colors from 2008 "La Psicología del Color" by Eva Heller (Link6, trans: 'The Psychology of Color') Link1: archive.org/details/NinaPaleysPrayerForArtists Link2: blog.ninapaley.com/2010/04/07/copying-is-not-theft-best/ Link3: archive.org/details/MNF030_MALA--Bloom/04_MALA Link4: archive.org/details/Lexa_3_1925 Link5: archive.org/details/iliustrovanaisto00hrus_0 Link6: archive.org/details/894dc64bFa88473590e3Add8b1b5b274/pa Here is the text of her tongue-in-teeth prayer: Our idea, which art in the ether that cannot be named, thy vision come, thy will be done on earth as it is in abstraction. Give us this day our daily spark and forgive us our criticisms as we forgive those who critique against us. And lead us not into stagnation but deliver us from ego for thine is the vision, the power and the glory forever. Amen.
SOURCES MUSIC: "Morning Scherzo" from 'Musical Diaries: 2018' by Chinese composer Shuwen Zhang (Link1) BACKGROUND IMAGE: - Map of Rhine River from 1877 "The earth; a descriptive history of the phenomena of the life of the globe" (Link2) - 8th century Swedish ornament from 2014 "Religion Und Mythologie Der Germanen" (Link3; trans: 'Religion and Mythology of the Germans') Link1: imslp.org/wiki/Special:ReverseLookup/542074 Link2: archive.org/details/earthdescriptive02recl Link3: archive.org/details/RudolfSimekReligionUndMythologieDerGermanen/page/n269
SOURCES MUSIC: "Trapped," a song from the 2018 album "Bloom" by the Colombian band MALA (Link1) ORNAMENT: Pedal shape from custom Photoshop shape package, source unknown. BACKGROUND IMAGE - Photo from 1953 "Weegee's Secrets Of Shooting With Photoflash" captioned "Air conditioned dreams ... tenement fire escape on a hot night." (Link2) - Color chart from 1910 "Halbwollfarben für Kleiderfärber = Couleurs sur mi-laine pour teinturiers-dégraisseurs" (Link3; trans: 'Half wool colors for clothes dyers = Mid-wool colors for dyers-degreasers') - Stamp Box Cover Designs from "Copper work : a text book for teachers and students in the manual arts" (Link4) - Illustration from "Die Schmetterlinge in Abbildungen : nach der Natur mit Beschriebungen Europäische Gattungen" (Link5; trans: 'The butterflies in pictures: after nature with descriptions European genera') Link1: archive.org/details/MNF030_MALA--Bloom/06_MALA_-_Trapped.mp3 Link2: archive.org/details/wgPhotoflash Link3: archive.org/details/halbwollfarbenfu00farb Link4: archive.org/details/copperworktextbo00rose Link5: archive.org/details/schmetterlingeapt1bespea
SOURCES VIDEO: Opening scenes from 2010 Turkish television drama "Fatmagül'ün Suçu Ne?" (Link1; trans: 'What is Fatmagül's fault?') BACKGROUND IMAGE: - Textile samples from 1929 "Teintures solides à la lumière sur étoffe pour dames" (Link2; trans: 'Dyeings fast to light on ladies dress-material') - Decorative silver hanging from "Disegni diversi inventati e delineati da Giovanni Giardini da Forlí" (Link3; trans: 'Different designs invented and outlined by Giovanni Giardini da Forlí') - Spider web from 1894 children's book "Animal Sketches" (Link4) SYMBOL: From Listemageren's dingbat font "Mexican Ornaments) (Link5) MUSIC: Extract from 2010 "Prelude" by Chinese composer Shuwen Zhang performed by the composer (Link6) Link1: archive.org/details/Staxti22 Link2: archive.org/details/teinturessolides00jrge Link3: archive.org/details/gri_33125008675809 Link4: archive.org/details/animalsketches00morg Link5: www.dafont.com/mexican-ornaments.font Link6: imslp.org/wiki/Special:ReverseLookup/544645
SOURCES VIDEO Extract from 1939 Disney cartoon "Gulliver's Travel" (Link1) SOUND Concrete music by Federico Dal Pozzo on Untitled album (Link2) BACKGROUND IMAGE - 15th century playing cards from Lyon, France, from 1906 French "Les cartes à jouer du XIV au XX siècle" (Link3, trans: 'Playing cards from XIV to XX century') - Illustration of Walruses Fighting from 1891 "Animal Sketches" by C. Morgan (Link4) COLOR Colors from 2008 "La Psicología del Color" by Eva Heller (Link5, trans: 'The Psychology of Color') which presents color schemes associated with emotional states, in this case "La lejania" (trans: 'Remoteness') Link1: archive.org/details/BBOGulliversTravels1939 Link2: archive.org/details/eg0_190 Link3: archive.org/details/gri_33125008542041 Link4: archive.org/details/animalsketches00morg Link5: archive.org/details/894dc64bFa88473590e3Add8b1b5b274/pa
SOURCES VIDEO & SOUND: Scene from 1964 gothic horror film "Bloody Pit of Horror" starring Mickey Hargitay as "The Crimson Executioner" (Link1) MUSIC: Extract from 2018 song "Nyonyon Rangda" by Balinese group Gabber Modus Operandi on album "PuxxxImaxx" (Link2) BACKGROUND IMAGE: Two overlapping illustrations from 1914 "The art work of Louis C. Tiffany" (Link3) Link1: archive.org/details/BBOBloodyPitOfHorror1965# Link2: archive.org/details/yesno091 Link3: archive.org/details/artworkoflouisct00unse
SOURCES VIDEO EXTRACTS - Extract from promo trailer for 1958 horror film "Terror in the Haunted House" (Link1) - Extract from 1921 French documentary "Famine in Russia" (Link2) FONT "Terror Babble" font by Dan Zadorozny of Iconian Fonts (Link3) COMIC PANEL Frame from comic "Real Scary Stories" by Brian McFadden (Link4) BACKGROUND ILLUSTRATION - Studio photo of actor Conchita Montenegro from 1931 "Motion Picture" magazine (Link5) - Color samples of dye from 1920 "Tragechte Färbungen auf gemusterten Herrenstoffen" (Link6; trans: 'Wearing dyes on patterned men's fabrics'_ Link1: archive.org/details/Week101 Link2: archive.org/details/youtube-EgUHqH3soQM Link3: www.dafont.com/terror-babble.font Link4: brianmcfadden.org/2018/10/03/real-scary-stories/ Link5: archive.org/details/motion-picture-1931-12 Link6: archive.org/details/tragechtefarbung00inte/page/n0
SOURCES VIDEO & AUDIO: Performance (musicians not identified) uploaded by choksimanajemen on Indonesian Nurindu You-Tube channel (Link1) BACKGROUND IMAGE: - Illustration from undated Russian children's book "Отважный охотник Финлей" (Link2, trans: 'The Brave Hunter Finley') - Illustration from 1906 "Les cartes à jouer du XIV au XX siècle" (Link3, trans: 'Playing Cards from XIV to XX century') Link1: ia601506.us.archive.org/27/items/VLDP_33/33.MP4 Link2: archive.org/details/Diafilm_RGDB5_OtvazhnyyohotnikFinley Link3: archive.org/details/gri_33125008542041
SOURCES VIDEO: Game-play recording from 2011 action role-playing videogame "Dark Souls", recorded by Duke of the Bump (Link1) BACKGROUND IMAGE: - Illustration from undated "An Introduction on the Carpets of Iran: Bijar Rugs" (Link2) - Illustration of male pelvic area from 1851 "Surgical Anatomy" (Link3) MUSIC: Extract from 2018 song "Zenofoby" by Black Boss (Link4) Link1: archive.org/details/DukePlaysDarkSouls_01 Link2: archive.org/details/Bijarvol2 Link3: archive.org/details/gri_33125010894851 Link4: archive.org/details/SPUTNIKRECORDS042
SOURCES VIDEO: "People Falling Down Stairs," video uploaded to YouTube in 2010 by Norizzleonfire (Link1) MUSIC: Extract from "Starlight," song from 2018 album "Simultaneous Eon" by Fascinating Earthbound Objects (Link2) BACKGROUND IMAGE: - Illustration of women descending staircase from 1972 Russian children's story "Пляшущие человечки" (Link3, trans: 'Dancing Men') - Illustration of card-makers' marks from 1906 French "Les cartes à jouer du XIV au XX siècle" (Link4, trans: 'Playing cards from XIV to XX century') Link1: www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWo2WdJgWIE Link2: archive.org/details/nvr052/fascinating_earthbound_objects-02-starlight Link3: archive.org/details/Diafilm_RGDB5_Plyashuschiechelovechki1972 Link4: archive.org/details/gri_33125008542041
SOURCES VIDEO & MUSIC: "Cataclysm Abyssal Seahorse Underwater Mount" demo video for game-playing device in MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) "World of Warcraft" (Link1) BACKGROUND IMAGE: - Image of sea shells from 1889 "Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria" (Link2) - Image of dancers clad in Playtex "Pink-Ice" girdles, shown encased in ice block, from 1949 "Today's Woman" (Link3) Link1: archive.org/details/youtube-Sy6aQgzUpQ0 Link2: archive.org/details/proceedingsroya78roya Link3: archive.org/details/TodaysWomanV21N121194911
SOURCES VIDEO: Extract from 1919 silent film "The End of the Road," shown in library lecture on sex education (Link1). Described in Link2. MUSIC: Song "Sophia" from 2018 album "Ab Uno" by Metaformam, using modular synths, field recording, baritone saxophone, electric organ (Link3) Link1: archive.org/details/tpctvmd-Vintage_Movie_Night Link2: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_End_of_the_Road_(1919_film) Link3: archive.org/details/mhrk202
SOURCES FONT: "Traveling Typewriter" by Danish artist Carl Krull (Link1) BACKGROUND IMAGE: - Drawing by J.B. Huet from 190? "Nouvelles collections du Musée des arts décoratifs" (Link2) - Illustration to story "I thought I'd Die" from September 1948 edition of "New Detective" (Link3) MUSIC: "Timeless" 2017 composition for double bass and violin performed 2018 by composer and Xavi García Morató (Link4) Link1: www.dafont.com/font-comment.php?file=traveling_typewriter Link2: archive.org/details/gri_33125001109517 Link3: archive.org/details/NewDetectiveV12N01194809 Link4: imslp.org/wiki/Timeless_(Chiva_Sanz,_Daniel)#IMSLP542470 (Permalink: imslp.org/wiki/Special:ReverseLookup/542470)
SOURCES See animation.
SOURCES MUSIC: 2014 composition by Davide Verotta for Cello "Knee-Deep" performed 2018 by Maksim Velichkin. (Link1) Link1: imslp.org/wiki/Knee-Deep_(Verotta,_Davide)#IMSLP540106 Perma-Link: imslp.org/wiki/Special:ReverseLookup/540106
SOURCES VIDEO: Excerpt from 1923 silent film "Three Ages" starring Buster Keaton (Link1) MUSIC: Excerpt from "36 Miles Remix" on album "Five Senses Remixes" by Marc Burt (Link2) BACKGROUND IMAGE: - Illustration from 1850 "Phrenology explained and exemplified" (Link3) - Illustration from 1982 issue of "The Fossil collector bulletin" (Link4) Link1: archive.org/details/Silent_ThreeAges_1923 Link2: archive.org/details/tou342 Link3: archive.org/details/b30363408 Link4: archive.org/details/fossilcollector00fossg
SOURCES: See animation.
