Portrait by Remo Frangiosa

Philly-Bob’s Free-for-All 2023

One man's visual art, largely consisting of digital manipulations of images, taken from (1) my own photographs/videos, (2) downloaded from the Public Domain, (3) utilized under the Fair Use provision of copyright law or (4) uncopyrightable images produced by A.I. image generation. This page is designed old-style, for display on full-size computer, not on phones or tablets.

Click on a pic to enlarge. May take several clicks to get full-size.


A composition of (1) a Greek vase illustration, (2) an AI-generated pattern, and (3) the old Monopoly moneybags man -- but with empty pockets

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.



December 13, 2023


A composition of (1) a photograph of a woman carrying a rifle in Ethiopia and (2) a morgue photo of a woman who died from anorexia.

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.



December 12, 2023


A friend who is using the full-strength AI-Gen Text-to-Image program, ChatGPT, produced this image of a woman sleeping peacefully while she is protected by her fierce guardian angel and assorted spirits.

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.



December 1, 2023


Foreground, a friend's photo of a junkyard sculpture found in a hotel in Buenos Aires.

Background includes an advertising drawing of an Underwood mechanical typewriter from a 1906 "Style" magazine (Link1) and a medical illustration of microscopic views of living culture from the undated "MANUAL OF ORAL HISTOLOGY AND ORAL PATHOLOGY" (Link2),

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://www.reddit.com/r/mushroomID/comments/183xmkw/saw_in_oregon_what_kind_of_mushroom_is_it_looks/

November 30, 2023


In a post on Reddit's 'MushroomID' board, a user (No_Maintenance_3355) requested identification of this mushroom: "Saw in Oregon! What kind of mushroom is it? Looks like something from Mario Brothers!!" Consensus was that it was Amanita Muscaria, which is psychoactive.

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://www.reddit.com/r/mushroomID/comments/183xmkw/saw_in_oregon_what_kind_of_mushroom_is_it_looks/ 

November 27, 2023


A friend of mine who is experimenting with AI text-to-image generation came up with the following prompt:

The gaunt, disheveled upset child with the spiral nebula of fire looking at us accusingly
I took that prompt and put it into my bing.com/create AI-Gen engine and came up with this image (Link1) to which I then applied my texture and composition method (above).

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Using the same prompt as above, but with an addition: in the style of a "50's pulp magazine illustration":

Link1: https://www.bing.com/images/create/the-gaunt2c-disheveled-upset-child-with-the-spiral-/1-6562d4d981274d50960b3c2ca3570aa9?FORM=GLP2CR

November 26, 2023


Decided to do a video to keep my skills up, also to use my learning in A.I.-Generation. And I miss using music. The bluegrass song I use to accompany this video is from the Internet Archive's "Unlocked Recordings" collection -- of music no longer being produced and sold by copyright owner and thus "made available under the Music Modernization Act. "

IMAGES: Camouflage patterns produced by A.I.-Generation and uploaded to a thread on 4chan's "/k" (weapons) image board (Link1}

MUSIC: "Cumberland Gap" from the 1970 album 'A Bouquet of Blue Grass Hits' by the Cumberland Clan (Link2)


Link1: https://boards.4channel.org/k/thread/60136104 (Since archived)
Link2: https://archive.org/details/lp_a-bouquet-of-blue-grass-hits_the-cumberland-clan


November 19, 2023


On top is a pair of figures from the 1861 "Illustrations of the microscopic anatomy of the human body in health and disease" (Link1). Plate V, p. 33, hand-colored drawings of images seen through a microscope. Both show parts of frogs. The black border is intended to represent a microscope.

In each circular scope is an image from a private medical image of the brain, showing a "tangle" of blood vessels.(Link2)

The background is an artistic brick pattern from the "Tower of Death" in Uzbekistan, shown on the Flickr site of University of California Berkeley's Department of Geography (Link3).

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://archive.org/details/61210660R.nlm.nih.gov/
Link2: Private image from medical image.
Link3: https://www.flickr.com/photos/105662205@N04/27637361433/in/photostream/

November 13, 2023


Recently worked out my position on the two worrying wars in the world today: Russia/Ukraine and Israel/Hamas.

Both wars began with an invasion of a neighboring country, Russia invading Ukraine and Hamas invading Israel. I condemn both Russia and Hamas for invading neighbors. You can't have an international order where invasions are unpunished.

But given the invasions, we have to look at the reasons given. I've looked at Russia's reasons for invading Ukraine and they are mainly the desire to return to past imperial glory and Putin's desire for a legacy. I've looked at Hamas' reasons for invading Israel and they are more solid, in my view. The conditions imposed on Palestine by Israel are onerous.

The darkness in the foreground of this image is from a photo of a cage used to collect shells for rebuilding reefs, as shown in the 2000 "Artificial Reefs in European Seas" (Link1). The cage shown is made of concrete and rigged to attract mussels at the Senegallia (Italy) artificial reef.

One element in the background is a colorful abstraction (created via AI-generation) and uploaded to Deviantart.com by an unidentified user. (Link2)

A second element in the background is an anatomical drawing of the right chamber of the heart from the 1919 "HANDATLAS DER ANATOMIE DES MENSCHEN" (Link4; trans: 'HANDATLAS OF HUMAN ANATOMY')

Another background element is a drawing of the Belgian fortifications at Charleroy, from the 1693 "The Gentleman's Journal for the War; Being an Historical Account and Geographical Description of Several Strong Cities, Towns and Ports of Europe" (Link4).

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.

...all this marking the beginning of the tedious job of storing 2023 and creating 2024 page.


Link1: https://archive.org/details/artificialreefsi0000unse
Link2: https://www.deviantart.com/aijunkyard/art/8e0f4f5d-788b-4725-89
Link3: https://archive.org/details/b32839789_0002/page/n4/mode/1up
Link4: https://archive.org/details/sim_gentlemans-journal-for-the-war_1693-08-30_8

November 10, 2023


Fifth image after COVID.

Foreground is a detailed chart of the ear, taken from a doctor's office illustration (Link1). I flipped the image horizontally; so the outside of the head is on the right, with the ear canal (that collects wax). The brain and the other ear are on the left (not visible).

Background is a colorful ab straction (created via AI-generation) and uploaded to Deviantart.com by user J-Q-B. (Link2)

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://earconsultants.us/main/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Anatomy-of-ear.jpg 
Link2: https://www.deviantart.com/j-q-b/art/00055-3721412334-992437992

November 7, 2023


Fifth image after COVID.

Picture of a doll purchased at an estate sale and uploaded by Simonhelm22 to the "Whatisthisthing" board on Reddit (Link1). It was not conclusively decided and the post was later removed.

Picture of an object found in a truck maintenance garage build in the 50's uploaded by Catgymnastics to the same "Whatisthisthing" board. (Link2) Generally it was agreed that it was a "floor anchor" used to straighten twisted frames.

Deep background is an illustration from a medical book of a microscopic image of infected lung tissue. (Link3)

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://www.reddit.com/r/whatisthisthing/comments/17ng9gl/hey_everyone_i_got_these_dolls_at_a_estate_sale/ [Link now removed] 
Link2: https://www.reddit.com/r/whatisthisthing/comments/17g6r7n/a_metal_hook_in_an_approximately_1x1_pit_in_the/
Link3: Link not available. 

November 4, 2023


Fourth image after COVID.

Three images from two early anatomy books.

From the 1891 "A text-book of human physiology : including histology and microscopical anatomy with special reference to the requirements of practical medicine" by L. Landois.(Link1). From its section on Muscles, there is a drawing of a runner making a high leap, in the style of stop-motion photographer Eadweard Muybridge, from page 647. That image is in the center of the composition.

Underneath that is a collage of figures from the 1861 "Illustrations of the microscopic anatomy of the human body in health and disease" (Link2). Plates LV and LVI, pp. 145 and 149, hand-colored drawings of images seen through a microscope.

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://archive.org/details/101619226.nlm.nih.gov/
Link2: https://archive.org/details/61210660R.nlm.nih.gov/

October 31, 2023


Third image after COVID.

Anatomical image is from an 1899 medical book, "The Abdominal Brain and Automatic Visceral Ganglia" by Byron Robinson (Link1). Robinson's idea seems to be that various connections in the long, long human intestine serve as a "second brain." The image is labelled "Lumbar and Sacral Portions of the Sympathetic (Sappey)" The text accompanying the image:

1, cut edge of diaphragm; 2, lower end of esophagus; 3, left half of stomach; 
4, small intestine; 5, sigmoid flexure of the colon; 6,rectum; 7, bladder; 8, prostate; 
9, lower end of left vagus; 10, lower end of right vagus; 11, solar plexus; 12, lower 
end of great splanchnic nerve; 13, lower end of lesser splanchnic nerve; 14, 14, two 
last thoracic ganglia; 15, 15, the four lumbar ganglia; 16, 16, 17, 17, branches from 
the lumbar ganglia; 18, superior mesenteric plexus; 19, 21, 22, 23, aortic lumbar 
plexus; 20, inferior mesenteric plexus; 24, 24, sacral portion of the sympathetic; 25, 
25, 26, 26, 27, 27, hypogastric plexus; 28, 29, 30, tenth, eleventh and twelfth dorsal 
nerves; 31, 32) 33, 34; 35» 3 37) 38, 39, lumbar and sacral nerves.

The medical book image is placed on a colorful AI-generated image of various toys and tools created by user AIphotofinish and posted on DeviantArt.com (Link2).

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://archive.org/details/66250600R.nlm.nih.gov
Link2: https://www.deviantart.com/aiphotofinish/art/C14ac47d-6949-46d5-a74f-38febfec4a14-990469174

October 30, 2023


Second image after COVID.