SOURCES VIDEO: Extract from undated "An Unorganized History of Stag Films, Volume 4," compiled by Anonymous (Link1) MUSIC: "Méditation sur le Premier Prélude de Piano de S. Bach (Ave Maria)" composed 1853 by Charles Gounod, Arrangement for Soprano, Brass quartet and Organ, performed 2018 by Guido Alici (Link2) BACKGROUND IMAGE: - Cover image from 1960 "Creacion, Paraiso y Pecado Original Segun Genesis" (Link3, trans: 'Creation, Paradise and Original Sin According to Genesis') - Reclining woman, from 1928 re-issue of "Amis de Crime" by Marquis de Sade (Link4, trans: 'Crime Friends') - House photo from Summer 2012 issue of "Vermont Life" (Link5) Link1: archive.org/details/STAGDNEW Link2: imslp.org/wiki/Special:ReverseLookup/540777 Link3: archive.org/details/H.RENCKENSCREACIONPARAISOYPECADOORIGINALSEGUNGENESIS13 Link4: archive.org/details/b20442026 Link5: archive.org/details/rbmsbk_ap2-v4_2012_V66N4 The silent movie had three text titles:
1. Two little maids who miss spares; 2. When we lack spare parts we manage as we can; 3. Do not be embarrassed. (Spoken by the man in the final scenes.)
SOURCES VIDEO: San Francisco 1905 earthquake scene from 1945 movie "Flame of Barbary Coast" (Link1) BACKGROUND IMAGE: - Textile design from 1985 Russian children's book "Твоя книжка" (Link2; trans: 'Your Book') = Girl carrying pail from 1985 Russian children's book "Не мешайте мне трудиться" (Link3; trans: 'Do not bother me working') - Illustration of immune cells for 2018 article "Neutrophils Changed Appearance with a New Heart" (Link4) - Illustration from undated book "Moderne Textilkunst" (Link5: 'Modern Textile Art') SIGN-OFF LOGO: Extract from June, 1950 episode of children's variety show "Howdy Doody" (Link6) Link1: archive.org/details/fobc110191171 Link2: archive.org/details/B-001-028-117-ALL Link3: archive.org/details/B-001-028-112-ALL Link4: archive.org/details/brr-1-105 Link5: archive.org/details/modernetextilkun00haeb_0 Link6: archive.org/details/HowdyDoody19June1950
SOURCES VIDEO: Train crash sequence from 1952 movie "The Greatest Show on Earth" directed by Cecil B. DeMille (Link1) BACKGROUND IMAGE: - Illustration of seasons from 2012 issue of "Vermont Life" (Link2) - Illustration of bas relief procession from 1980 "Egyptian Art In The Days Of The Pharaohs" (Link3) - Representative trilobites from 1980 issue of Australian periodical "The Fossil Collector Bulletin" (Link4) SIGN-OFF LOGO: Extract from June, 1950 episode of children's variety show "Howdy Doody" (Link5) Link1: archive.org/details/TheGreatestShowOnEarth1952_201809 Link2: archive.org/details/rbmsbk_ap2-v4_2012_V67N1 Link3: archive.org/details/EgyptianArtInTheDaysOfThePharaohs3100320BCWorldOfArtEbook Link4: archive.org/details/fossilcollector00foss Link5: archive.org/details/HowdyDoody19June1950
SOURCES VIDEO: Extracts from 1947 film noir "Desperate" (Link1) BACKGROUND IMAGE: - Illustration from 1983 "Сказки" (Link2; trans: 'Fairy Tales') - Illustration from undated book "Ecstasy Through Tantra" (Link3) - Two textile patterns from 1902 "Internationale Ausstellung für moderne dekorative Kunst in Turin" (Link4: trans: 'International Modern Decorative Arts Exhibition in Turin') - Illustration "A Japanese Madonna" from 1923 "The woman and the leaven in Japan" (Link5) SIGN-OFF LOGO: Extract from June, 1950 episode of children's variety show "Howdy Doody" (Link6) Link1: archive.org/details/Desperate47 Link2: archive.org/details/B-001-028-064-ALL Link3: archive.org/details/jonn-Mumford-Ecstasy-Through-Tantra Link4: archive.org/details/gri_33125000837456 Link5: archive.org/details/leaven_in_japan Link6: archive.org/details/HowdyDoody19June1950
SOURCES VIDEO & MUSIC: Opening of 1987 videotape performance of dance-drama "Sangai - Dancing Deer of Manipur." (Link1) The sangai is an endemic and endangered subspecies of brow-antlered deer found only in Manipur, India. BACKGROUND IMAGE: Two walnut table radios from 1937 catalog of Allied Radio Catalog (Link2) Link1: archive.org/details/pli.sangeet.Sangai# Link2: archive.org/details/AlliedRadioCatalog1937
SOURCES VIDEO: Extract (Link1) from French film-maker Claude Lelouch's prize-winning 17-minute documentary (Link2) of life in Iran in 1971, before the Islamic Revolution of 1979. BACKGROUND IMAGE: - Panels from 1910 "Eighteenth century architectural ornamentation : furniture and decoration" (Link3) - Two drawings from 1779 "Nouveau recueil d'ostéologie et de myologie : dessiné d'après nature" (Link4; trans: 'New collection of osteology and myology: drawn from nature') - Cover image from 2018 "Kumar" magazine (Link5) SIGN-OFF LOGO: Extract from June, 1950 episode of children's variety show "Howdy Doody" (Link6) Link1: archive.org/details/Iran1971ClaudeLelouch Link2: www.youtube.com/watch?v=8M8GwEjw8Ts Link3: archive.org/details/gri_33125010963888 Link4: archive.org/details/gri_33125008676153 Link5: archive.org/details/Kumar1088 Link6: archive.org/details/HowdyDoody19June1950
SOURCES VIDEO: Scene from 1936 pro-union film "Riff Raff" starring Spencer Tracy and Jean Harlow, directed by J. Walter Ruben (Link1) BACKGROUND: Computer-generated image (or "Flock") by Scott Draves and the Electric Sheep (Link2) Link1: archive.org/details/Riffraff1936 Link2: archive.org/details/electricsheep-flock-247-30000-9
SOURCES: VIDEO: Extract from June, 1950 episode of children's variety show "Howdy Doody" (Link1). Each show began with host ("Buffalo Bob") asking, 'Say kids, what time is it?' and the kids (seated in a "Peanut Gallery") yelled back in unison, 'It's Howdy Doody Time!' Then the kids sang the show's theme song (set to the tune of 'Ta-ra-ra Boom-de-ay'). The show ran from 1947 to 1960. Link1: archive.org/details/HowdyDoody19June1950
SOURCES VIDEO: Extracts from producer Carl Laemmle's 1929 "Hell's Heroes" (Link1) MUSIC: 2018 song "Sanctuary Of The Sky Gods" by Aberdeen(Scotland)-based Nathaniel Wyvern (Link2) BACKGROUND IMAGE: - Image from "La belle au bois dormant : féerie chantée en 19 tableaux lumineux" (Link3; trans: 'The sleeping beauty: fairy sung in 19 light paintings') - Image of octopus from 1932 "Zoology, a textbook for college and university students" (Link4) - Easter Island statues image from "Gardner's Art through the Ages" (Link5) - Coins from 1911 numismatic magazine "Adams Brand Plates" (Link6) Link1: archive.org/details/HellsHeroes29 Link2: freemusicarchive.org/music/Nathaniel_Wyvern/ Link3: archive.org/details/McGillLibrary-rbsc-belle-bois-dormant_folio_M1523V58B41902-18525 Link4: archive.org/details/zoologytextbookf00chid Link5: archive.org/details/GARDNERSARTTHROUGHTHEAGESAGLOBALHISTORYENHANCEDTHIRTEENTHEDITIONFREDS.KLEINER_201808 Link6: https://archive.org/details/AdamsBrandPlates
SOURCES VIDEO: The famous "hell sequence" from the 1935 "Dante's Inferno" (Link1). Director Harry Lachman was a respected painter before he moved to Hollywood. MUSIC: Soundtrack (uncredited) was by studio composer Reginald Bassett. Link1: archive.org/details/DantesInferno1935
SOURCES VIDEO AND AUDIO: Opening scene from 1952 film "Big Jim Mclain" featuring quotes from the poem "The Devil and Daniel Webster" by Stephen Vincent Benet (Link1) Link1: archive.org/details/BigJimMclain52
SOURCES VIDEO & SOUND: Extracts from 1957 movie "The D.I." [Drill Instructor] starring Jack Webb (Link1) BACKGROUND VIDEO: Video loop from "68 Vintage Fairlight VJ Loops" by Australians Jasper Cook and Kat Black, known as VJZoo (Link2) BACKGROUND IMAGE: - Illustration from 1885 "Nabatäische Inschriften aus Arabien" (Link3; trans: "Nabataean inscriptions from Arabia") - Cover design from 2018 "Kufar E Yazeed" (Link4) - Head from fountain sculpture from 1902 "Internationale Ausstellung für moderne dekorative Kunst in Turin" (Link5: trans: "International Modern Decorative Art Exhibition in Turin") - Cover image from 1986 "Mantra Et Diagrammes Rituels Dans L' Hindouisme" (Link6) Link1: archive.org/details/TheDI1957 Link2: archive.org/details/68_Vintage_Fairlight_VJ_Loops_by_VJzoo_smaller_versions Link3: archive.org/details/gri_33125015153493 Link4: archive.org/details/KufarEYazeed Link5: archive.horg/details/gri_33125000837456 Link6: archive.org/details/MantraEtDiagrammesRituelsDansLHindouismeParis1986TableRonde
SOURCES VIDEO CLIP Excerpt from 1960 German vampire movie "Et Mourir De Plaisir" (American title: "Blood and Roses") directed by Roger Vadim (Link1) MUSIC "Guitar Strut 1111" from 2018 album "Rom-Comm Mixtape" by Wisconsin-based Lorenzo's Music (Link2) IMAGE - Two images (hinges and cover plate) from 1885 "Eisenwerke; oder, Ornamentik der Schmiedekunst des Mittelalters und der Renaissance" (Link3; trans: 'Ironworks; or, ornamentation of blacksmithing of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance') - Tapestry of mounted knights from 1904 "Storia della Basilica di S. Maria Maggiore" (Link4; trans: 'History of the Basilica of S. Maria Maggiore' [in Rome]) Link1: archive.org/details/EtMourirDePlaisir1960 Link2: freemusicarchive.org/music/Lorenzos_Music/Rom-Comm_Mixtape Link3: archive.org/details/gri_33125013594284 Link4: archive.org/details/gri_33125015157882
SOURCES VIDEO CLIP: From 1928 silent film "Campus Carmen" by Mack Sennett studio, introducing Carole Lombard (Link1) MUSIC: Extract from 2016 "Buru Alleluia" by Nigerian Eke Chijindu Hedges's group, "Endless Praise Crew" (Link2) IMAGE: - "Mask Face Series 1-4" by Kamal Shah - "Windows of the Soul" by Yasir Ali, both pictured in "Diani Beach (Kenya) Art Gallery Contemporary African Art Catalogue" (Link3) - Chart of Ball and Roller Bearings from 1934 catalog of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Link4) Link1: archive.org/details/CampusCarmenCaroleLombard Link2: imslp.org/wiki/Special:ReverseLookup/536335 Link3: archive.org/details/DianiBeachArtGalleryContemporaryAfricanArtCatalogueEdition17Aug2018_20180814_1040 Link4: archive.org/details/Mechanical_201808
SOURCES VIDEO CLIP: "Complexity Hightech 2" by VJ LOOPS (Link1) MUSIC: Extract from 2018 song "Warriors of the Rainbow" by Indonesian group Samasthra (Link2) IMAGE: - Photo of two yachtsmen clinging to a tree as they watch their yacht destroyed, from 1954 issue of "Telephone Topics" (Link3) - Illustration of pattern from 1892 "Norman monuments of Palermo and environs, a study" (Link4) - Illustration of template from 189? "Die Praxis des Kunstschlossers : Vorlagen für einfache und reichere Kunstschmiedarbeiten" (Link5; trans: 'The practice of the art-maker: Templates for simple and richer works of art') HOPE POSTER: Image from dingbat font "OBEY REVOLUTION" by bobistheowl (Link6) Link1: archive.org/details/FREE_VJ_LOOPS-from_www.vjloops.tv Link2: archive.org/details/Samasthra Link3: archive.org/details/1954-09_TelephoneTopicsb Link4: archive.org/details/gri_33125010239826 Link5: archive.org/details/gri_33125015157643 Link6: www.dafont.com/bobistheowl.d1682
SOURCES VIDEO & SOUNDTRACK: Excerpt from 1945 French film "Une Fausse Alerte" (Link1; trans: "A False Alarm"). The cast included Black American expatriate Josephine Baker as Zasu, a cabaret owner. The film is an ordinary story of neighborly intrigue but is lit by Baker's brief role. It was filmed in 1940 and released in 1945, when Baker was in her 40's. It was renamed "The French Way" and released in American in 1952. My treatment of this film is aimed at restoration, not expression. It is dedicated to the memory of Baker, from St. Louis, Missouri, and to my hometown star, Detroiter Aretha Franklin. Link1: archive.org/details/UneFausseAlerte1945
SOURCES VIDEO: Excerpt from 1932 German comic film "Quick" with Hans Albers and Lilian Harvey (Link1) MUSIC: "Epic Song" by BoxCat Games, soundtrack ("chiptune") for video game "Nameless: The Hackers" (Link2) IMAGE: - Cover image from 2018 Punjabi book "ਹਰਾਮਦਾ (ਰੱਬ) - ਪ੍ਰੀਤ ਪ੍ਰੀਤਮ" (Link3; trans: "Harmada (God) - Love Preetam") - Painting from 1910 "Ignacio Zuloaga : 12 Kunstdrucke aus der "Jugend" (Link4; trans: "Ignacio Zuloaga: 12 art prints from the 'Youth'" - Illustration from 1907 "Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences" showing electron microscope images of coral (Link5) Link1: archive.org/details/QuickDeutschland1932SpielfilmKomoedieMitHansAlbers Link2: freemusicarchive.org/music/BoxCat_Games/Nameless_the_Hackers_RPG_Soundtrack/ Link3: archive.org/details/HaramdaRabbPreetPritam_201808 Link4: archive.org/details/gri_33125015157999 Link5: archive.org/details/proceedingscali00calic
SOURCES VIDEO: - NASA's 2018 "Three Years of Sun in Three Minutes," two images per day from the orbiting Solar Dynamics Observatory (Link1) - Excerpt from 2018 "EVE Universe: Origins," publicity trailer for online game (Link2) MUSIC: Carlotta Ferrari's 2018 organ composition "Toccata di durezze sopra Timebunt gentes" (Link2) IMAGE: Window in Antwerp from 1900 "Architektur des Auslandes: Belgien und Holland" (Link3) Link1: archive.org/details/NASASDOThreeYearsOfSunInThreeMinutes Link2: archive.org/details/EVEUniverseOrigins Link3: imslp.org/wiki/Special:ReverseLookup/535289 Link4: archive.org/details/gri_33125015157932
SOURCES VIDEO: - Shot of circular stairway in lighthouse from 1960 film "Tormented" (Link1) - Clip from Adam Jay's 2007 "Graffiti Loops for VJs" (Link2) MUSIC: - Opening of "Куклы", 2018 song by Russian-born Brooklyn-based Olga Bell (Link3; trans. "Dolls") IMAGE: - Display Cabinet with Nankin vases from 1903 "James Orrock, R. I., painter, connoisseur, collector" (Link4) - Photo from horror film, shown in 1997 "Video Watchdog" (Link5) - Image from 1995 "Milk" magazine of images produced by copy machines (Link6) Link1: archive.org/details/Tormented1960German Link2: archive.org/details/graffiti_loops_for_VJs Link3: archive.org/details/2018.08.09 Link4: archive.org/details/gri_33125015158005 Link5: archive.org/details/VideoWatchdog40Starbrite Link6: archive.org/details/MILKCompleteIssues2018
SOURCES VIDEO1: Scene from 1934 movie "Change of Heart" starring Charles Farrell and Janet Gaynor (Link1) VIDEO2: 2007 Video Jockey clip "Design Of Signage" by Tom Bassford (Link2) MUSIC: Song "Lazy Morning" from King Imagine's 2018 album "Next Nowhere.exe" (Link3) BACKGROUND IMAGE: - Acetate impression of plant epidermis from 1956 issue of "Great Lakes Botanist" (Link4) - Sculpture from 1870 picture book "The Albert Memorial" (Link5) - Glass doorknobs from 1926 catalog of Sargent Locks and Hardware (Link6) - Key cutter from 1927 catalog of "Locks and builders' hardware" (Link7) Link1: archive.org/details/sam6_hardwarexpress_1282# Link2: archive.org/details/DesignOfSignage Link3: archive.org/details/COTA014 Link4: archive.org/details/greatlakesbotan56micha Link5: archive.org/details/gri_33125015153667 Link6: archive.org/details/Bryce_201807 Link7: archive.org/details/Corbin_201807
SOURCES VIDEO: 1922 Silent film "Monte Cristo" starring John Gilbert, based on novel by Alexander Dumas (Link1) BACKGROUND VIDEO: "57 VJ Clips" by Mo Selle (Link2) MUSIC: Music from early video game, from 2018 "Video Game Music" compilation by Dan Lizard (Link3) BACKGROUND IMAGE: - Spoon set and engraving of painting "Madame Recamier" by Gerard from 1899 issue of "Woman's World" (Link4) - Hieroglyphics from 1865 "Die aegyptischen Denkmaeler in Miramar" (Link5; translation: The Egyptian Monuments in Miramar) - Illustration of house, from 1879 edition of "Carpentry and building" (Link6) Link1: archive.org/details/MyMovie_201807 Link2: archive.org/details/VJ_Clips_By_Mo_Selle_V.2 Link3: archive.org/details/videogamemusic_20180625 Link4: archive.org/details/WomansWorld1889 Link5: archive.org/details/gri_33125015153618 Link6: archive.org/details/carpentrybuildin4188unse
SOURCES VIDEO EXTRACT: Closing chase scene from 1958 film "The Whole Truth" with Stewart Granger (Link1) BACKGROUND IMAGE: - Hand-carved decorations on public stairway, from "Københavns Raadhus" (Link2, trans: "Copenhagen City Hall") - Diagram of parts from 1927 catalog of "Locks and builders' hardware" (Link3) BACKGROUND VIDEO: "57 VJ Clips" by Mo Selle (Link4) MUSIC: Song "Conversations with Thanatos" on album "Incantation #1: A Guide to Necromancy" by N. Fushigi (Link5) Link1: archive.org/details/1159154226# Link2: archive.org/details/gri_33125015153600 Link3: archive.org/details/Corbin_201807 Link4: archive.org/details/VJ_Clips_By_Mo_Selle_V.2 Link5: archive.org/details/WPTR-0007-Incantation-1
SOURCES VIDEO & SOUND: 2017 Performance by Khazakstani dancer Olga Meos at Bellarus Tribal Festival (Link1) BACKGROUND IMAGE: - Image of embroidery from 1889 issue of "Woman's World" (Link2) - Book binding from 1904 "Fifteenth and Sixteenth Century Ornaments" (Link3) - Carved wooden rosette from 1879 "Carpentry and building" (Link4) Link1: www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUGinrX_sDI Link2: archive.org/details/WomansWorld1889 Link3: archive.org/details/gri_33125000830873 Link4: archive.org/details/carpentrybuildin3188unse
SOURCES: VIDEO 1: Scene of marching Muslim soldiers in Jerusalem from 1924 German film "Nathan the Wise" (Link1) VIDEO 2: Abstract design from "Flock" #244 of artificial life designs by Scott Draves and the Electric Sheep MUSIC: "Prelude in D, Op. 32", 2018 composition by Marcello Severo (Link3) Link1: archive.org/details/NathanTheWisesilent Link2: archive.org/details/electricsheep-flock-244-32500-3/00244%3D33763%3D33763%3D33763.avi Link3: imslp.org/wiki/Special:ReverseLookup/533988
SOURCES: VIDEO & SOUNDTRACK: Extract from 2011 re-edit of out-takes from Ridley Scott's 1982 film "Bladerunner" by Rudolph Tress (Link1). Link1: archive.org/details/ANDROID_201411#
SOURCES: VIDEO: Video from REDDIT.COM, "Doggo Runs Away With a GoPro," 2018, unidentified source. (Link1) MUSIC: "Frog Legs Rag" by James Scott, from 1906 piano roll. (Link2) Link1: www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/92qa66/doggo_runs_away_with_a_gopro/ Link2: archive.org/details/kzz003
SOURCES: VIDEO: Video 1 (and Soundtrack): "Shadows of the Ancient Empire" 2011 video by Serena Ramzy Dance Company (Link1) Video 2: "Fluids" 1964 film by Stan VanderBeek (Link2) IMAGE: - Statue from July 2018 issue of "Heritager Tamil" (Link3) - Book cover from 1902 "Deutsche Schmelzarbeiten des Mittelalters und andere Kunstwerke der kunst-historischen Ausstellung Zu Düsseldorf 1902" (Link4: trans: "German smelting works of the Middle Ages and other works of art of the art-historical exhibition Zu Düsseldorf 1902" Link1: www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5BwgCeZ--w Link2: archive.org/details/1964StanVanDerBeekFluids1964 Link3: archive.org/details/HeritagerTamilJuly2018 Link4: archive.org/details/gri_33125009285970
SOURCES: MUSIC: 1968 poem "Tirallonga dels monosíl·labs" by Catalan poet Pere Quart (1899-1986), improvised by Barcelonan group "Zero de Conducta" in 2018. (Link1) VIDEO: 1952 Film Noir "The Thief" with Ray Milland. (Link2) IMAGE: - Charts from 1909 Finnish book on Hypnotism (Link3) - Electrical Utility Systems Board from 1933 "Sweet Engineering Catalogue" (Link4) Link1: archive.org/details/hr094 Link2: archive.org/details/TheThief1952 Link3: archive.org/details/HennigH.Hypnotismi1909 Link4: archive.org/details/SweetEngineeringCatalog
SOURCES: VIDEO & SOUND: Extracts from 1924 film by Fritz Lang, "Die Nibelungen" (Link1), retelling an old Norse sage. MUSIC: 2018 composition "Trio in twee delen" for oboe, violin, cello by Jacques Saldiën (Link2; translate "Trio in Two Parts") IMAGE: - 1817 painting by Henry Fuselli, "Kriemhild wirft sich auf den toten Siegfried" (Link3; translate "Kriemhild throws herself on the dead Siegfried") - "Siegfried's Death," illustration from 15th century Hundeshagenscher manuscript (Link4) - "The Death of Siegfreid," illustration from 15th century Nibelungenlied Manuscript-K (Link5) Link1: archive.org/details/1924NIbelungos02 Link2: imslp.org/wiki/Trio_in_twee_delen_(Saldi%C3%ABn,_Jacques)#IMSLP533192 Link3: commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=151177 Link4:commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Siegfrieds_Tod_rechts_neben_Siegfried_steht_sein_Moerder_Hagen_mit_dem_Bogen_Hundeshagenscher_Kodex.jpeg Link5: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigurd#/media/File:Nibelungenlied_manuscript-k.jpg
SOURCES VIDEO & SOUNDTRACK: Excerpt from 1980 martial arts film "The Sword" (Link1) MUSIC: Song "Mortuary Connection" from 2018 album "Incantation #1: A Guide to Necromancy" by N. Fushigi (Link2) IMAGE: - Fighting roosters from "Heritager Tamil July 2018" (Link3) - Cover design from 1923 catalog of "The Reading Line" Link4) Link1: archive.org/details/1751083947 Link2: archive.org/details/WPTR-0007-Incantation-1 Link3: archive.org/details/HeritagerTamilJuly2018 Link4: archive.org/details/ReadingLine
SOURCES: VIDEO & SOUNDTRACK: Classical dance piece (Odissi) performed 1988 by Vanashree Rao (Link1) MUSIC: 2014 "Improvisation 2" by Sebastian Buccheri's JazzDefector project (Link2) IMAGE: - Illustration from 2014 Indian assessment of tiger population (Link3) - Illustration of butterflies from 1890 "Lepidoptera indica" (Link4) Link1: archive.org/details/dni.ncaa.ICCR-431-VHS Link2: archive.org/details/SCM1802JazzdefectorImprovisations2014 Link3: archive.org/details/TigerStatusBookletXPS170115212 Link4: archive.org/details/lepidopteraindi1moor