In the foreground, a Polish rebel hiding in a bombed building during the 1944 Warsaw Uprising, picture shown on Reddit's "K" (Weapons) board. Note: I could find no source for the picture, so, considering the Hollywood good looks of the rebel, it may be AI-generated (Link1).

In the background, two superimposed pages from Casimir Siemienowicz's 1651 "Grand Art d'Artillerie" (Link2) showing various shells and projectiles.

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://boards.4channel.org/k/thread/59785797
Link2: https://archive.org/details/chepfl-lipr-AXC3/page/n187/mode/1up

October 26, 2023


First image after COVID.

"What's wrong with my dryer?" asked a Reddit user, including a photo of a loose wire in his dryer (Link1). The consensus was that the wire (which curves from the lower center to the upper left) was an underwire which had worked loose from a woman's brassiere.

That photo is placed over an AI-Generated image of a part robot, part woman (Link2).

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: Link removed
Link2: https://www.reddit.com/r/starryai/comments/17eokg4/integrated_starryai/

October 25, 2023


After a week of Covid disability, last image before I tested positive.

Worried homeowner, User IWTIKWIKNWIWY (in striped sneakers), contemplates the cost to repair a collapsed section of his pool wall (Link1). "How screwed am I?" he asks the Reddit "pools" bulletin board.

The answer is not encouraging: "Delaminated plaster. Can’t be repaired, per se. It has to be removed and patched with plaster." At least $15K.

Background is AI-Generated frame, from prompt: "ornate 80's design with swimming pool colors"


Link1: https://www.reddit.com/r/pools/comments/178sk73/how_screwed_am_i/
Link2: https://www.bing.com/images/create/ornate-8027s-design-with-swimming-pool-colors/652cbad8bf854e9dbfc959928568c76a?FORM=GUH2CR

October 24, 2023


From the AskMechanics board on Reddit, user "theanswar" wondered why he was able to travel nearly 20 miles on a tire with a big hole in it. Turns out there is a system called "RSC", standing for run-flat system, originally developed for the military.

In the background is an AI-Generated image by DeviantArt user "Pickgameru" called "Futuristic Bridge" (Link2)

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMechanics/comments/16yv2ag/how_did_my_vehicle_continue_to_drive_19_miles_on/
Link2: https://www.deviantart.com/pickgameru/art/Futuristic-bridge-986867731

October 16, 2023


A collage of three black-and-white images from a 1927 issue of "Good Housekeeping" (Link1). One, the centermost, is a picture of a nicely appointed living room (by the tastes of the time). Framing that is a painting of a vase of flowers, and the third is a puzzling silhouette, showing a fairy-like creature (with wings and antenna) exchanging a flower and a ribbon with a baby. (What the fairy-baby picture signifies, I cannot say.)

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore

fr    fr 

Link1: https://archive.org/details/sim_good-housekeeping_1927-12_85_6

October 15, 2023



Attracted to the style of white lines and shapes over black, I combine three AI-Generated images I downloaded from 4-Chan, (Link1, Link2, Link3) along with a standard foot X-ray (Link4).

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore

fr    fr   

Link1: Link not available
Link2: Link not available
Link3: Link not available
Link4: Link not available

October 14, 2023


Reddit user StopShooting sent a photo and message to the "Ask A Mechanic" board, asking why an engine belt had split? (Link1) The consensus: "It didn't split -- it was 'lathed'. Another moving part cut it."

The photo is centered on an AI-Generated image, from Bing, in response to the prompt "ornate pattern based on automobile engine in black and white" (Link2).

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore


Link1: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskAMechanic/comments/173vu9f/what_would_cause_a_serpentine_belt_to_snap_a/
Link2: Link not available

October 12, 2023


Giant cyber corporation Microsoft -- already a convicted monopolist -- has made a release of its AI software database DALLI to the public, using its BING.COM/CREATE site. Numerous hobbyists leaped on it and produced some quality images. Unfortunately, many online images used to create Microsoft's databank of images are porn-like or fashion shots or teenage selfies. Microsoft fears potential regulation by the Congress, so Microsoft's engineers have been fiddling with its algorithms to discourage porn-like images. Female body parts in prompts are taboo -- with the notable exception of feet. So it's a good time for the Internet's foot fetishists, as in this confusing image.

In the background is a frame produced by the prompt "decorative picture frame in Renaisance style, in grey, blue and black."

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore


Link1: https://www.reddit.com/r/ScrapMetal/comments/170ryvn/do_these_dodads_in_a_industrial_breaker_have_any/
Link2: Link not available
Link3: Link not available

October 8, 2023


User Chicksout uploaded this photograph to Reddit's "Landscaping" Board and asked whether the pile of gravel in upper right "look like 4 tons of gravel." The consensus was mainly that it did, that gravel is heavy. Also: many gravel supply companies are mob-controlled. I chose the image because I liked the geometric pattern of sunny/shady driveway, lawn, and tarp.

Frame is AI-Generated from Bing's Image Creator, from the prompt "Ornate decorative picture frame in comic book style"

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore


Link1: https://www.reddit.com/r/ScrapMetal/comments/170ryvn/do_these_dodads_in_a_industrial_breaker_have_any/
Link2: Link not available
Link3: Link not available

October 7, 2023


Central image is a photo uploaded to Reddit's scrap metal board by Davyfromneworleans, asking whether the devices depicted would be worth anything at a scrap metal yard. The consensus was yes, the switches contained silver and cadmium, valuable but hazardous to work with.

The frame is a Bing AI-Generated pattern, given the prompt "etching of ornate pattern in Bauhaus style". (Link2)

Color is added by an AI-Generated image of holographic trading cards downloaded from 4Chan. (Link3)

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore


Link1: https://www.reddit.com/r/ScrapMetal/comments/170ryvn/do_these_dodads_in_a_industrial_breaker_have_any/
Link2: Link not available
Link3: Link not available

October 7, 2023


In the center, an illustration of an antique rug from the 1927 catalog "Two Hundred Rare Old Rugs", collected by Hugo Black of Montclair, NJ. (Link1). The accompanying note explains the rug is approximately 12 feet by 6 feet.

Framing that small narrow rug image is an AI-generated image, by Adobe Firefly, from the prompt "picture frame for portrait image in oriental rug style (Link2)

The cartoon font on the second image is Planet Joy by Pinisiart (Link3).

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore


Link1: https://archive.org/details/twohundredrareol00ande
Link2: Link not available
Link3: https://www.dafont.com/planet-joy.font

October 5, 2023


In the foreground, an illustration of a skull from the 1844 "Systematisches Handbuch der Zahnheilkunde" (Link1; trans: 'Systematic manual of dentistry') (Link1)

In the background, an ornate metallic black skull created in the AI-Generator StarryAI by user RamesesII (Link2).

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore


Link1: https://archive.org/details/67610740RX2.nlm.nih.gov
Link2: https://starryai.com/app/user/RamesesII/creation/1020934613

October 4, 2023


Image: "Sensual Time" by M1ndM4k3rs on DeviantArt (Link1).

A couple people in my Zoom art group have asked me to explain why I'm so interested in AI-Gen (Artificial Intelligence Generated) art work.

I was trained in college as a journalist/editor and much of my working life was spent writing news, at two radio stations (Note1) and several print publications (Note2).

In honest journalism, the reporter/editor has one overriding responsibiity: not to miss the Big Story. I remember the contempt heaped upon the reporter with the Religion Beat in my hometown newspaper because, although she diligently filed weekly stories of nice things happening in various churches, she never covered the one Big Story for her beat and time: the movement of Fundamentalist Protestants as a voting bloc into the Republican Party. When I had the Student Activism beat at my college newspaper, I covered the Vietnam War protests and Civil Rights movement. On a journalistic "Beat" there are a million stories to cover. The job of the reporter/editor is to choose which stories to cover.

AI-Gen has given the tool of ultra-realistic painting to a generation of young artists raised on games, fantasy and science fiction. The results have been mixed, from pre-teen and pinup pornography, to mythology, to alien landscapes, to grotesque creatures. The jury is still out on these new styles, but I think some of it may break new artistic ground and take the art of illustration beyond the heights attained by the Norman Rockwell/Howard Pyle work of the 20th century.

I had a Math minor in college and was an early adopter of personal computers. My first computer was a TRS-80 (introduced 1977). I did some early programming in Probability and wrote "Predicto," a program to forecast market movements, which I presented at an AI Conference and published a paper about in 1994 (Note 3). I am somewhat familiar with the neural net technology used in AI-Gen.

Like it or not, AI-Gen is The Big Story in the Art Beat today. Certainly in terms of articles written and television talking heads devoted to it. AI-Gen will also effect the day-to-day business of illustrators, cartoonists, layout artists, news editors, and publishers. I have a long interest in the subject of AI. And some of the work being produced I like esthetically.

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore

Link1: https://www.deviantart.com/m1ndm4k3rs/art/Sensual-Time-983827093

Note1: Small-town WHMI in Howell, Michigan, and the Detroit NPR outlet WDET. Note2: High school and college newspapers (Austin Friar and Michigan Daily), local paper (Grosse Pointe News), a new left alternative magazine (Fifth Estate), and a legal newsletter(FTC Watch). Note3: Article "Effect of Population Replacement Strategy on Accuracy of Genetic Algorithm Market Forecaster" in the volume "Many-Agent Simulation and Artificial Life" (IOS Press, 1994), a volume in the series 'Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications.'

October 1, 2023


Drawing of intestinal wall from the 1911 "A Textbook of Histology, Arranged upon an Embryological Basis" (Link1) Color drawing of the genitals of a hermaphrodite from the 1749 "Hermaphrodite : dissertation au sujet de la fameuse hermaphrodite, qui a paru aux yeux du public depuis environ troi mois" (Link2; trans: 'Hermaphrodite: essay about the famous hermaphrodite, who appeared in the public eye about three months ago')

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore


Link1: https://archive.org/details/textbookofhistol00st
Link2: https://archive.org/details/2761667R.nlm.nih.gov

September 29, 2023


From the 1911 "A Textbook of Histology, Arranged upon an Embryological Basis" (Link1), an illustration showing a sequence of development, with the caption: "Mitotic Cell Division in the Root Tip of Tradescania Virginiana [Virginia Spiderwort] "

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore


Link1: https://archive.org/details/textbookofhistol00st

September 27, 2023

A charcoal portrait of Janice by fellow artist Kathleen Catanese.

September 25, 2023

From the 1911 "A Textbook of Histology, Arranged upon an Embryological Basis" (Link1): a cross-section of a hepatic lobule from a human liver.

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore


Link1: https://archive.org/details/textbookofhistol00st

September 25, 2023


A collage of images from two anatomical atlases (the 1971 "Color Atlas Of Anatomy: A Photog. Study Of The Human Body" and the 2016 "Atlas of Human Anatomy") showing illustrations as if the skin was "flayed"; plus an AI-Generated image of grotesquely-deformed pinup, with a leg sprouting from her shoulder.

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moor

September 25, 2023


In the center, a photograph of some metal gears uploaded to Reddit's ScrapMetal board by user Czar01, asking about their value (Link1). In the background, an image of diatoms, which are fossilized skeletons of ancient sea creatures, from a 1927 issue of "Engineering and Mining Journal" (Link2).

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moor


Link1: https://www.reddit.com/r/ScrapMetal/comments/16pfexu/is_this_worth_collecting_for_scrap_or_should_i/
Link2: https://archive.org/details/sim_engineering-and-mining-journal_1927-12-24_124_26

September 24, 2023


Illustration of a trio of little girls from the 1927 book "The jolly little clown and other stories" by Eleanor Fairchild Pease (Link1). In the background, three American soldiers creep down the sidewalk during street-fighting in Afghanistan (Link2).

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://archive.org/details/jollylittleclown00peas
Link2: https://boards.4channel.org/k/thread/59550585 (Link removed)

September 18, 2023


From an exchange of military taunts on the Reddit "weapons (k)" board. One poster says "I wonder what made Russian designers pick 'dilapidated school bathroom' as the main color for their air force?" Background picture shows a Russian school toilet (Link1). Foreground picture shows an advanced soviet fighter jet, a stealth SU-20 (?) in characteristic colors. Note that the war in Ukraine has not provided a conclusive fighter-to-fighter test of Soviet vs. U.S. air technology.

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://boards.4channel.org/k/thread/59536036#p59536222
Link2: https://i.4cdn.org/k/1694586968837387.jpg

September 17, 2023


More on the theme of the underlying disorder in the electrical wiring that enables our technological society. First image shows a hand holding some small wires. Second shows a household junction box.

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://www.reddit.com/r/ScrapMetal/comments/160h4zf/to_strip_or_not_to_strip/
Link2: https://www.reddit.com/r/electrical/comments/161hb4v/anyone_have_a_solid_answer_for_why_some_of_the/

September 14, 2023


A picture of a coil of copper wire uploaded to Reddit's "/ScrapMetal" board. (Link1) Uploader wanted to know whether it made sense to scrape the insulation off this to sell for cash.

The phoro is overlaid on an AI-Generated image of a spacey orange scene from 4Chan's "/b" board, uploaded by Anonymous. (Link2)

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://www.reddit.com/r/ScrapMetal/comments/16eiq0a/is_this_copper_i_have_hella_of_it/
Link2: Not available

September 7, 2023


Various images of diamonds from the 1902 book, "The Diamond Mines of South Africa" by Gardner F. Williams (Link1).

Background is an AI-Generated image of Medusa, the mythological woman with snakes for hairs, by Frozen Bunny (Link2)

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.

Link1: https://archive.org/details/diamondminesofsa0000gard
Link2: Not available

September 7, 2023


Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://www.reddit.com/r/electrical/comments/15ub91l/can_someone_explain_why_my_landlord_has_done_this/

August 26, 2023


A straightforward publicity photo of Vladimir Putin, walking in front of a historic icon held by Orthodox priests. Putin, who became the world's richest man by looting the Soviet Union, singlehandedly started a bloody European war, assassinated his rivals, broke the back of Russian arts and culture, and has consistently told self-serving and transparent lies, portrays himself as a backer of traditional moral values, as opposed to Western permissivism. Many of the authoritarian/strong man/populists on the world scene -- in Hungary, Argentina, Israel -- are doing the same fake religion bit.

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.

Link1: https://sarinfo.org/library_files/sar15.pdf

August 21, 2023


Still, another collage of two images, one AI-generated and the other an old newspaper illustration.

  1. The colorful abstract woman is by American digital artist "jsongunn" uploaded to Deviant Arts (Link1)
  2. Illustrations from a 1927 issue of "Domestic Engineering" (Link2), showing a plumbing mixing valve (twice) and a diagram showing ventilation system for New York's Holland Tunnel.

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://www.deviantart.com/jsongunn/art/WOMAN-2-976014796
Link2: https://archive.org/details/sim_plumbing-heating-piping_1927-12-24_121_13

August 19, 2023


Like last image, a collage of two images, one AI-generated and the other an old book illustration.

  1. The moody girl is an AI-generated image from Brazilian digital artist "Elffyie" (real name Carol) on Deviant Art. (Link1) She called it "Voices in my Head" and linked to a recent song (very dark) by the same name from a band "Falling in Reverse" (Link2). The lyrics Elffyie includes with her image:
    "The voices in my head
    Keep telling me I'm gonna (d1e)
    And I don’t wanna talk
    About the drama, I'm tr4uma (tized)
    They're telling me I'm fine
    But we both know that’s a fuck1ng (lie)
    I'm losing my mind but
    I don’t wanna talk about it"
  2. Textural variation applied lightly from illustrations in a 1927 issue of "Plant Physiology" (Link3).

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://www.deviantart.com/elffyie/art/Voices-in-my-head-974566816
Link2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7_e_NY-f3g
Link3: https://archive.org/details/dli.ernet.230963

Observation: Women in their youth (formerly known as girls) have a hard time these days. With so many professional doors open to them, the "Mirror, mirror on the Wall, Who's the fairest of them all" competition of comparative appearance consumes much of their energy and intelligence. The situation is made worse by social media and two years of COVID home schooling. Old men like myself, nearing the end of our lives, have moods, sure -- but nothing compares to the dark narcissistic self-absorption of a depressed 17-year-old girl alone in her room, thinking she's ugly. Many of these girls have gamer backgrounds and have learned to do A.I. Gens, portraying these dark moods in romantic splendor. Elffyie's other work shows that often she is happy and well-adjusted, but when the darkness hits (as in the song that inspired this piece), she knows how to express it.

August 18, 2023


A collage of two images, one AI-generated and the other an old newspaper illustration.

  1. The colorful psychedelic girl is from "Anonymous" on 4-Chan's "\B" board (Link1)
  2. An illustration from a 1927 issue of "Financial World" (Link2), accompanying an ad extolling the virtues of the steel industry.

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: Link has since been removed.
Link2: https://archive.org/details/sim_financial-world_1927-12-28_48_26

August 10, 2023


A collage of two AI-Generated images.

  1. The man consulting a notebook is an image generated by DeviantArt user donAlliSan titled "Walking Through the End" (Link1)
  2. The background image is a seamless pattern from a set of patterns called PixelTowns created by DeviantArt user Yetis-Monster-Utopia (Link2).

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://www.deviantart.com/donallisan/art/Walking-Through-the-End-972440734
Link2: https://www.deviantart.com/yetis-monster-utopia/art/AI-Repeating-Seamless-Backgrounds-Pixel-Towns-970865663. I paid $6.50 to download it.

August 7, 2023


Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://www.reddit.com/r/Roofing/comments/15hd9yf/am_i_screwed/
Link2: 4-Chan image uploaded by "Anonymous," link removed.

August 4, 2023


Collage of three publicity photos of Ruth Malcolmson, the 18-year-old Philadelphia native who won the Miss America Pageant in 1924. She died in 1988.

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.

Link1: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruth_Malcomson#/media/File:Ruth_a

August 3, 2023


One of my esthetically favorite World War 2 aircraft was a seaplane named the Catalina. First designed in the 1930's, it played a significant role in the war in the Pacific, and later, as seen in the 1964 movie "Flight from Ashiya" (Link1) with Richard Widmark, Yul Brynner and George Chakiris.

What a surprise to see that 90 years after the plane was designed and 40 years after it was removed from active service in the U.S. military, a Florida company has announced that it will begin making turbo-prop Catalinas again, for both military and civilian uses.

Perhaps (cynically) just in time for another Pacific War.

Actually, I'd rather see it used as my personal customized sea and air yacht/escape vehicle for climate catastrophe.

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.

Link1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5rzmMdLJFg

August 1, 2023


Zoning out on another Summer Sunday, no theme, no text so far.

Elements of composition are:

The different elements create both composition and texture.

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://www.reddit.com/r/CleaningTips/comments/15b4al9/how_do_i_get_the_buildup_off_this_shower_head/
Link2: https://archive.org/details/thetwobabylonsor00hisluoft
Link3: https://www.reddit.com/r/StructuralEngineering/comments/15bj75z/so_i_posted_weeks_ago_for_my_observation_on_the/

July 30, 2023

First image: NA
Second image:


LinkB1: https://archive.org/details/sim_electrical-world_1927-12-31_90_27
LinkB2: link has been removed.
LinkB3: Downloaded from J.C. Penney webpage.

Third image:

Theme seems to the messiness and our lack of understanding of post-Edison technology.