SOURCES VIDEO AND SOUND: From 1969 Italian western "La collina degli stivali" (Link1: translation "Boot Hill") MUSIC: Samuel Ward's 1882 "America the Beautiful" arranged by Herbert S. Gardner for middle school chorus and piano (Link2). IMAGE: - Color samples from 1939 catalog of Glass products from Libbey, Owens, Ford (Link3) - Illustration of reproductive organs of beetles from 2011 "Biodiversity, biogeography and nature conservation in Wallacea and New Guinea" (Link4) Link1: archive.org/details/HuegelDerBlutigenStiefellItalien1969KomoedieSpielfilmWesternMitBudSpencer Link2: imslp.org/wiki/America_the_Beautiful_(Ward,_Samuel_Augustus)#IMSLP526958 Link3: archive.org/details/Sweet1938libbey18f Link4: archive.org/details/biodiversitybio2teln
SOURCES VIDEO: Excerpts from 1928 "Docks of New York," a silent film directed by Josef von Sternberg (Link1) MUSIC: 2018 Song "Movimiento De Aire" from album of that name by Colombian Sir Leaks (Link2) IMAGE: - Illustrations of glass from 1939 catalog of Glass products from Libbey, Owens, Ford (Link3) - Selection of light bulbs from 1939 Westinghouse catalog (Link4)` Link1: archive.org/details/DocksOfNewYorksilentGeorgeBancroft.DirectorJosefVonSternberg Link2: archive.org/details/MNF028_Sir_Leaks--Movimiento_De_Aire Link3: archive.org/details/Sweet1938libbey18f Link4: archive.org/details/Sweet193westinghouse51
SOURCES VIDEO & SOUNDTRACK: Scene with Jeanne Moreau from 1960 film "Eva," directed by Joseph Losey. Record played in scene features Billie Holiday. (Link1) IMAGE: - Color samples from 1939 catalog of Glass products from Libbey, Owens, Ford (Link2) - Samples of marble from 1768 "Mémoires sur différentes parties des sciences et arts" (Link3; trans. "Memoirs on different parts of the sciences and arts") Link1: archive.org/details/EvaItalienFrankreichSpielfilmDramaMJeanneMoreau# Link2: archive.org/details/Sweet1938libbey18f Link3: archive.org/details/memoiressurdiff1guet
SOURCES VIDEO & SOUNDTRACK: 2015 film showing 1976 celebration in Valencia after Franco's fall, featuring "Himne de l'Exposició," Valencian anthem composed by José Serrano Simeón (Link1) IMAGE: - Image from 1874 "Byzantine architecture; illustrated by examples of edifices erected in the East during the earliest ages of Christianity" (Link2) - Color samples from 1939 catalog of Glass products from Libbey, Owens, Ford (Link3) Link1: archive.org/details/youtube-Ki9Luz8kSBg Link2: archive.org/details/gri_33125009314648 Link3: archive.org/details/Sweet1938libbey18f
SOURCES IMAGE: - Scanning electron microscope images of Thai liverwort from 2011 issue of "Biodiversity, biogeography and nature conservation in Wallacea and New Guinea" (Link1) - Drawing of ancient tombs cut from cliff rock in Anatolia from the 1884 "Reisen in Lykien und Karien" (Link2: trans. "Traveling in Lycia and Karien") (Link2) - Drawing of 20th century city from 1939 catalog of Grinnell Fire Protection Systems (Link3) VIDEO AND SOUNDTRACK: Clip from 1929 Russian film "The Man with the Movie Camera" (Link4) Link1: archive.org/details/biodiversitybio2teln Link2: archive.org/details/gri_33125013796509 Link3: archive.org/details/Sweet193grinnell43 Link4: archive.org/details/ElHombreConLaCamara
SOURCES VIDEO & SOUNDTRACK: - 1969 "Alice in Acidland" adult-only movie by Donn Greer ("John Donne") (Link1) IMAGE: - Cover illustration for 1948 "Popular Detective" magazine (Link2) - Illustration from 1884 "A book of facsimiles of monumental brasses on the continent of Europe" (Link3) - Seashells, illustration from 1914 "A compendium of every-day knowledge" (Link4) MUSIC: - Electric Piano Op. 11 in E-flat Major, by Nicholas Locke(Link5) Link1: archive.org/details/1969JohnDonneALICEINACIDLAND Link2: archive.org/details/PopularDetectiveV35N02194809 Link3: archive.org/details/gri_33125014103267 Link4: archive.org/details/compendiumofever00mars Link5: imslp.org/wiki/Electro_Piano,_Op.11_(Locke,_Nicholas)#IMSLP529907
SOURCES MUSIC: - Song "Sleazy Nectars" from album "Six Onna 7" by Maine-based group "Tha Silent Partner" (Link1) VIDEO & SOUNDTRACK: - "Circus" a 2007 film photographed & edited by Rudolph Tress (Link2) IMAGE: - Soviet Union 50-ruble note, Series 1997 (Link3) - Botanical Illustration from 1914 "A compendium of every-day knowledge" (Link4) Link1: archive.org/details/BS450040 Link2: archive.org/details/CIRCUS1 Link3: archive.org/details/B-001-027-890-02 Link4: archive.org/details/compendiumofever00mars
SOURCES IMAGE: - Cover of 1948 "Popular Detective" magazine (Link1) - End paper of portfolio containing 1835 notes of Sanskrit author Laghu Siddhanta Kaumudi (Link2) - 5-Ruffiya bank note from the Maldives, issued in 1998, from "International Bank Note Society Journal" (Link3) VIDEO & SOUNDTRACK: "ScapeMates," 1972 experimental film by artist Ed Emshwiller (Link4) MUSIC: 1957 song "Adieu m'amour, adieu ma joye" by Guillaume Dufay, performed 2018 by Pro Musica Antiqua (Link5) Link1: archive.org/details/PopularDetectiveV35N02194809 Link2: archive.org/details/LaghuSiddhantaKaumudi1853HandWrittenManuscriptDevPrayagCollection Link3: archive.org/details/IBNS_Journal_41_2 Link4: archive.org/details/1972ScapeMates.EdEmshwiller.1972 Link5: imslp.org/wiki/Special:ReverseLookup/530623
SOURCES VIDEO & MUSIC: Opening title sequence of Martin Scorcese's 1993 "Age of Innocence." Elaine and Saul Bass produced the sequence, music is by Elmer Bernstein. (Link1) IMAGE: One rupee Pakistani bank note, designed in 1974, from 2000 issue of International Bank Note Society Journal (Link2) Link1: archive.org/details/aoi3534543451244 Link2: archive.org/details/IBNS_Journal_39_4
God: And you, what do you want? Me: Well, I just want to -It can be-: A bit of hunger and a little bread. A bit cold and a bit of fire. A little sound and a bit of bed. A little of seven and a bit of wine and a little milk. And a little peace. A little step, a little bit of weight and a bit of floor. And a bit of a nest. A bit of pic and a little pac -or a bit of salary and a bit of a check. And a bit of sunshine and a little salt. And a bit of sky. A bit of good and a bit wrong. A little honey and a bit of a fel. And a little at night and a bit scary of fear, and a little chest a bit of color and little bit of shout And a little light and a bit of sound: a little lightning and a little tro. A little joy and a bit of kiss and a little bit of sex. And a bit of a dog. And a little gas. A bit of the fort and a bit of the flow. And a little rom and a little smoke. A bit of a place And a bit of play -tres kings, two new ones And a bit of yellow and a little gray and a little green And a bit of blue. A bit of a train and a little ship; and a bit of rowing. A bit of wind. And a bit of snow. And a bit of a rogue. And a bit of a voice -and a little vote. And a bit of singing. And a little verse. And a bit of dance. And of art. And gold A little fish. And a little fat. And a bit of beam. And a little thick. And a little meat and a little blood; and a bit of hair. And a bit of mud and a bit of dust. A little flam and a little ice. A little saint and a bit of a dragon. A little risk and a little bit of income -and a bit of Russian. And a piece of field and a little fruit; a piece of closure near the home with birds and flowers. And a little forest with pins and splinters. And a bit of a fountain. And a little river and a bit of rec and a little bridge. And a bit of gorg. And a little sea and a little port. And a bit of crying. A little linen and a little leather and a little skin and a little thread. A bit of mud and a little juice And a bit of pork. And a little park. A little taste and a little bit of rank. And besides me a bit of yours and a bit of theirs. I want to be: donkey clerc? beautiful ugly? right? fault fat thin ready? llosc? new old? firmly skinny blah carry? empty? full up? sweet dark? dry wharf serious? slight short long dark clear yaix? the end? A little bit of everything. And what do I want? A little of sanity And a little time. And a bit of a world. And a bit of luck. And a little death. And a little of You. Hey, yes it can be. Originally Posted in Circumstancias (1968)
SOURCES: MUSIC: 1968 poem "Tirallonga dels monosíl·labs" by Catalan poet Pere Quart (1899-1986), improvised by Barcelonan group "Zero de Conducta" in 2018. (Link1) VIDEO: 1952 Film Noir "The Thief" with Ray Milland. (Link2) IMAGE: - Charts from 1909 Finnish book on Hypnotism (Link3) - Electrical Utility Systems Board from 1933 "Sweet Engineering Catalogue" (Link4) Link1: archive.org/details/hr094 Link2: archive.org/details/TheThief1952 Link3: archive.org/details/HennigH.Hypnotismi1909 Link4: archive.org/details/SweetEngineeringCatalog
SOURCES IMAGE: - Microscope Images from 2018 edition of "Acta Botánica Mexicana" (Link1) - Adjustable Sprocket Rim with Chain Guide from 1933 "Sweet Engineering Catalogue" (Link2) VIDEO & SOUND: 2004 performance of Indonesian puppet show "Wayang Kulit Gugurnya Bimanyu" (Link3) Trump quote: The Guardian, August 8, 2017 (Link4) Link1: archive.org/details/actabotanicamexno12instd Link2: archive.org/details/SweetEngineeringCatalog Link3: archive.org/details/wayang-kulit-gugurnya-bimanyu/20041222-22-12-50.dv Link4: www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/aug/08/donald-trump-north-korea-missile-threats-fire-fury
SOURCES IMAGE: - Stone: Illustration from 1938 Cold Spring Granite Co. catalog (Link1) - Flower Girl: Cover of 1919 Hungarian-language catalog of Kallay Bros. Co. (Link2) VIDEO & MUSIC: 2002 Indian Classical Dance Recital by Bulgarian Liliya Toneva (Link3) Link1: archive.org/details/S1938sect50001 Link2: archive.org/details/CAT31302646 Link3: archive.org/details/dni.ncaa.ICCR-2485-VHS
SOURCES: Video: 3D Checker Tunnel Optical Illustion from Vimeo via FindingFootage.com (Link1) Image1: Photo of Indian Dancing Masks from 1935 "Potlatch and totem, and the recollections of an Indian agent" (Link2) Music1: Song "Tic Tac" on 2018 album "La Raiz del Vello" (The Root of the Veil) by Meconio (Link3) Music2: Song "Then She Lost Her Shoe" on 2018 album "Affordable Legends" by Tripod Sardine Link1: vimeo.com/132382877 Link2: archive.org/details/McGillLibrary-rbsc_lande_potlatch-totem-indian-agent_Ind0445-18295 Link3: archive.org/details/MeconioLaRaizDelVello Link4: archive.org/details/tripod_sardine-affordable_legends