LinkC1: https://www.reddit.com/r/electrical/comments/15ba4ti/what_is_this_called_and_why_was_it_done/
LinkC2: https://www.dafont.com/typefaces-1.font

July 26-28, 2023


Zoning out on a Summer Sunday, no theme, no text so far.

Elements of composition are:
  1. Inner Frame: Detail of an AI-Gen image downloaded from 4-Chan "\b" of the torso of a woman with her hands wringing in front of her -- typically busty and problematic fingers for an AI-Gen woman;
  2. Inner Frame: Bottom view of a centipede; details of the insect's breathing tubes are visible (Link1)
  3. Second frame: Ripped up bathroom tiles which uncovered black asbestos adhesive which will require removal (Link2)
  4. Outer frame: Distortions of frames 1-3

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisbug/comments/155p1a9/are_these_parasites_in_this_centipede/
Link2: https://www.reddit.com/r/Home/comments/14t92fj/removing_bathroom_tile/

July 24, 2023


I am moving away from traditional artistic subjects and moving toward utterly prosaic everyday subjects. Thinking of Vermeer. The Ash Can School. Also, note the technical issue of design: the image had a natural slant, which I removed. I also cropped out much of the image and rotated it (see original below).

Frequently, folks on the tradesman's bulletin boards on Reddit criticize a predecessor's workmanship, as here, on the Electricians board, where user "drunkenpmdms" shows this overcrowded tangle of wires stuffed into an aluminum box and asks "Any Hope? Any Options?" (Link1) Commenters offered answers: "Put the cover back on and pretend you didn’t see it." "Exorcism," offered another. "Call a priest." "Nuke it from orbit," said another. Another: "Turn the breakers off, get a long pair of snips, cut every wire just as it enters the box, put the cover back on, then tell the owner to call your competition. Be sure to charge a $250 consultation fee too."

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://www.reddit.com/r/electrical/comments/14n1y4k/any_hope_any_options/

July 22, 2023


These days I tend to stay up surfing the web to 3 AM, all alone with wife and cat sleeping in the same room. It's a quiet, reflective, exploratory time. Recently, I've ended my late-night Internet crawl listening to one of the songs that make me cry. Why cry? I don't often cry at ordinary life events -- perhaps never -- but the tears of intense sentiment (even if manipulated by the media) calm me, wash out my eyes and perhaps some of the toxins from holding things in.

Here's my current favorite, Cuban-Puerto Rican Irene Cara from Brooklyn singing "What a Feeling" from the 1983 film "Flashdance." And here's the scene in that movie where the song is used, with actress Jennifer Beals playing Alex, a young factory worker who overcomes her fears to audition for a famous ballet company. For some of the dance, the producers used a body double for Beals, French dancer Marine Jahan. (Note: the ending of the movie clip is ruined for me by showing a scene in the phony, class-traitor romance between Alex and her boss.)

What gets to me with this song and performance is the youthful optimism and soaring hope. Also, the remarkable change in tempo with the words "...made of stone" and Cara's precise control of the distance between the microphone and her mouth.

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irene_Cara#/media/File:Irene_Cara_(1983).jpg
Link2: https://www.themoviethemesong.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/flashdance-movie-theme-song-4.jpg

July 20, 2023


A very simple composition, just two elements.

Overall background is a photograph (Link1) uploaded to Reddit's Home Maintenance bulletin board by user "myblackflowleaks." It shows a stainless steel refrigerator door and asks "How can I remove a dent?" The consensus is you can't, just cover it with a poster or magnet.

The tiny picture (Link2) is a charicature by James House, Jr. from a 1927 edition of "Mirrors of the Year: A National Review Of The Outstanding Figures, Trends And Events Of 1926-27" showing actor Raymond Hatton in the 1926 movie "We're in the Navy Now" starring Wallace Beery.

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://www.reddit.com/r/HomeMaintenance/comments/150l995/how_to_remove_dents_on_fridge/
Link2: https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.286339

July 17, 2023


Born into post-WW2 America, I was raised in a patriarchy. I remember my mother's description of job she could get: nurse, teacher, librarian. Things have changed. When I look around at how many smart women have power in our society, I wonder how other societies get by on half the workforce.

The distinguished fellow on the phone is from a 1927 issue of "Time" magazine (Link1), in an ad for Cleveland's National City Company touting the company's financial good sense. The company went on an acquisition binge and got caught with a lot of bad mortgages in 2008, registering a net loss of $1.8 billion. It was then taken over by Pittsburgh's PNC Corporation.

The background is a fanciful A.I.-Generated landscape on 4-Chan's "\b" bulletin board by "Anonymous" (Link2).

Overlaying that is an illustration from the 1927 book "Green Manuring Principles And Practice" (Link3) showing the pattern of nodules on the roots of a soybean plant.

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://archive.org/details/sim_time_1927-12-05_10_23
Link2: link no longer available
Link3: https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.211679

July 15, 2023


Train of thought happily working on this piece. Reading plumber's query about what was the purpose of a deep pit found in a basement (left, below). Comments speculated about medieval "oubliettes" where prisoners were once immured (walled-in). And my own final sci-fi speculation: what if time-travelers in the future bring prisoners backwards to our time and imprison them in basement oubliettes in suburban homes.

Image of pit is from a query on a plumber's discussion board on Reddit (Link1).

Image of woman is an A.I.-Generated image by "Anonymous" on the 4-chan board "\b" (link has been removed). Image has the look of a woman from the future.

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://www.reddit.com/r/Plumbing/comments/14yieka/two_pits_in_basement_one_is_clearly_a_sump_pit/

July 13, 2023


Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.

Link1: https://www.reddit.com/r/electricians/comments/14x3d8f/previous_homeowners_handy_work/

July 12, 2023


The base element of this image is a photo (Link1) that was uploaded to the Electricians Reddit board by user Liwyatan under the caption "Concrete guy attacks again." Liwyatan was complaining about how the electrical conduits he laid on a job site were mangled by another tradesman, the concrete guy. Lot of discussion how to charge the general contractor for repairs, but the esthetic value of the photo itself (see below, left) caught the attention of several commenters: "If you zoom in, it looks like a pastel painting," said one. Another commented "The type Bob Ross would paint 'Happy Accidents.'" Another said "Attacked?... that looks like a murder scene that was an attempt at a Jackson Pollak painting."

Another element (in lower left) was an A.I.-Generated image of an angel uploaded to 4-Chan by User "Anonymous." (Link is no longer active; see below center.)

Last element was an old shield uploaded to 4-Chan's "Weapons" board as part of a controversy over the efficacy of spears and pole-arms against swords. (Link2)

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.

Barbara was my on/off girlfriend back in Detroit, a pretty farm girl who escaped life as a truck stop waitress through education to get a responsible position as a librarian. Her beauty didn't stop her grandmother's early dementia from hitting her in her early sixties and she was moved into a memory care center and died. Her funeral was on the very weekend that Janice and I were scheduled to move into two-bedroom apartment here, and I skipped the funeral, sadly.


Link1: https://www.reddit.com/r/electricians/comments/14kapuh/concrete_guy_attacks_again/
Link2: https://boards.4channel.org/k/thread/58820710

July 9, 2023


The lariat-wielding Argentine cowboy (center) is a caricature by Fowler of swashbuckling Douglas Fairbanks in the movie "The Gaucho", which appeared in a 1927 issue of "Mid-Week Pictorial" magazine (Link2).

In the background, a picture of old-fashioned percolating coffee-maker from a 1927 issue of "Country Life" magazine (Link3). Alsoin the background, an AI-Generated color picture by "Anonymous" from the 4-Chan image board.

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.

Link1: https://www.dafont.com/hodlers.font
Link2: https://archive.org/details/sim_midweek-pictorial_1927-12-03_26_15
Link3: https://archive.org/details/sim_country-life_1927-12-03_62_1611

July 8, 2023


Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.

Link1: https://www.dafont.com/hodlers.font

July 6, 2023


A Fourth of July image from Plastic Club member Sarah Nathan, who contributes to the Tuesday evening Digital Sharing zoom. Besides the patriotic colors and themes, there's also a little picture of bespectacled Sarah reading a newspaper in the upper left. She explained "I created the piece to represent a meaningful historic holiday though danger is read about daily, even minute by minute."

One of the stories I tell to myself is the Dumb Luck story. My father, a decorated WW2 vet, an engineer and teacher, had a Midwestern style of laughing self-disparagement. He often explained his good fortune as "Dumb Luck", as in "If you're lucky you don't have to be smart." I have made three high-risk decisions in my adult life that could have been catastrophic but were not -- through Dumb Luck.

  1. When I was 64, a doctor diagnosed me with heart disease -- a bad valve. I was about eight months shy of my 65th birthday, at which time I would fall under Medicare coverage. An operation would have cost about $120,000. I decided to live with the condition for eight months -- and had a valve replacement as soon as I was Medicare-eligible.
  2. Janice's mother had some medical problems and we decided to let her and her Pomeranian dog Coco move in with us until a place opened up at an assisted living facility. Luckily, a place did open up in a few months, Janice's mother's health stabilized, and those few months were relatively pleasant. Plus, we got to keep her Pomeranian Coco, for whom we found a loving adoptive home.
  3. Janice's beloved Abyssinian cat Simon died several years ago and Janice has longed to get another one. But I came down with a bladder condition that requires me to be connected to a drainage tube and urine retention bag all day -- but how would a new cat interact with my medical apparatus, a direct line into my bloodstream? I talked about it with several medical people and finally agreed to let Janice adopt a mature cat, originally Levie, now Miss Kitty, from America's first animal refuge. Janice loves her, I am fond of her, and she does not show any kittenish desire to claw or bite my plastic tube and rubber bags.

Dumb luck. I took risks and avoided the hammer-blows of Fate. As my father used to laugh, "If you're lucky, you don't have to be smart."

July 4, 2023


Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.