SOURCES Collage: Joint: Image from 1952 "Handbook of cast iron pipe for water, gas, sewerage and industrial service" (Link1) Background: Lattice work screen from 1926 archeology book "The monastery of Epiphanius at Thebes" (Link2) Figure Drawing: Illustration from 1996 "Burne Hogarth Dynamic Figure Drawing" book (Link3) Video extract and soundtrack: 1948 British comedy "William at the Circus" (Alternative title: "William Comes to Town") (Link4) Link1: archive.org/details/HandbookofCastIronPipe Link2: archive.org/details/THEMONASTERYOFEPIPHANIUSATTHEBES Link3: archive.org/details/BurneHogarthDynamicFigureDrawing Link4: https://archive.org/details/wctt53245435435
SOURCES IMAGES: 1 Background from 1926 "Correct Wallpapers" by Mongomery Ward & Co. (Link1) 2 Illustration from script for 1920 science fiction play "Rossum's Universal Robots" (Link2) 3 2009 crime photo of three hanged women (Link3) VIDEO/MUSIC: 1998 Vocal Recital by Saralaya Sisters in Bangalore, India (Link4) MUSIC: 2018 performance of "Tu Trinitas æterna" by Carlotta Ferarri's composition by Trappist monks (Link5) Link1: archive.org/details/CorrectWallPapers Link2: archive.org/details/CapekKarelR.U.R.RossumSUniversalRobotsbOk.xyz Link3: appears on Internet "gore sites" such as documentingreality.com Link4: archive.org/details/dni.ncaa.ICCR-2353-VHS# Link5: imslp.org/wiki/Cantica_Mysterii_(Ferrari,_Carlotta)#IMSLP528758
SOURCES IMAGES IN COLLAGE: 1 - Train image from 1914 Winter Staus and Schram catalog (Link1) 2 - Snake design from illustration in undated "Yantra-geometrie-celesti" (Link2) 3 - Aviator face from 1942 issue of "Thrilling Mystery" (Link3) VIDEO: Short "Video De Lancha" (Link4: "Boat video") by Clara MUSIC: Song "Paradona" from 2018 album by Spanish musician Albert Negredo "Paricolintencia" (Link5) Link1: schram.net/lib/straus_schram_winter_1914/index.htm Link2: archive.org/details/yantra-geometrie-celesti_201806 Link3: archive.org/details/ThrillingMysteryV18N03194205 Link4: archive.org/details/VideoDeLancha Link5: archive.org/details/MonoKraK212AlbertNegredo_Parincolintencia/(monoKraK212)+AlbertNegredo_Parincolintencia.mp3
SOURCES IMAGE 1: Chart of beetle marking patterns from "How to Know The Beetles" (Link1) IMAGE 2: Illustration of wooden drawing curves (Link2) MUSIC: Electro Piano Op. 11, 2018 composition by Australian composer Nicholas Locke. (Link3) Link1: archive.org/details/HowToKnowTheBeetlesH.E.Jaques_201806 Link2: archive.org/details/CatalogueOfEugeneDietzgenCo9thEd1910 Link3: imslp.org/wiki/Electro_Piano,_Op.11_(Locke,_Nicholas)#IMSLP527782
SOURCES VIDEO: Extract from "Classical & Folk Dances of India" film by Indian Council for Cultural Relations (Link1) IMAGES: - Jamie Lee Curtis in "Halloween II" from 1995 "Video Watchdog" (Link2) - Illustration of shading from "The principles of practical perspective, or, Scenographic projection" (Link3) - Background image of marbled endpaper, source not known MUSIC: Song "Lunar Surface" from 2018 album by American jazz group "Fascinating Earthbound Objects" (Link4) Link1: archive.org/details/dni.ncaa.ICCR-1349-VHS Link2: archive.org/details/VideoWatchdogSpecialEdition02Starbrite Link3: archive.org/details/gri_33125012232928 Link4: archive.org/details/nvr051
SOURCES VIDEO: Sequence from 1960 British film "The Iron Curtain," depicting two young women fleeing the East German secret police. (Link1) IMAGE: Image of set of drawing instruments from 1901 catalog of Eugene Dietzgen Co. (Link2) MUSIC: 2017 composition for organ by Carlotta Ferrari, "Toccata Gotica" (Link 3) Link1: archive.org/details/BeyondTheCurtainUnitedKingdom1960MovieSuspenseDramaStarringEvaBartok Link2: archive.org/details/CatalogueOfEugeneDietzgenCo9thEd1910 Link3: imslp.org/wiki/Toccata_gotica_(Ferrari,_Carlotta)#IMSLP526478
SOURCES IMAGE Cartoon captioned "La Demi-Vierge" (Half Virgin) from 1901 collection "Oeuvres choisies : contenant 100 dessins choisis dans le Courrier français de 1884 à 1901" (Link1; translation: "Selected works: containing 100 selected drawings in the French Courier from 1884 to 1901") IMAGE Illustration from 1938 catalog of turbines by S Morgan Smith Co. (Link2) IMAGE Lobby sculpture from 1966 "New horizons in architecture with stainless steel" (Link3) MUSIC From the album "Paper Clockworks" by California software engineer and musician Guilliame Tucker (Link4) Link1: archive.org/details/gri_33125006553867 Link2: archive.org/details/SMorganSmithCo Link3: archive.org/details/CommitteeOfStainlessSteelProducersAmerican Link4: archive.org/details/PaperClockworksGTuckerVerdigris
SOURCES Image: From 1733 Dutch book "Le temple des muses: orné de LX tableaux où sont représentés les evenemens les plus remarquables de l'antiquité fabuleuse" (Link1: "The Temple of the Muses: adorned with 60 paintings depicting the most remarkable events of fabulous antiquity") published by Bernard Picart. Music: Samuel Ward's 1882 "America the Beautiful" arranged by Herbert S. Gardner for middle school chorus and piano (Link2). Link1: archive.org/details/gri_33125012263162 Link2: imslp.org/wiki/America_the_Beautiful_(Ward,_Samuel_Augustus)#IMSLP526958
June 10, 2018
The last frame shows the butler, shrugging, saying (in German) "Pity."
SOURCES Video & Sound: Last minutes of a 1963 German mystery "Das Indische Tuch" (Link1: The Indian Cloth"), which tells the story of heirs who are called to an isolated castle to hear the reading of a will -- and are murdered one by one. Overlaying images: (1) Two chapter headings from 1902 Hungarian periodical "Muveszet" (Link2: "Art") (2) Illustration from 1878 "Faune du calcaire carbonifère de la Belgique" (Link3: "Wildlife of the Carboniferous limestone of Belgium") Link1: archive.org/details/EdgarWallaceDasIndischeTuchDeutschland1963SpielfilmThrillerKriminalfilm Link2: archive.org/details/gri_33125007118033 Link3: archive.org/details/fauneducalcaire6koni
May 31, 2018
Contrast of eras and style. Bouncy, tuneful, noisy Japanese anime song. Total song only 1:27, sounds speeded up at points. Popular songs of my teenage years were three minutes. Might be some adaptation to the anime comic form. Size was determined by underlying video, and in my opinion is too big -- at least for this webpage.SOURCES Image (Foreground): Illustration from 1979 Russian children's book "Три богатыря. Былинные сказы" (Three Heroes: The Old Tales" Link1) Video (Background): Extract from 2015 Music Video "Blue Diamond" by Eir Aoi used in Japanese anime cartoon "Sword Art Online" (Link2) Also see Link3. Link1: archive.org/details/B-001-027-549-ALL Link2: www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_HVRn2CiRo Link3: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eir_Aoi
May 23, 2018
Experimental.SOURCES: VIDEO: (1) Extracts from 1958 Czech film "The_Fabulous_World_of_Jules_Verne" by Karel Zeman (Link1) (2) Extracts from 1904 French film "The Impossible Voyage" by George Melies (Link2) MUSIC: "Reboot Dreaming" from 2018 album "Ready for Flying" by Swiss-based band Floating Mind (Link3) Link1: archive.org/details/tfwojv7765110 Link2: archive.org/details/The_Impossible_Voyage Link3: archive.org/details/Monokrak209FloatingMind_Ready_For_Flying
May 22, 2018
Picking up pace. Macabre, sideways view of the catastrophe of war here.SOURCES MUSIC: "Russian Fantasy" a 2017 work for five accordions, tambourine, xylophone, & drums by Gilles Mayer (Link1) See also www.gillesmayermusic.com. IMAGES: Wildlife pictures from the 1921 book "Savage Sudan: its wild tribes, big-game and bird-life" (Link2). VIDEO: Selections from the 1955 German film "Sarajevo: Um thron und lieb" (Sarajevo - A Throne and Love) which dramatizes the 12 hours before the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand. The scene shows one of the conspirators visiting his lover. (Link3) Link1: imslp.org/wiki/Russian_Fantasy_(Mayer,_Gilles)#IMSLP523687 Link2: archive.org/details/savagesudanitswi00chap Link3: archive.org/details/SarajevoUmThronUndLiebeDeutschland1955SpielfilmDramaHistorienfilm
May 21, 2018
First animation in nearly two weeks. Felt pressured by the slow pace of video editing. Sorry that the latest format for posting videos does not allow a one-click hard link to the source; would add about an hour to the process.SOURCES MUSIC & VIDEO: "Cancion de Siega" (Song of Mowing) composed 1993 by Morena Sabio and Jose Miguel, performed 2013 by soloist Julia Cortinas and the choir of the city of Cuenca, Spain (Link1) BACKGROUND: Mosaic from 1880 "Architettura italiana" (Link2) ROTATING SHAPES: Illustration from 1740 "La mesure des surfaces et des solides, par l'arithmetique des infinis et les centres de gravite" (Link3) Link1: imslp.org/wiki/Ciclo_popular_conquense_(Moreno_Sabio,_Jos%C3%A9_Miguel)#IMSLP522518 Link2: archive.org/details/gri_33125015056232 Link3: archive.org/details/UBOE023556_TO0324_PNI-2047_000000
May 20, 2018
Collage of three images:
I'm finding these still compositions relaxing after the hectic and time-consuming animations I've been doing since October.
- An illustration of screw eyes from a 1936 hardware catalog from Nettlefolds Screw Dept. (Link1).
- Cover illustration from a 1947 book Working with Plexiglas : a manual for the school shop, home craftsman, occupational therapist (Link2).
- Photo of an actress in a "spike through the head" scene from one of the sexploitation movies described in the biography of a movie-maker The Amazing Herschell Gordon Lewis (Link3).
Link1: archive.org/details/NettlefoldsScrews
Link2: archive.org/details/RohmAndHassPlexiglas
Link3: archive.org/details/TheAmazingHerschellGordonLewisByDanielKroghWithJohnMcCartyStarbrite
May 20, 2018
Distortions on a chart showing some 240 alternatives for a new Australian flag.
Link: archive.org/details/AustralianFlagDesignAlternativesaSamplerFromAustralian.flagalternatives.com
May 18, 2018
An illustration, labeled "Thorns," from the 1921 book Savage Sudan: its wild tribes, big-game and bird-life. The author quotes 19th century explorer Sir Samuel Baker, who said "Every bush and herb in Africa is armed with lances and swords, daggers, bayonets, fish-hooks, hay-forks, and harpoons."
I dedicate the image to a buddy who began a regimen of combined immunotherapy and chemotherapy in mid-May. I traveled to New York to help him through his first couple days of treatment at Memorial Sloan-Kettering hospital.
Link: archive.org/details/savagesudanitswi00chap
May 17, 2018
Took me 28 hours to get this done, with time out only for food and sleep. I think I solved a puzzling technical problem -- but we'll see....
SOURCES CLIPS assembled from 1955 horror film "Cult of the Cobra" (Link1) IMAGE from 1919 book "L'ornement hébraique" (Link2) Link1: archive.org/details/Cult.of.the.Cobra.1955 Link2: archive.org/details/gri_33125008843092
May 7, 2018
On Janice's advice, cut this to 1:52.