Link1: https://www.dafont.com/super-comic-3.font

June 24, 2023


Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://www.dafont.com/super-comic-3.font

June 22, 2023


Because I'm backed up on various projects -- household, system maintenance, building Janice a new computer, book review, entry for next Plastic Club exhibition -- I'm taking off a week, maybe two, from doing new art works. Seeking some perspective on the A.I.-G series.

None of this is helped by the fact that I am in the habit of working on my laptop while sitting in my comfortable reclining chair, sipping through a straw from a jar of water -- then occasionally nodding off and spilling the water on the computer! Duh! .

June 18, 2023


Below left is an A.I.-Generated image of a young Asian woman holding a tray with a Bonsai tree and a beer by 4-Chan user "AI-Anya" on the /b (Random) board (Link1).

Below right is my own AI-G image, given the Adobe Firely prompt "Young girl in an off-the-shoulder kimono holds a tray containing a cup of tea and a Bonsai tree". using image options Art, Layered Paper, Synthwave, Steampunk, Cyberpunk, Cubism, Geometric.

The resulting work is a layering of those two images.

Font is SUPER COMIC by fsuarez913 (Link1)

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://www.dafont.com/super-comic-3.font

June 9, 2023


Below left is an A.I.-Generated image of a peacock by 4-Chan user "Anonymous" on the /b (Random) board (Link1).

Below right is my own AI-G image, given the Adobe Firely prompt "Brightly colored peacock head and tail," using image options Art, Layered Paper, Synthwave, Steampunk, Cyberpunk, Cubism, Geometric.

The result work is a layering of those two images.

Font is OURLAND by Khurasan (Link2)

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://www.reddit.com/r/electricians/comments/13g3naz/rip_little_dude/
Link2: https://www.dafont.com/ourland.font; https://www.creativefabrica.com/designer/khurasan/ref/53/

June 8-9, 2023


It is an old "meme" passed around on the Internet. A photograph of bleached skeleton and ragged fur, the remains of a mouse who touched two live terminals in a junction box with his tiny paws and died instantly. (See circle.) The version here (left) is from an electrician's board on Reddit and was captioned "RIP, Li'l Dude." Another version from another board contained this text:.

"One day while doing nothing particularly out of the ordinary, because of natural laws he was completely powerless to understand or intuit, he was instantly killed in a horrifying way by forces vastly in excess of anything he was ever designed to experience, for no reason, to no one's particular surprise or upset. In this, we are more like him than different."

The prompt for the text-to-image A.I. machine was "Remains of a mouse who got tangled in a thick bundle of .electrical wires" (Right)

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://www.reddit.com/r/electricians/comments/13g3naz/rip_little_dude/

June 8, 2023


In Reddit's "Plumbing Group", user 'part machine 623' uploaded a set of pictures with this explanation (Below left, Link1): "My father passed away years ago and the business closed years before that. We’ve been able to sell some tools and machines, a few parts and fittings here and there, and scrapped a good bit. Is there a buyer left for these things? It’s time for the family to clear out and move on..." Kinda sad.

The prompt to the text-to-image A.I. program was "Assorted plumbing supplies stacked on shelves in a shed" (Below right)

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://www.reddit.com/r/Plumbing/comments/13zi1gg/older_plumbing_partsmaterials_still_used/

June 4-5, 2023


A collage of two images, one (below left) an A.I.-Generated work from 4-Chan's "/b" random image board by a skilled A.I.-Generator that goes by the name of "Koff."

The second image, below right, is my own A.I.-Generated work, created in Adobe's Firefly Text-to-Image engine given the prompt (based on my view of Koff's work) of "little girl in short skirt and purple blouse standing alone off-center in a sunny room" with switches Graphic, Cubism, Geometric, Layered Paper, Psychedelic, Muted Color.

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


June 3-4, 2023


Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.



June 1, 2023


Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.



May 31, 2023


Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.



May 27, 2023


On the Reddit Trucking board, user 'Ifuckinghatethesunn' uploaded this photo (Link1)with the caption "I know a lot of you don't go completely under the trailer for a pretrip. I couldn't see this until I was completely under it and on my back, looking up."

"Pretrip" means a trucker's inspection of truck and gear before setting off on a trip. Or as another user explained, "Thats when you clock in so you can get dressed, make the bed, make a coffee, have a smoke, and maybe look at your route and potential stops for breaks."

But when user "Ifuckinghatethesunn" did a more complete pretrip inspection, he found this: part of the air brake assembly was cracked (black area in center) with matching zig zag edges.

I used a text-to-image A.I. generator to create a similar scene. (Link2)

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://www.reddit.com/r/Truckers/comments/13p5lff/i_know_a_lot_of_you_dont_go_completely_under_the/
Link2: Adobe Firefly text-to-image program given prompt "close-up of braclet for truck air brakes"

May 25, 2023

In English translation:


The 2021 Schlegel-Tieck prize for translation from German into English went to Durs Grunbein's "Porcelain: Poem on the Downfall of My City" translated in 2020 by Karen Leeder.

Grunbein (b. 1962) is a German poet who wrote this book in pained memory of the 1945 destruction of his hometown Dresden. That bombing killed some 25,000 people and destroyed the city's center, known as "the Jewel Box" for its baroque and rococo buildings. American author Kurt Vonnegut was a Prisoner of War in Dresden at the time of the bombing and wrote "Slaughterhouse-Five or The Children's Crusade" about the event.

Grunbein uses an unusual form: 49 short but dense poems recounting different aspects of that city's history. Only 91 pages, it can be read in one day.

He tells how an imprisoned 17th century con man and alchemist developed the formula for the white clay used to make porcelain, previously known only in China.

"...They said this man, this master of fragilita, 'shat ducats',
poor sod. But more fool him, imprisoned by the King:
that's what you get, claiming to conjure gold from dirt.
What he found instead was a second crepe de Chine,
proffered by the earth. Nonetheless, cold comfort..."

Grunbein tells of intrigues in the Saxon royal house. He tells how modern right-wing and left-wing Germans hold different commemorations of the event. He makes fun of his own role in writing about the 1945 bombing -- as a "Johnny Come Lately," born 17 years after the bombing:

"Hold on, who's that speaking? Is that crook even Saxon?
Chomping through our yesteryear, the pedant-clown,
cracking jokes, shard-collector, part-time Christian.
What is fate for us, our disgrace -- our shame --
is Hecuba* for him, Nazi squirt, priggish pioneer, 
Never heard the sirens' howl, but cries his tears
all right, not the faintest notion what they are: incendiaries.
The only war they know is on the silver screen, these brats, 
Scoffing popcorn in the dark, feet on seats, leant right back,
shadows regurgitating schoolbooks, postwar zombies."

Grunbein also looks at the geopolitics of the bombing of Dresden.

"Not long after Yalta was the moment that it fell.
The old world split in two for the coming fifty years.
Is there such a thing as a wound that cannot heal?
Melancholia...Firestorm..And the blasted Lares*
dancing daily in stilletos on the ever-sorest spot..."

Grunbein's work is an inspiring example of how a traditional literary style (literate and allusive poetry) can be used to shed light on modern life. And how, slowly, Europe seems to be healing from the horrors of World War Two -- even as it inspires new horrors in Ukraine.

* Notes:
Hecuba is the tragic Queen of Troy.
Lares were Roman cherub-like household gods.

May 22, 2023


SOURCES (Below):

A photograph labeled "Real Paralejurus? Devonian Trilobite, Kem Kem Morocco" uploaded to Reddit's "r/Trilobites" board by unknown user (Link1). Photo and uploader's name has since been deleted.

An A.I.-G image created by Adobe's Firefly text-to-image program given the prompt "Devonian Trilobite Fossil" (Link2)

An A.I.-G image created by Adobe's Firefly text-to-image program given the prompt "black and sand geometric pattern around large oval" (Link3)

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://www.reddit.com/r/trilobites/comments/13fhgw7/real_paralejurus_devonian_trilobite_kem_kem/
Link2: Adobe Firefly text-to-image program given prompt "Devonian Trilobite Fossil"
Link3: Adobe Firefly text-to-image program given prompt  "black and sand geometric pattern around large oval"

May 21, 2023


SOURCES (Below):

A photograph labeled "Picking deadly Oleander flowers with my kids..." uploaded to Reddit's "r/OoopsThat'sDeadly" board by user ChiIIOut (Link1)

An A.I.-G image created by Adobe's Firefly text-to-image program given the prompt "Geometric Pattern in Pink and Green" (Link2)

An A.I.-G image created by Adobe's Firefly text-to-image program given the prompt "Pink Oleander Flowers" (Link3)

Font is "SuperComic" by fsuarez913 (Link4)

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://www.reddit.com/r/OopsThatsDeadly/comments/13lp7qb/picking_deadly_oleander_flowers_with_my_kids/
Link2: Adobe Firefly text-to-image program given prompt "Geometric Pattern in Pink and Green"
Link3: Adobe Firefly text-to-image program given prompt  "Pink Oleander Flowers"
Link4: https://www.dafont.com/super-comic-3.font 

May 20, 2023


In comments, uploader learned there is a different between corrosion in pipes and mineral deposits in pipes. This example is mineral (calcium/potassium) deposits. Although a later commenter noted "Kinda both? This looks like tuberculation, which is microbe induced corrosion[. I]ron oxidizing and sulfur reducing bacteria are the main culprits. They're feeding off of the pipe's iron and passive minerals and nutrients in the water to create their own little ecosystem."

Also a debate over whether it's cast iron or carbon steel.

One commenter: "A good PSA to go and be active and eat healthy so that you don’t clog up your heart pipes."