(See previous)
May 6, 2018
May plan a premiere for this 6:15 piece of light entertainment at the Plastic Club Rabbit Show.
SOURCES Dance numbers extracted from 1958 East German film "Meine Frau Macht Music" (Link1) Images from various issues of "Jahrbuch der Königlich Preussischen Kunstsammlungen" (Link2) Link1: archive.org/details/MeineFrauMachtMusikDDR1958SpielfilmMusikfilm Link2: archive.org/details/jahrbuchderkonig02unse
May 5, 2018
SOURCE Excerpt from video of 1972 performance on Mike Douglas show (Link1) Link1: www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9kgu71d81U
May 1-2, 2018
Interrupted this to take time out to do an image for an upcoming show of work by Plastic Club board members, related, seen below.
SOURCES Video and Music from 1933 film "Nieuwe gronden" by Joris Ivens (Link1) Image: Zombie movie actor from 1993 fan magazine "The Dark Side" (Link2) Image: Illustration for baby food advertisement in 1932 English women's magazine "The Delineator"" (Link3) Link1: archive.org/details/youtube-XaZnGq7KewE Link2: archive.org/details/TheDarkSide32Starbrite Link3: archive.org/details/TheDelineatorV121N04193210
April 29, 2018
These things are tiring.
SOURCES MAP: From 1883 Canadian "Primer of Map Geography" (Link1) MUSIC: "Merging the Light Fields," PS's 2018 Remix (Link2) of Marcel Gherman (aka Megatone)'s 2013 album "Lost Holograms" (Link3) Link1: archive.org/details/primerofmapgeogr0000samu Link2: archive.org/details/enrmp419_ps_vs_megatone_-_merging_the_light_fields Link3: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uj8xnJNxiKE COMMENTS WESTERN EUROPE: My genetic homeland, a recent DNA test reveals, a swath from Scandinavia to England. IRAN: My impression of Iranians is they're hip and friendly to Americans, even though their government despises us. SYRIA: An awful bloodbath. Much of the fault lies with American neoconservatives and their arrogant demand for "regime change." I associate myself with the American and European progressives who support the Kurdish canton in Rojava, an experiment in progressive government in the toughest neighborhood in the world. (See Link4) KOREA: Is it too much to hope that Trump's tiresome bragging about "deal-making" expertise will bear fruit? Hope so. Link4: defendrojava.org/
April 25, 2018
Had a free afternoon, all alone. Finally finished this. It was very slow to finish this ambitious (and long) piece.
SOURCES: MUSIC: 1989 composition for cello, "Cántico de Soledad," by Jose Miguel Moreno Sabio, performed 2018 by Serkin (Link1). IMAGE: Cover photo from 1965 issue of porn magazine "Sheer Hose." (Link2) Link1: imslp.org/wiki/C%C3%A1ntico_de_soledad_(Moreno_Sabio,_Jos%C3%A9_Miguel)#IMSLP519775 Link2: archive.org/details/sheerhose-1965-05
April 22, 2018
Slow going, but I'm recovering from cold.
SOURCES Movie: 1922 Danish film "Haxan," English title "Witchcraft Through the Ages." It was banned in the U.S. (Link1) Image: Engraving from 1760 "Description des pierres gravées du feu Baron de Stosch" (Description of Stone Engravings from the Collection of Baron de Stosch). (Link2) Border: Cover design from undated Arabic book "Dawamataltadiyon". (Link3) Music: "Musica Para Khaos" by Celsium on 2018 collection "Spirare: Breathe Compilations." (Link4) Link1: archive.org/details/Haxan_tinted_and_subtitled Link2: archive.org/details/descriptiondespi03winc Link3: archive.org/details/dawamataltadiyon432 Link4: archive.org/details/brh18_V.A._-_Spirare
April 18, 2018
I like the look of this, but am troubled that the music (although lovely) doesn't match the subject matter. Generally, I 'frame' these as if they were television news segments -- but actually, these are more dreamy assemblages of random elements.
SOURCES Image: Illustration from 1914 "The bird book: illustrating in natural colors more than seven hundred North American birds" (archive.org/details/birdbookillustra00reedrich) Image: Cover of Quraan Majeed (Holy Koran) (archive.org/details/605QuraanMajeed) Music: "Skylines" by Julia Gregory on 2018 album "Breathe Compilations" by Spirare (archive.org/details/brh18_V.A._-_Spirare)
April 12, 2018
Two weeks without a new animation, because I came down with a nasty coughing allergy/cold. One of pleasures of modern convalesence is television bingeing (alt. spelling binging). Hulu has available all seasons of NYPD Blue. Plus I've been watching an English translation of a Turkish series called Diriliş: Ertuğrul, which is kind of like a Game of Thrones telling the actual story of the formation of the Ottoman Empire, from one man and his family hiding in a cave to an empire ("caliphate") that spanned a continent. The English translation can be seen at this link (wlext.net/series/dirilis-ertugrul-season-1?server=thevideome&episode=001). It made for an unproductive but hallucinatory period. This animation marks my first work since the crazy period of dropping my board position and coming down with an illness.
April 12, 2018
Considering a Change in Artistic Direction
Since I stepped down from the co-op board, I'm considering changing my approach to animation work. I'm considering switching from Photoshop to Video Studio 2017. Considering updating to Video Studio 2018. Considering changing the dimensions of my animations. Also, changing my sources. One possible source: on the archive.org website, there's an informal community of folks who upload old movies. I'm considering using more material from these.
Enjoying my dramatic angst over choosing a new direction. A bit paralyzed in the meantime.
Some Productive Video Sources
Link: archive.org/details/@solazev
Link: archive.org/details/@jerseywhitesox
Link archive.org/details/@der_klassiker
Also check out Solavez' collection of video-link collectors.
And this collection of silent films.
Two personal notes: (1) my term has ended on my Co-op board. I was nominated from the floor at the annual meeting, but I said "Thank you, no." I'm still on the Plastic Club board, but leaving the Co-op Board will free up my time in ways not yet known.
(2) the voice on this is a short extract from a radio broadcast by Norman Corwin. I love his voice, his poetry, his pace, and (for my techy friends), the levels, voice quality, and clarity.
IMAGES: Glazed-surface wall with window from from 1941 "Interior Wall Decoration" (Link1). Images in window from 2016 catalog of ANSR motocross racing gear (Link2) and from 2009 catalog of Christie's jewelry auction (Link3) SOUND: Opening of CBS radio broadcast by Norman Corwin for 1944 V-E ("Victory in Europe") day (Link4). Link1: archive.org/details/InteriorWallDecoration Link2: archive.org/details/ansr_2016.05_catalog Link3: archive.org/details/ChristiesGenveJewels13Maio Link4: archive.org/details/onanoteoftriumph
March 28, 2018
A deal I make with the universe. Every once in a while, I make a "Just Don't Fall" poster. And in return, my friends are reminded of this essential commandment. I saw a relative -- Janice's mother -- go from mobile free-spirit to invalid after a split-second stumble on concrete steps.
Actually, I like the pacing of this one, too.
IMAGE: Stairway illustration from 1941 "Interior Wall Decoration" (Link1), background illustration from 2016 catalog of ANSR motocross gear (Link2) MUSIC: Frederic Chopin "Andantino in A major, C.172" (Link3) performed 2017 by Mississippi College Piano Pedagogy Link1: archive.org/details/InteriorWallDecoration Link2: archive.org/details/ansr_2016.05_catalog Link3: imslp.org/wiki/Preludes,_Op.28_(Chopin,_Fr%C3%A9d%C3%A9ric)
March 27, 2018
Back to the Roving Eye style of animation. Much smoother, but I think I still need to pause motion over points of interest.
IMAGE SOURCE Engraving from 1887 "Engravings on Wood" (Link1) showing painting "Lacing the Sandal" by American F.D. Millet (1846-1912). Millet died on the Titanic. Link1: archive.org/details/gri_33125015065655 MUSIC SOURCE Performance of a 1837 composition by Polish Frédéric Chopin (1810-1849), "Largo in E-flat major" performed on piano in 2017 by Harold Vetter (Link1). Link1: imslp.org/wiki/Special:ImagefromIndex/516647/hfcn
March 27, 2018
I've been meaning to get this chant down for years. It captures the intense religious enthusiasm of the 1950's Roman Catholic church, when devotees were expected not to speak between noon and three p.m. on Good Friday, the supposed time of the crucifixion.
The oddball soundtrack was performed on a Casio VL-1, a primitive early synthesizer/calculator.
Good Friday Chant Keep the silence Won’t you Keep the silence Won’t you Keep the silence ‘Cuz a man Dies young - Bob Moore Background Music: "Nummer Eins," a 1980 song for the Casio VL-1 by Galerie Lochte, composed of two Europeans, Angelo Vitalo and Schwartau. (See link) Link: archive.org/details/DOTNF09
March 26, 2018
First attempt at simultaneous zooming and rotating.
Check out English Marilyn Roxie, who did the music. From her website: "Hi, I’m Marilyn Roxie. I am a video artist and experimental photographer. I explore queer genders and sexualities, especially androgyny and male submission through the lenses of abstraction and found image." Not sure what pronoun to use.
Also, note the type used on the Trump overlay: it is a Rata Negra, a font with an ugly history. It was designed during the propaganda war between rightists and leftists during the Parisian student riots of May 1968 and was adopted thereafter by the European far-right, as below.
(GUD is the "Groupe Union Défense" or "Groupe Unité Défense" (originally named "Groupe Union Droit"), a French far-right student group.)
Note the anti-American details in the "Bienvenue aux Ennemis de l'Europe" (Welcome to the Enemies of Europe) poster shown above:
From left, that's the Statue of Liberty, MacDonald's, Uncle Scrooge McDuck, and a black basketball player climbing on a basketball backboard.
IMAGE SOURCE A page of 11th and 12th century decorative murals from the 1891 "La peinture décorative en France du XIe au XVIe siècle" (Link1; translation 'Decorative painting in France from the 11th to the 16th century') Link1: archive.org/details/gri_33125008816676 MUSIC SOURCE "Raphael" song by Marilyn Roxie on 2018 album "Sampler EP" by Vulpiano Records (Link2) Link2: archive.org/details/VulpianoRecords-SamplerEPVol.92018 Also, see marilynroxie.com
March 25, 2018
IMAGE SOURCE Photo of "Monument aux Morts" (Link1, translation: 'Monument to the Dead'), a sculpture in Paris' Pere Lachaise cemetery by French sculptor Albert Bartholome (1848-1928) Link1: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:P%C3%A8re-Lachaise_-_Monument_aux_morts_04.jpg MUSIC SOURCE Song "Dolente Immagine Di Fille Mia" (Link2, translation: 'Painful Image of My Girl' ) by Italian opera composer Vincenzo Bellini (1801-1835); performed on the piano by Héctor Valls. Link2: imslp.org/wiki/Special:ReverseLookup/516384
March 24, 2018
SOURCE MUSIC: 2018 performance by Steve's Bedroom Band of Leon Kreutzer's 1867 composition "Adagio in A-flat major" for two violins, viola and cello. (Link1) See discussion at (Link2) on Kreutzer's "Octave Study." Link1: imslp.org/wiki/Adagio_in_A-flat_major_(Kreutzer,_L%C3%A9on)#IMSLP514899 Link2: www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXZhmIiFHC0 IMAGE SOURCE: From 1923 edition of script for Maxim Gorky's 1902 drama, "The Lower Depths" (Link1). Frontispiece photo shows a scene in Act 1, set in a homeless shelter. Young acting pioneer Konstantin Stanislavsky (developer of Method Acting) is at table, third from right, pointing. Link1: https://archive.org/details/lowerdepths0000gork
March 22, 2018
See closing screens for sources.
March 21, 2018
Another experimental video.
See closing screens for sources.