SOURCES (Below):

A photograph labeled "Corroded Cast Iron Water Main" uploaded to Reddit's "Civil Engineering" board by user Lilrman1 (Link1)

An A.I.-G image created by Adobe's Firefly text-to-image program given the prompt "Corroded Cast Iron Water Main" (Link2)

An A.I.-G image created by Adobe's Firefly text-to-image program given the prompt "geometric pattern around one circle filling half of the square" (Link3)

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://www.reddit.com/r/civilengineering/comments/13kyg6j/corroded_cast_iron_water_main/
Link2: Adobe Firefly text-to-image program given prompt "Firefly corroded cast iron water main 44739"
Link3: Adobe Firefly text-to-image program given prompt  "geometric pattern around one circle filling half of the square" 

May 19, 2023


Three Canadair CL-415 planes dropping water on a forest fire in France. Uploader's comment: "Water bombing is the last profession where you actually get to be a man and fly the plane. not just operate it."

SOURCES (Below):

Photograph of three Canadair CL-415> planes dropping water on a forest fire in France. (Link1)

An A.I.-G image created by Adobe's Firefly text-to-image program given the prompt "Three planes pouring water on forest fire" (Link2))

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/4y9tvf/3_canadair_cl415_
Link2: Adobe Firefly text-to-image program given prompt "three airplanes pouring water on forest fire"

Photo of airplane:

May 13, 2023


Some differences here. Narrower frame, replacement of half-tone textures with Gimp Contours Image-Offset.

SOURCES (Below):

A photograph of a flowering dogwood tree uploaded to Reddit's "Nature Is Beautiful" board by user VirtualInsanity008 (Link1)

An A.I.-G image created by Adobe's Firefly text-to-image program given the prompt "Flowering Dogwood Tree" (Link2)

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://www.reddit.com/r/natureisbeautiful/comments/13esyup/flowering_dogwood_tree/
Link2: Adobe Firefly text-to-image program given prompt "flowering dogwood tree" 54936

May 12-13, 2023


SOURCES (Below):

Left: A photo of a Soviet Sukhoi SU-30 jet fighter climbing, uploaded in May 2023 to Reddit's /r thread as "Aircraft Porn" (Link1)

Right: A.I.-G image generated by Bob Moore with Beta version of Adobe Firefly with prompt "su-30 jet fighter climbing" (Link2)

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://www.reddit.com/r/worldpolitics/comments/13b7jo1/daily_military_post_30_russian_sukhoi_su30sm/
Link2: https://firefly.adobe.com/generate/images?prompt=su-30+jet+fighter+climbing&style=psychedelic&style=cubism&style=product_photo&style=geometric&style=neon

May 11, 2023


SOURCES (Below):

Left: A photo of a circuit box uploaded in May 2023 to Reddit's "Ask an Electrician" board by Harlequin137, with the question: "Neutral and Ground on Common Bus Bar?" (Link1)

Right: A.I.-G image generated by Bob Moore with Beta version of Adobe Firefly with prompt "House Circuit Box with Breakers" (Link2)

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://www.reddit.com/r/askanelectrician/comments/13ct3qo/neutral_and_ground_on_common_bus_bar/
Link2: Firefly_HOUSE+CIRCUIT BOX WITH BREAKERS_graphic,cubism,pop_art,geometric,linocut,bioluminescent_44609.jpg

May 10-11, 2023



Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.

Left: A.I.-G image generated by "Anonymous" on 4-Chan '\b' page in May, 2023
Right: A.I.-G image generated by Bob Moore with Beta version of Adobe Firefly

Link1: https://boards.4chan.org/b/ (image has since been deleted).
Link2: Ausing the prompt "Magical World Inside a TV Set" with options Cubism, Steampunk, Cyberpunk, Fantasy, Science Fiction 

May 10, 2023



Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://boards.4chan.org/b/ (image has since been deleted).

May 8, 2023



Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.

Link1: https://boards.4chan.org/b/ (image has since been deleted).

May 8, 2023


A.I.-generated work has its own standard of suitability. Because it is tech-intensive, it tends to attract technically skilled young people aged 15-30, mainly but not exclusively male. They have the usual interests of young men, mainly sex. Because of the audience for my web page and my zoom Artists' group have a standard for decency that is somewhat "stricter" than I find in A.I.-Generated ("AI-G") work , I have a difficult job of selection. I currently have only one way to access the active world of AI-G, through a darker corner of the web, 4-Chan, which is mainly uncensored and anonymous. So I have to pick. Some AI-G work involves under-age children (even toddlers) and depictions of sexual kinks.

Today's image, for instance, involves partial nudity of a preteen girl and a subtext of female suffering (the figure is malnourished and crying). We know nothing of "Anonymous," who wrote the prompt behind the image, but he/she writes comments that are revealing. In one comment, he/she complains about "body image" and says "My dedication to this art -- I consider it art -- has ruined my life."


Left, foreground collage of A.I.-generated images of four young girls, crying, uploaded by "Anonymous" 5/5/2023 to 4-Chan "\b" thread 'AI DEGENerated Art and Porn'. (Link1)

Right, background A.I.-generated image produced by Bob Moore 5/6/2023 with Adobe FireFly text-to-image (TXT2IMG) generator using a prompt "urban rubble and ruins" and options Art, Steampunk, Cubism, Graffiti, Pastel Colors (Link2)

Text, composition, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://boards.4chan.org/b/ (image has since been deleted).
Link2: Firefly_urban+rubble and ruins_art,steampunk,cubism,graffiti,pastel_colors_27233.jpg

May 6, 2023


Taking a departure from the public-domain exploration and concentrating instead on my exploration of the hot field of A.I.-Generated images.

Have been aware of the scary aspects of AI for a long time. Know about artists' complaints about stealing work. But it is a field of controversy and excitement, and I don't think it can be ignored. I think I'm okay in legal terms, given that A.I. work is not copyrightable. Not sure how long I'll continue in this new direction, but in some ways, I think my whole life has been leading up to this material -- especially my early published work (1992) about "Artificial Life", an A.I. technique.


Left, foreground A.I.-generated image of schoolgirl in brown suit and white blouse uploaded by "Anonymous" 5/4/2023 to 4-Chan "\b" thread 'AI DEGENerated Art and Porn'. (Link1)

Right, background A.I.-generated image produced by Bob Moore 5/5/2023 with Adobe FireFly text-to-image (TXT2IMG) generator using a prompt "abstraction in leather and cardboard" and options Graphic, Synthwave, Cubism, Psychedelic, and Chaotic, (Link2)

Text, framing, surface texture, coloring, and winged-trilobite logo by Bob Moore.


Link1: https://boards.4chan.org/b/ (image has since been deleted).
Link2: https://firefly.adobe.com/generate/images?prompt=_abstract+in leather and cardboard_graphic,synthwave,cubism,psychedelic,chaotic_37097

May 5, 2023


Top, a photograph of a Westinghouse power plant compressor, from a 1927 issue of "Power Engineering" (Link1).

Dimly visible in the middle, four snaps of Isadora Duncan's modern dance, from a popular history "Our times. The United States 1900-1925" (Link2).

The devilish figure at bottom gesturing to all the masks is from an insurance company ad pointing out that Syphilis appears in many forms, from an early "Life" magazine (Link3).

Music is "Where Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone" (Link4) from the 1971 compilation 'The Swing Era: The Music Of 1942-1944'


Link1: https://archive.org/details/sim_power-engineering_1927-12-15_31_24
Link2: https://archive.org/details/ourtimesunitedst0000unse
Link3: https://archive.org/details/sim_life_1927-12-15_90_2354
Link4: https://archive.org/details/lp_the-swing-era-the-music-of-1942-1944-wh_various/disc2/04.05.+Where+Oh+Where+Has+My+Little+Dog+Gone%3F+(Claude+Thornhill+Version).mp3

May 1, 2023


Photos from a publicity spread of movie actress Clara Bow, from a 1927 "Midweek Pictorial" (Link1). Early in her career, she was nicknamed 'Baby Vamp.'

Superimposed on a picture of a ruined abbey from the 1927 "The ruined abbeys of Great Britain" (Link2).

Combined and collaged with an AI image created by Adobe's "FireFly" beta, given a prompt like "1920 actress clara bow and ruined english abbey."


Link1: https://www.reddit.com/r/worldpolitics/comments/1300ka2/hvac_graveyard/
Link2: https://archive.org/details/ruinedabbeysofgr0000cram

April 28, 2023


From a random photo of rusting, disordered HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) equipment posted on 4-Chan's "\b" imageboard, with the heading "HVAC Graveyard." It was uploaded by a user named 'SurpriseLobotomy' (Link1) with the comment "Not for the feint of heart." A comment from one poster (Gezn2inexile) said "I got 115$ a ton for a bunch of that tinny crap last fall, if you've got a trailer and time on your hands..." and another poster (Incompent Wizard) said "Crackheads wet dream."

Combined and collaged with an AI image created by Adobe's "FireFly" beta, given a prompt like "Field with broken furnaces and air conditioners."

Experimenting with text as part of the image, because it de-emphasizes my 'trilobite with wings' logo and I have the advantage of English being close to a world language.

SOURCES: Link1: https://www.reddit.com/r/worldpolitics/comments/1300ka2/hvac_graveyard/

April 27, 2023


From an ad in the 1927 magazine "Saturday Night" for Irish linens (Link1), a drawing of a hotel or house maid changing a bed. The ad is captioned "No Linen So Good."

Background is two AI-generated images: top, a pic created with Adobe's "FireFly" beta in response to prompt "Maid Changing Bed Sheet"); bottom, a collage of AI-generated orgy images showing anatomical impossibilities.


Link1: https://archive.org/details/sim_saturday-night_1927-12-10_43_4

April 26, 2023

In English translation:


The 2022 prize for translation from Arabic into English went to Hamdi Abu Golayyel's "The Men Who Swallowed the Sun" translated by Humphrey Davies.

Golayyel (pictured above, b. 1976) is an Egyptian writer who describes the rootless men who scramble to make a living in a dangerous new world where national borders mean little.

Egypt, Golayyel explains, has "experienced virtually every occupation known to man -- Roman, Greek, Byzantine, Arab, Turkish, Persian, Mongolian, and finally Western European" and now "terrorist Islamic groups have infiltrated into Sinai ... [and) are waging a ruinous war against the Egyptian army, with the Bedouin of Sinai caught between the two."

This book describes the adventure of two Bedouin men: one decides to stay behind in his home village and the other opts to sneak into Europe aboard a wooden boat.

The one who stays behind is stymied by family history, the one who leaves (fancifully titling himself 'The Phantom Raider') thrives briefly in Italy as a gang member, but finally flees back to his hometown under police pressure.

Golayyel does not sugarcoat the morality of the Phantom Raider. He rapes ("Once I raped a woman in my [hometown]. It wasn't real rape, don't get me wrong. She was from our hamlet and had married someone in another hamlet and I'd never looked at her and she wasn't pretty at all, very skinny, just skin and bones, and I lay in wait for her in the fields..."; note that kinship, not consent, determines whether it was rape) and he steals (in Italy, he throws a family of four refugees out of a desirable abandoned house by a show of force and moves his gang into the house; thieves stealing from thieves.)

The stay-at-home brother settles in a place called Sabha, a melting pot: "When I arrived there, Sabha was in turmoil, on edge, pullulating with people -- its original inhabitants, Tuareg and Africans from the northern and southern Sahara, as well as Africans from the rest of the continent. But control was in the hands of the Arabs. Not any Arabs, just the Leader's [Muammar al-Qaddafi's] tribe...Sabha is the first stop on the route taken by many Africans fleeing toward the European dream. They arrive on foot from the deserts of Niger and the forests of Ghana, always an easy, though sometimes fierce and murderous prey to Sabha's bullies, its nothing-to-lose youth, and the relatives of the Leader, or the ones who'd made it, most of whom in Sabha were police or army officers. Many of its young people were criminals, or if not exactly criminals, thugs, or if not thugs, neighborhood bullies."

"Sad to say, Egyptians were the ones who most often got mugged in Sabha, more so even than Africans. The mugger, or thug, in Sabha and throughout Libya, is very wary when it comes to Sudanese and Tunisians and is terrified of Algerians...."

Like Richard Wright's "Native Son," this book is an unsparing look at an underclass.


April 23-27, 2023

Detail of by Mauro Gonzalez' caricature of opera singer Lawrence Tibbett , appearing in 1927 "Musical Courier" (Link1)


Link1: https://archive.org/details/sim_music-magazine-and-musical-courier_1927-12-15_95_24

April 20, 2023


4 Chan Glossary:
ANON= Nickname for Anonymous posters.
IDK= I don't know.


Image and quote appeared together in a thread of AI-generated images on 4-Chan's "b" (random) bulletin board on April 13, 2023. The uploader was "Anonymous;" nothing is known of the uploader, neither name nor age nor gender. (Link1)

Music is a piano improvisation from the 1956 version of the "Russian And Gypsy Songs Album No. 2 by Sandra Karina (Link2) LINKS:

Link1: https://boards.4chan.org/b/ (image has since been deleted).
Link2: https://archive.org/details/lp_russian-and-gypsy-songs-album-no-2_sandra-karina

April 19, 2023

. I still support Ukraine in its resistance to the Russian invasion, but it's beginning to look like it could go for three years. I'm not sure the world is ready for that. Every dollar spent on the war is not spent on hardening our coastal cities against rising sea levels or reducing our dependence on fossil fuels.

Picture is from a thread on 4-Chan in which artists using AI-Generation programs show off their work. It is not copyrightable, and it is mostly published under the name "Anonymous."


April 18, 2023


A puzzling sentiment expressed by an anonymous poster on an AI-generated Art thread on 4-Chan. I chose it because it posits a world without males and a world without aging (i.e, everybody is cute.) WTF?


Image and quote appeared in a thread of AI-generated images on 4-Chan's "b" (random) bulletin board on April 13, 2023. The uploader was "Anonymous;" nothing is known of the uploader, neither name nor age nor gender. (Link1)

At about the 0:06 mark, that image was overlaid with an image from a beta version of Adobe's Text-to-Image generator FireFly, with the prompt "Two Girls Hugging." (Link2)

Music is a version of the 1923 popular song "Yes We Have No Bananas/Si! Se Acabaron los Platanos" done as a Fox Trot by The Great White Way orchestra (Link3) LINKS:

Link1: https://boards.4chan.org/b/ (image has since been deleted).
Link2: https://firefly.adobe.com/
Link3: https://archive.org/details/78_yes-we-have-no-bananas-si-se-acabaron-los-platanos_the-great-white-way-orchestr_gbia0027570a

April 15, 2023


April 18, 2023

Foreground is a massive stone animal sculpture (a chimera, or an imaginary or mythological creature) from a sixth-century Chinese temple at Liang, near Nanking, pictured in the 1927 University of Pennsylvania "Museum Guide." (Link1)

Also in the background is a AI-generated image from Adobe Firefly, given the prompt "Massive Stone Chimera."

Deeper in the background is a carved wall from an Egyptian necropolis (from the same "Museum Guide"). The caption reads: "Ra-Ka-Pow inspects the offerings brought from his estate to his tomb."

Continuing to experiment with text in an image, combined with my white border and my trilobite logo.


Link1: https://archive.org/details/dli.ministry.17521

April 12, 2023



April 10, 2023

Alternate title: "Thoughts and Prayers".


April 9, 2023



Photo by Bob Moore

April 6, 2023

Illustration from a remedy in a 1927 book of home remedies and quack cures, "Dr. Chase's new receipt book and medical advisor: or, Information for everybody: an invaluable collection of practical receipts ... all arranged in their appropriate departments" (Link1) The text reads:
"You Wonder Why You Cannot Sleep

"IF you could only sleep at night there would be some chance of getting back the nervous energy which is expended during the day.

"But you cannot sleep. In the morning you arise feeling tired and played out. By evening you are all in. Your nervous system is entirely exhausted.

"'Is there no way to get out of this condition?' you ask There is. By using Dr. Chase’s Nerve Food regularly you can feed the nerves back to health and vigor.

"You may be unduly sensitive to light and sound. You may be irritable and inclined to worry when there is no real cause. But inability to rest and sleep is one of the surest signs that you are in need of just such help as Dr. Chase’s Nerve Food best can give you."

Unfortunately, Alex Boese, curator of the San Diego website "Museum of Hoaxes" has found (Link2) that Dr. Chase's Nerve Food "contained arsenic and strychnine" -- even advertised it on the packaging.

Background colors produced by overlaying two colorful AI-generated images.


Link1: https://archive.org/details/drchasesnewrecei0000chas
Link2: https://www.weirduniverse.net/blog/comments/dr._chases_nerve_food/

April 3, 2023

An ink-drawing of Father Time, accompanying an article on health tips in a 1927 edition of "The American Legion Magazine" (Link1). Artist is Thornton Skidmore (1884-1956). Background color is supplied from non-copyrighted AI-generated images seen on the image hobbyist board 4-Chan.


Link1: https://archive.org/details/sim_american-legion_1927-12_3_6

March 30, 2023



March 28, 2023

Quick typographical experiment in branding idea for the Zoom group which I host every Tuesday for the Plastic Club, a Philadelphia arts club.

The font is "Neo-Euskal-Herria" by Spanish artist Woodcutter (Link1). Euskal-Herria is a historic name for the Basque region of Spain.

The image behind is a black-and-white photo of grapes from a 1927 catalog for Fancher Creek Nurseries of Fresno (CA) (Link2).


Link1: https://www.dafont.com/neo-euskal-herria.font
Link2: https://archive.org/details/fruittreepriceca1927fanc/

March 27, 2023

Picture shows an AR-15 combat semi-automatic rifle with parts made of plastic, which exploded when user pulled trigger. From "Firearms Blog" (Link1): "An exploded AR-15, which doesn’t happen with frequency. Note that the upper receiver has damage as well, so this could have possibly not been the fault of the polymer lower, but some other cause." The link leads to voluminous argumentation over what could have caused explosion.

Background/frame is other images of metal gunsmithing. I like the look of machined metal.

The dingbat font is Amphibia Runes by sulkyeyra (Link2).


Link1: https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2017/01/04/polymer-ar-lower-exploded/
Link2: https://www.dafont.com/amphibia-runes.font?sort=date

March 26, 2023

Spent two days trying to a tileable fabric design for an upcoming exhibition, but didn't get it right. This is intermediate result.


March 18, 2023

Radios were an exciting development at one time, like computers and AI in our time. My father, a curious, intelligent soul, was in on the excitement: plans for a simple crystal radio set were published in 1920 and my father (born 1904) built one.

Here, a collage of black-and-white illustrations from ads and editorial material in a 1927 issue of "Radio" magazine (Link1), a hobbyist magazine.

In the center is an ink-drawing of curious boy (watched intently by his dog) climbing on a chair to play with the controls of a dresser-sized radio, an Equaphase receiver made by Charles Freshman Co, only $185, "plug in your light socket and listen."

The background is composed of two elements: (1) a crude radio receiver kit of the time by Karas Inc. It's to the left and right side of the curious boy, showing transformers and inductance coils that look like tuna-fish cans.

(2) in the center, behind the big cabinet radio, is the magazine's cover image, an elaborate fantasy scene with trumpet-playing angels galloping through space on horses.

The second image is the same as the first without the cute illustration. Part of an experiment to determine whether the original abstract pattern is better without the heart-warming human element.