March 20, 2018
An experimental video -- opening with my voiceover and face, instead of a title, and no music. Also, did it on a new computer (a Lenovo Thinkpad), and it seems to me the microphone on the webcam is nowhere near as good as the microphone on my previous Dell. Or perhaps it is a function of the operating system -- Windows 10. This is modern America -- the consumer is the crop. Also, image exploration is a little bumpy.
This video examines an image of seashells from an 1873 nature book called "A Year at the Shore" by English naturalist Philip Henry Gosse. Gosse went on to virtually invent the institution of the seawater aquarium. He led an interesting life. In 1838, Gosse took a job in Alabama as a tutor on a Southern plantation, where he observed nature -- and Southern society. In a letter from that period, Gosse said "I feel slavery alone to be so enormous an evil, that I could not live here: I am already hastening to be gone." Besides being a skilled draftsman (albeit with the uncredited assistance of his wife) Gosse was a member of an extremely conservative religious congregation and published books arguing against the evolutionary ideas of Charles Darwin. SOURCE IMAGE: Illustration captioned "Limpet, Purple, and Slit Limpet" from 1873 book "A Year at the Shore" by Philip Henry Gosse. LINK: archive.org/details/yearatshore00goss_3
March 18, 2018
IMAGE: Collage appearing on cover of premiere issue of "Radio 4 Rojava" (RFR), February 2018. archive.org/details/radio_4_rojava_1 MUSIC: Extract from "Dear Viyan", song by Miranda De La Frontera on the album "Music, Awareness & Solidarity w/ Rojava Revolution" by the Berlin-based label "Female Pressure." soundcloud.com/femalepressure/sets/rojava-female-pressureThe following recent news report (from VOX) gives some background on the situation.
As today (3/16), the Turkish army is still bombing the Rojavan city of Afrin in an operation called "Operation Olive Branch." Here's a news-site that covers current Rojava news (with a pro-Rojava viewpoint). Here's a Russian justification of the Turkish offensive. Here's Jazeera's critical view of the "libertarian myth" of Rojava..
These events provide a compelling narrative (one among many) for the unending mayhem in the Middle East. Stateless Kurdish men and women defeat ISIS militarily to claim territory in Northern Syria and attempt to install a democratic and inclusive system of government which is praised by European socialists and feminists. Neighboring Turkey views the development as another Kurdish challenge to be suppressed. ISIS views the development as a threat to their intended Caliphate.
As I wrote to a friend: "Does Rojava have an actual chance of survival in the brutal world of Middle Eastern politics? Is it a cynical manipulation of Western liberals by desperate Kurds?" It reminds me, in some ways, of the circumstances of the Spanish Civil War of the 1930's, a romantic, idealistic -- but doomed -- act of rebellion against an oncoming period of international conflict and tyranny.
March 16, 2018
In the accompanying science fiction story I tell myself in my head: a more elaborate viewport for cloud exploration.
In artistic reality: check out how a contemporary Italian composer wrote an organ Nocturne to honor a 150-year old painting by a Japanese artist.
See notes at end of video.
March 14, 2018
Officials discovered that the virus that hit a Cloud Survey Team (see "WHEN THE SURVEY GETS DANGEROUS" yesterday) was not an accident. It happened because some thing in the cloud detected the observation. The virus was, in some sense, a counter-attack, a warning shot, a defensive measure. By what? By whom? Anyway, Cloud Survey Teams like mine are advised to be as inconspicuous as possible. I tried out a faux-leaves around the viewport, like the camouflage on tanks and battleships used in the wars of the 20th century. Despite the concealment, my survey triggered some sort of attack (marked by a bright red coloring) at the end of the video.
See notes at end of video.
March 12, 2018
I've been too lazy to write it down, but there's a continuing story behind these "Cloud Survey Team"/Viewport images. In short, the entire Internet has been wiped out. No one knows what happened. The world government encourages Cloud Survey Teams (CSTs) to explore the zeroed-out bits and bytes of the old Internet, seeking the remnants of information, trying to find out what happened. After one CST is infected by a voracious virus, CST's are told to institute high-security viewports -- like this one.
IMAGE: Illustration of two 18th century engraved beer mugs from the 1902 book "Die Gläsersammlung des Nordböhmischen Gewerbemuseums in Reichenberg" (Translation: The glass collection of the North Bohemian Trade Museum in Reichenberg) (Link4) Link4: archive.org/details/gri_33125015065267 MUSIC: "Latency Number 5" is a song by TKno BeurK (Ed End) from his album "DEDDOTAIMU" (Link1) which is, in turn based on an album "La Perpendiculaire des Bruits" by Berthelot (Link2). Another album based on the that album is "Apothmes Bruitistes" by Berthelot and Launay (Link3). Link1: archive.org/details/DEDDOTAIMU_TKnoBeurK Link2: archive.org/details/MI232-Berthelot-La_perpendiculaire_des_bruits/ Link3: freemusicarchive.org/music/Berthelot__Launay/Apothmes_Bruitistes/L
March 11, 2018
IMAGE: 1930 catalog illustration from "The book of carved wood decoration" by Klise Manufacturing Company of Grand Rapids, Michigan. archive.org/details/TheBookOfCarvedWoodDecorationSupplementB_201803 MUSIC: "Intro", song from 2017 album "Forgotten in the Void" by Russian group "Nebulas Mœroris" (Mists of Sorrows) archive.org/details/IBR_367
March 10, 2018
See closing scenes
March 9, 2018
(See last pages of animation)
March 8, 2018
Trying size at 405x720 pixels. Hint: the control bar at the bottom of the media player has an icon that tells your computer to automatically size the image to your screen. (At least in my Chrome brower.) Meanwhile, still experimenting with pan, zoom, and layer masks.
(from last pages of animation) IMAGE: A portfolio of women's evening dresses headlined "Dinner at 8" in a January, 1938 issue of "Australian Women's Weekly" (Link1) Link1: archive.org/details/The_Australian_Womens_Weekly_22_01_1938 MUSIC: Section of a track "P.I.Z." from Floating Mind's album "Et Si..." (Link2) from the Switzerland-based label MonoKraK. archive.org/details/MonoKraK208FloatingMind_et_si
March 7, 2018
Continuing the experiment in size at 540x960, and interim theme of young woman and plant. Cutting short on bibliographic information on this page, relying on the source pages in the animation.
See closing scenes of animation.
March 4, 2018
An experiment in image size: 1080x1920 pixels (which is the size of my Android phone). I have learned how to display my animations on the phone. But in my opinion this is too large for my webpage. Previous images were 500x480. Maybe next one should be a compromise of 540x960.
See closing scenes of animation.
March 3, 2018
Using a short segment of a haunting song by the Barcelona music group Your Mother (Link1) as background, we visit various areas of a large image of gear from a Sotheby's fancy watch auction catalog (Link2).
Link1: archive.org/details/YourGraceThatHolyMountain
Link1: archive.org/details/TheCelebrationOfTheEnglishWatch
March 2, 2018
First free time after Plastic Club animation event, buy a new computer: a refurbished Lenovo ThinkPad Lenovo T450 laptop with 128 gig solid-state hard-drive, cost $329. This image was produced to check installation of programs.
The image is from the computer's webcam. The music Signore, Pieta (Link1: "Lord, have mercy") is a traditional Baroque religious song performed by pianist Hector Valls.
Link1: imslp.org/wiki/Piet%C3%A0,_Signore_(Anonymous)#IMSLP513435
February 27, 2018
Evolving story: "Another photographic data fragment was discovered at It appeared to contain some flower shapes, so we consulted with United Nations plant biologists, who said it appeared to be the Colorado Tansyaster (Xanthisma Coloradoense), a now-extinct species that occured in small populations in two states: Colorado and Wyoming."
The image is from a 2017 issue of Aquilegia (Link1) published by the Colorado Native Plant Society. The Colorado Tansyaster is indeed an endangered species.
An additional layer includes an overlay of an image of 17th century Milanese lace from a 1901 issue of The Connoisseur (Link2).
Music is from a recent album by Dadive called Frightening Freighters (Link3).
Link1: archive.org/details/GuiaCompletaDeLaCALIGRAFIAARABEExtendidaEspaol
Link2: archive.org/details/gri_33125006090647
Link3: archive.org/details/MonoKraK207Dadive_FrighteningFreightersEP
February 25, 2018
Evolving story: "A second surviving graphic data fragment was discovered in dataspace which had been presumed to be wiped by the EMPUO at Our CMST circled the formation and measured it to be roughly 3700 by 5700 pixels, marked by strong straight verticals and smooth Bezier-like curves. Colors were dark blues and complements. There was no surrounding data field."
The image is from an undated book "Guia Completa De La Caligrafia Arabe Extendida" (Link1). Music is from a 2018 album Six Degrees: eXperiments (Link2) by composer Keith David Doyle.
Link1: archive.org/details/GuiaCompletaDeLaCALIGRAFIAARABEExtendidaEspaol
Link2: archive.org/details/SixDegrees_201802
February 21, 2018
Evolving story: "When the Electromagnetic Pulse of Unknown Origin (EMPUO) erased all electronic data, the whole Internet was reduced to a unreadable jumble of zeros and ones. In order to recover valuable records -- and to trace who was responsible for EMPUO -- the United Nations authorized Memory Cloud Survey Teams (MCST) to search the scrambled memory for matches to the thousands of different data formats in use at the time of EMP20. Our MCST was assigned to survey a memory sector using a photographic file compression format known as JPEG. We encountered an unusual cluster of coherent information at We circled it to determine scale. It was roughly 4600 pixels wide by 6000 pixels high. The cluster's surface was variegated in color and seemed to be surrounded by lines indicating a data field (whether attractive or repulsive we couldn't determine.) "
I tried to figure out a way to put this text into image, to turn it into a science fiction story. but ran out of time.
The image is a photo of a large 18th century floral spray brooch from a 2017 catalog called Jewels of Portugal (Link1) by the S.J. Phillips Collection.
Music is a 2018 song, "New Horizons," from the album Legends of the Imminent Winter (Link2) by Russian musician Marcus Denight.
Link1: archive.org/details/JewelsOfPortugalTheS.J.PhillipsCollection2017
Link2: archive.org/details/marcus-denight-legends-of-imminent
February 20, 2018
Left, a video exploration of an image (right) of the head of Jesus, from a crucifix created in the 15th century by Austrian sculptor Michael Pacher in the city of Bruneck. It is from the 1909 book Michael Pacher (Link1). Music in video is from a 2018 album by Indonesian musicians Hafid Kurnia and Tebatabata, called The Day After We Were Alone (Link2).
Also entered this video into the Plastic Club-hosted Philadelphia Independents Animation Festival.
Link1: archive.org/details/gri_33125015064740
Link2: archive.org/details/WAC09HafidKurniadanTebatabataTheDayAfterWeWereAlone
February 17, 2018
Left, a video exploration of a pattern (right) created by manipulation of figures in a 1930 trade catalog by Boynton-Waddell Company called Cut and embossed mouldings In wood (Link1). Music in video is from 2018 Música Refinada by Brazilian musicians Guilherme Darisbo & Marcelo Armani (Link2).
May enter video into the Plastic Club-hosted Philadelphia Independents Animation Festival.
Link1: archive.org/details/CutAndEmbossedMouldingsInWood._201802
Link2: archive.org/details/051-DarisboArmani-Musica_Refinada
February 14, 2018
IMAGE: "Dawn", a photo from a 1937 edition of "Amateur Photographer & Cinematographer" (Link: archive.org/details/amateurphotograp84ilif). The photographer is Australian-born English photographer Rosalind Maingot.
MUSIC: "Okrualno I", a song by Janne Nummela from 2017 album "FLOW(ER(ROR)" (Link: archive.org/details/mhrk194)
This animation -- I call it a roving eye technique -- only took about six hours.
See animation
February 11, 2018
WEEKEND REVIEW 2/10-11/2018
Decided to switch to a schedule of daily still images (maybe just 3 or 4 a week) and one weekly animation to keep my animation skills current. Today's animation took me nearly 12 hours. Trying to set an ambitious pace, but not one that will -- well, literally, kill me.
See animation
February 10, 2018
A ragged textile specimen from the 1900 Etoffes byzantines, coptes, romaines, etc. du IV au X siècle (Link1; Google Translate: "Byzantine fabrics, Coptic, Roman, etc. from IV to X century"). My guess: a carpet.
Link1: https://archive.org/details/gri_33125015064559
February 10, 2018
A wild improvisation on a set of speculative designs (Link1) by Anne Ominous in competition for a new Australian national flag. My riff on Anne's designs is meant to be respectful, though totally unrelated, of her detailed and thoughtful graphic work.
Link1: archive.org/details/LestWeForgetOzFlagDesign
February 9, 2018
A photo from a 1937 edition of Amateur Photographer & Cinematographer (Link1). Accompanying texts discusses the difference between shooting in the studio and shooting outside.
This image marks a return to my earlier graphic style, with text (in Woodcutter Rude Press font) and trilobite and expansive framing, before I decided to try animation in October.
Link1: archive.org/details/amateurphotograp84ilif
February 7, 2018
A video scan of a Japanese brocade from the Boston Museum of Art, from a drawing in a 1909 Art and Progress magazine (Link1). Background music is from the album Remember_To_Let_Go (Link2) by Jiri Blazek & Brian Ruskin. It goes too fast; I have not been able to figure out how to slow it down in Photoshop Video timeline.
Link1: archive.org/details/artprogress04amer
Link2: archive.org/details/RememberToLetGo_2018
February 6 , 2018
A composition of elements from the 1910 Stencils & stencil materials (Link1) by Sherwin- Williams. Top layer is a stencil showing a forest, the lower layer is a color chart of paints.
Did another version of this image, using (for the first time) Photoshop frame animation. Saved as GIF file. But unfortunately, I set it to loop FOREVER. Not sure how to control looping behavior.
Other animation projects:(1) Therapist and alien, (2) Pepe Frog.
I return to my older graphic design style, on a blissful free Saturday, with only a few errands. On one of the errands, however, I was hurrying home pushing a folding shopping cart down the street, when the cart hit a bump in the pavement, and I fell face first on top of the cart. The only damage was a scrape and bump on my leg, which I only noticed some two hours after the fall. Thus, I violated the cardinal rule of this period of my life: "JUST DON'T FALL."
Link1: https://rchive.org/details/stencilsstencilm00sher
February 3, 2018
From the 1896 Handzeichnungen alter Meister aus der Albertina und anderen Sammlungen (Link1; Google Translate: "Hand drawings of old masters from the Albertina and other collections"), two drawings. In the background, a 1519 brown head study from the school of Lucas Cranach. In the foreground, on the left, a decorative design showing a young man sketching or writing in a book, set against a design of flowers.
Link1: archive.org/details/gri_33125010105019
February 2, 2018
Visiting Philadelphia's Italian Market. The colorful neighborhood (which has its own Tourist Center) has gone through ethnic population shifts since its heights in the past, as witnessed by this shop window double poster. Janice and I got on the waiting list for an apartment there -- but we hope we never have to move.
February 1, 2018
Walking West on Walnut Street, I passed a small artist's studio displaying the picture above. Note the way the painting makes goatish ram horns look like Trump's orange hair. The text reads:
Dear Donald, I am so proud of you for taking from the poor and giving to the rich. For being just racist enough, having Congress and the[m] eating out of your hand. For being a graet [sic] liar, you're the biggest bully in the political playground. When this job is done, the United States of America will be in total chaos. Last but not least, remember Pride: You have lots of it, it's a sin. I know you're tr[y]ing to start a war. I can help! Your fatherBut there's a disturbing element here. I'm well-acquainted with American liberals' intense dislike of this president. But that dislike can unhinge the hater. What does the artist mean in offering to help Trump start a war? Why is the message signed "Your Father"?These are times when people seem to a bit unhinged. I am reminded, once again, of William Butler Yeats' 1919 poem The Second Coming. I see it in my nation, and I see it in my own building, where a post-Trump tax rise has encouraged existential panic, irresponsible rumors, and political manuevers by those who promise "I can fix it."
It is the night of the State of the Union address; and I am depressed because if I no longer believe in the common folks' ability to reason and distinguish truth from falsehood and vote in their own interest, then what do I believe in?
January 31, 2018
After three months of working hard -- almost obsessively -- to learn the basics of video animation, I find myself like a man awakening from a coma: socially isolated; slowed by a shoulder injury, origin unknown; and deconditioned from a sedentary easy-chair indoor lifestyle. I wonder what comes next?A hint of what comes next is this quote from the 13th century Italian poet Dante Alighieri. It is from his third book, Paradiso. Comparing myself to Dante, I have travelled through, first, the Inferno of Hell, then Purgatory, and now have arrived in Heaven -- which turns out to retirement, with Internet. What I intend to do now with my remaining time on earth -- with 73 years gone already -- is to recall items in the treasure houses I have seen: in the archives of the public domain, in my own journeys, and in the dark complexities of social media.
The context is that, even aside from the issue of my own lifespan, we live in dangerous times, with the survival of post-WWII Anglo-American democracy as I know it in some peril, threatened by climate, war, and civil catastrophe. I am like a solitary monk recording memories and impressions as a mighty empire collapses around me, horrified but helpless to change the course of events.
The quote from Dante is:
"Nevertheless, whatever portion Time
still leaves me of the treasure of that kingdom
shall now become the subject of my rhyme."
The image is my first non-animation since October. The lettering is in Woodcutter's Army Stencil font. Woodcutter is a skilled but irreverent Spanish artist, a real bad boy -- check out his "reinterprets" and his collection of vintage fonts he found on his travels.
The quote is superimposed on two mingled layers: (1) my photograph, taken today, of a broken window on Philadelphia's Walnut Street and (2) a drawing of a column from the 1821 The architectural Antiquities of Rome (Link1).
Link1: archive.org/details/gri_33125015059856
January 30, 2018
Another animation looking backward to pre-WWII geopolitics. Based on Harry Hathaway's 1941 movie Sundown (Link1), set in Kenya when it was an English colony. Also includes a reference to the multiple short, catchy bugle calls of the English army (Link2), which appear in the movie, as interpreted by award-winning composer Miklós Rózsa.
This may be my last animation before the January 27 deadline for entries to the Plastic Club's Movement, Motion and Sequential Art show. I started out on my journey to learn video/animation techniques in late October of last year, and have done nearly 45 animations of different styles and quality in these three months. Unclear what my direction will be after the animation show. Unclear which animations I will enter into the show. I am somewhat exhausted after the effort, but am proud that I was able to achieve results.
Link1: archive.org/details/sundown_374
Link1: www.farmersboys.com/MAIN/Bugles_Calls.htm
January 24, 2018
A shorter piece, without my narration, built around an exciting scene from Alfred Hitchcock's 1940 film Foreign Correspondent (Link1). It is depressing that these days some Americans and Europeans openly espouse Nazism, despite the tale of suffering it caused last time around.
Link1: archive.org/details/xoR9Pb8xYGLIElhh1940
January 21, 2018
A very long (nearly 14 minutes) critical and artistic view of a 1965 Brazilian film, A Falecida (Link1; translation from Portuguese: "The Deceased"). Took a very long time to do, with a lot of frustration, but made some technical breakthroughs. Humming ad-libbed by Janice. It's depressing at the beginning -- a death scene! -- but stick around to the end.
Link1: archive.org/details/AFalecida1965Bras#
January 18, 2018
Parts of a Judy Garland performance from a 1946 musical biography of composer, Jerome Kern, Till the Clouds Roll By (Link1). Also, a kind of grumpy rant, an experiment with closing comment instead of opening comment.
Link1: archive.org/details/ctall1956b_gmail_8881
January 10, 2018
Remarkable music and a surprising sense of female fashion in a 1952 Spanish language film, Cartas a Eufemia (Link1). Again, entirely done in Photoshop, but I think the audio levels are inconsistent, and I would have to learn to adjust them in another program or adjust them in Photoshop.
Link1: archive.org/details/0zwm8r7L4e09ERie1952
January 9, 2018
Experimenting with getting my own handsome mug into the mix, recreating the format of the radio news stories I did in the 1980's. Entire job done in Photoshop. Video source is 1936 Dracula's Daughter (Link1).
Finished annual switch to Philly-Bob's Free for All 2018.
Link1: archive.org/details/DraculasDaughter1936
January 6, 2018
A scene setting up the plot of a 1938 action mystery, Bulldog Drummond in Peril (Link1).
Next move is to file away 2017 work and redo for 2018. Probably tomorrow.
Link1: archive.org/details/BulldogDrummondPeril1938
January 4, 2018
Opening sequence from a 1981 Indian movie, about the misfortunes of young girl in India in the 1920's. Here's the plot summary:
"After the passing away of her parents, Mangala moves in with her maternal uncle, his wife, and five cousins, who all live a poor lifestyle in a small town. She has a sweetheart in Anoop and hopes to marry him someday. When Anoop hesitates, her marriage is arranged elsewhere, however, on the day of the marriage, the groom meets with an accident and passes away. Her aunt quickly gets her married to a singer named Anand. After the marriage, Mangala is shocked to find that Anand is blind and detests him. When she finds out that he cares for her, she changes her mind and falls in love with him. Then Anoop re-enters her life, Anand finds out, and drives her out. Mangala returns home to her aunt, but she refuses to accept her. Then Mangala finds out that Anand has become a famous singer as well as an alcoholic. She goes to his house in Bombay, gets herself hired as a servant, calls herself Daasi, and pretends to be dumb so that Anand cannot hear her voice and recognize. Eventually she settles in, Anand is pleased with her work, but she also finds out that he hates Mangala; then publicly announces that he is going to marry a dancer by the name of Tara; Tara, catches her stealing a necklace, and to complicate matters even more - Anoop re-enters their lives again."
Happy New Year, everybody!
Link1: archive.org/details/HXOxh8wE0jwNlaoO1981
January 1, 2018
An incident from a 1982 movie about India's fight for independence, Desh Premee (Link1; "The Patriot"). Underlying it is music by Chilean electronic musician Eduardo Yanez Torres (GOZNE) from his 2017 album Fin del Tiempo (Link2; "The End of Time").
Work was mostly done in Photoshop, which allows me to adjust sizes to dimensions other than the usual TV and movie formats.
Link1: https://archive.org/details/JB2uF3Tdu9ug5gMD1982
Link2: archive.org/details/pn127
December 27, 2017
As year ends, I think I am moving beyond simple experiments. This one is a more finished work. It features the music of Coni Ciblis (of Buenos Aires, Barcelona, and London) combined with quote she recommended on her social media. I like her voice a lot.
Merry Christmas & Happy Holiday, everyone. Sources:
Link1: archive.org/details/ConiCibilsUnLugar
December 25, 2017
ARCHIVE: Webpage Proprietor's Portraits
Time to change my image at top of this web page. The new image is a small pencil portrait done by Remo Frangiosa. It was done while I sat for Remo's portrait class over a two-week period at Philadelphia's historic Plastic Club in September, 2015.
The second image is a larger painting I commissioned from the Plastic Club's Andy Hoffmann.Next are two other images also used as masthead portraits. Third image is an iPad self-portait in a coffee shop (approx. 2014). It is probably the best representation of my revulsion at the aging process and my sadness at the prospect of diminishing cognitive powers.
Fourth is an attempt to limit portrait to the fewest number of facial features and still be recognizable (approx. 2012). (Sorry: unlike the other images on this page, these masthead pictures don't enlarge when clicked...)
Fifth is a drawing done in our Open Studio workshop by Meri Collier, a Toronto-based artist and member of the Plastic Club.
For other images from the portrait class sitting, see entry for September 22, 2015 -- you'll have to click on the "2015 Archive" link at the top of this page.
To contact Philly-Bob, email me at bobmoore [at symbol] pobox.com (of course, replace "[at symbol]" with "@"].
Masthead Portrait by Remo Frangiosa, 2015