It's Janice's and my 38th anniversary as a couple. I got it pretty good -- as long as I can put up with her occasional temper tantrums, which are verbal, not violent, and if the rigors of old age remain tolerable. And if we don't run out of money. At the moment, I'm a lucky man.


Link1: https://archive.org/details/sim_audio_1927-12_9_12

March 17, 2023

Intimate Letters Of A Finnish Artist


NOTE: Bob Moore reviews books written in foreign languages whose translations into English have won prizes.

The 2021 prize for translation from Swedish into English went to Tove Jansson's "Letters from Tove" translated by Sarah Death.

Jansson (1914-2001; self portrait above, age 28; next to it, self-portrait age 61) was a Finnish painter and writer who developed a cartoon family of hippo-like animals, the Moomins, which were as popular in her culture as Al Capp and Garry Trudeau were in ours.

All her life, Jansson poured her soul out in long letters to a variety of friends and lovers, translated in this 500-page book.

She describes her student days in Paris: "Let me tell you -- Paris is definitely the right place to deal a blow to the final vestiges of one's inferiority complex! One simply has to get over it to survive. If you are the least bit shy, compliant, apologetic or anxious, you end up feeling like a doormat before the day is over. All the concierges, constant little faux pas in matters of etiquette and French custom, the women with their devastating self-confidence, beauty and refinement of dress, haughty garcons, cheeky gamines, sales assistant who try to cheat you as much as possible and almost despise if you don't haggle, a blase restaurant clientele always eager to find fault, etc."

She returns to her family in Finland in time for the "Winter War" (1939-49) when Russia invaded tiny Finland. "Then the news came on the radio... Papa just came in and said 'Well that's it then.' Nothing more was said, we just each of us went and got on with packing..."

She describes the awkwardness of relationships with soldiers on leave: "He was here incognito, came straight to the studio with flowers, an icon, ... war souvenirs. He was so tired, and lay down for a sleep while I mended his clothes and boiled macaroni for breakfast... We had a celebration dinner with wine and a [cooked bird]... It seemed such a solemn occasion that we hardly said a word as we sat there chewing on our bones. Just to think that he's one of only 10 left out of the 200 who left." (In the short war, Finland suffered 25,000 casualties.)

As Tove grows, she finds she is attracted to women, but since same-sex relations are illegal in Finland (and will remain so until 1971), she is reticent and speaks in code -- of "ghosts." Much of her correspondence is with an absent "ghost" lover in America. But Tove also proposes (by letter) marriage to a man, a political leader and he accepts, replying: "Tove, is it true we aren't married yet? I thought we were, we must have neglected to do it somehow. It's just a formality of course."

Much of the book centers on her career and lively social life. A good BBC documentary on her life is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAsGD9YLT50. A movie based on Tove's book "A Summer House" is in production starring Glenn Close.


March 15, 2023

The overall design is based on an advertisement in the 1927 catalog "New Outlooks for Every Home" by Scranton Lace Company (Link1).

Inside, a photo of a female Ukrainian soldier (with long braids) from the 47th Mech Brigade, resting with her rifle before a church (Link2).

Behind that, a photo of a Ukrainian soldier raising the country's flag over a reconquered village near Kherson last September. (Link3)

The small circular figure at the bottom is the illustration that was originally inside the larger circle filled with Link2 and Link3 images, an American housewife making a bed, colors inverted.


Link1: https://archive.org/details/newoutlooksforev00scra_0/page/n21/mode/1up
Link2: https://medium.com/@Stefan.Korshak/march-8-day-378-womens-day-big-cheese-that-really-matters-counting-the-stuff-3d17554f034d
Link3: https://novynarnia.com/2022/09/04/na-hersonshhyni-zsu-vstanovyly-prapor-ukrayiny-nad-zvilnenym-vysokopillyam-foto/

March 15, 2023



March 10, 2023

All images are from a single source: the 1927 issue of "Display Lighting" (Link1), including three different lamps for lighting up window displays and two images of featured storefront displays.


Link1: https://archive.org/details/sim_vmsd-experience-retail-now_1927-12_11_6

March 9, 2023

Background is a painting by Heinrich Campendonk, a lesser known artist of the influential German "Blue Rider" school (Link1). Other elements in this image are from other sources including the 1925-27 edition of "The Journal Of The Linnean Society Of London" (Link2) and a chart of bolt-types for construction, from "Engineering Choice" (Link 3).


Link1: https://www.theartnewspaper.com/2023/03/07/a-little-known-blaue-reiter-artist-is-brought-to-life
Link2: https://archive.org/details/dli.ernet.229139
Link3: https://www.engineeringchoice.com/types-of-nuts-and-bolts/

March 8, 2023



March 7, 2023



Link1: https://archive.org/details/sim_life_1927-12-22_90_2355

March 6 2023

Background is a photograph of hands of several people overlapping, from a 1994 arts magazine "Kunst & Museumjournaal" (Link1), with considerable digital alteration.

The text is from a Dingbat font, "Lightnitria" (Link2) by Tephy_Chan.


Link1: https://archive.org/details/pocahontasorindi0000paul/ (the digital file is miscatalogued as the 1873 "Pocahontas: or, The Indian maiden"
Link2: https://www.dafont.com/lightnitria.d10574?sort=date

March 2, 2023

A composite of two images from a 1927 issue of "The Oil & Gas Journal" (Link1)


Link1: https://archive.org/details/sim_oil-gas-journal_1927-12-29_26

March 2, 2023

Sometime around 1950, a photographer traveled through residential neighborhoods on the East side of Detroit with pony in tow. My parents paid the charge for a photo of my older sister Mimi and myself with the horse. Visiting my sister's house, I saw the picture, snapped a photo, and send it through my digital processing routine, which, if you zoom in, gives it a strange mirage-like shimmer.

My sister lives in suburban Richmond, Virginia, near her grandkids. It is the first time I've been more than a mile from my Philadelphia apartment in 13 months, since I had medical problems. I took the train for the five-hour. 200-mile trip -- no complaints.


February 25, 2023

A collage of machines from a 1927 issue of "Paper Trade Journal" (Link1) serve as a background for a couple thoughts I've been having about -- remarkably -- things that get better as you get older: The design is placed over an A.I. "camouflage" print generator (Link2).


Link1: https://archive.org/details/sim_paper-trade-journal_1927-12-29_85_26
Link2: http://www.happyponyland.net/camogen.php

February 19, 2023

Some of you may have noticed that I have adjusted the "trawling ground" where I seek images. Lately, I have been using the four sites named in the first paragraph of an article (Link1) on new works entering the public domain on January 1, 2023 -- that is, works copyrighted in 1927.

Two sources for today's image come the periodical link, a "Saturday Evening Post" 1927 edition (Link2):

A bare-chested builder examines a blueprint in an ad for "Certain-teed" building products, as he towers over three metropolitan areas, at bottom (from left): industrial, downtown, and residential; and

Over his shoulder, an exterior view of the newly built Stevens Hotel in Chicago (now the Chicago Hilton).

I am thinking of entering this in the Plastic Club's "Bright Lights/Big City" exhibition. It seems an icon of what was once a Male Supremacy dominant in this country, now in decline.

In second version, goofed around with addition of cartoonish X-ray eyes, to dilute the beefcake of the original image. But that's not the one I entered into the exhibition.


Link1: https://blog.archive.org/2023/01/01/welcoming-1927-to-the-public-domain/
Link2: https://archive.org/details/sim_saturday-evening-post_1927-12-31_200_27.

February 16-18, 2023

A collage of several images from 1927 trade papers, such as "Hardware Age" and "Domestic Engineering." Unfortunately, the sources were lost.

It also includes a copy of an A.I.-generated image from 4-Chan's "b" group, showing a young woman in a lavishly decorated bra, with the skin whited out.


February 16, 2023



February 14, 2023


One of the oddities in A.I.-generated soft-core porn, besides its difficulties with feet, fingers, and genitalia (see Feb. 8 entry) is the magnificence of its treatment of frills. The lace on an A.I.-generated bra or panties is far more detailed than real-life garments, produced under the economic constraints of mass marketing. The background image here is a collage of some of these over-the-top decorated dainties.

The heart is a Photoshop Shape and the font is Walerina Monogram (Link1) by Abo Daniel Studio (Link2).


Link1: https://www.dafont.com/walerina-monogram.font
Link2: https://www.creativefabrica.com/designer/abodaniel/ref/236322

February 13, 2023



February 12, 2023

IN ENGLISH TRANSLATION: Joyful Journey Through Musical History

NOTE: Bob Moore (#1216) reviews books written in foreign languages whose translations into English have won prizes.

The 2021 prize for translation from Spanish into English went to Luis Sagasti's "A Musical Offering" translated by Fionn Petsch

Sagasti (born 1963, photo from "La Voz") is an Argentinan teacher and museum curator. The book is not a novel, not a set of essays, but a series of thematically related anecdotes from musical and art history. Someone who has studied the letters and biographies of history's great musicians shares details of the artists' lives and circumstances in an exhilarating tour of human creativity.

The ostensible subject is Lullabies. It begins with an amusing account of Bach's pieces designed to put an insomniac nobleman to sleep. Then a torrent of stories, all over time and place, from Australian aboriginal music to modern lullabies by the Beatles and the Rolling Stones, and finally circling back to Bach and a puzzling, friendly farewell, -- wishing his readers good night (in Russian).

Are the stories all true? Did someone in 1902 write a "Symphonic Poem for 100 Metronomes"? Is there a Swiss village that built a pipe organ so large that it buried itself in an avalanche? I don't know. I don't care. There is an element to Sagasti's writing that is science fiction and fable.

There are many references to Scherezade, the new wife and storyteller from the Middle Eastern collection of stories "One Thousand and One Nights," forced to spin a tale so entertaining that her murderous royal husband wants to hear it continued for one more night.

There is Olivier Messian's account of a concentration camp orchestra he organized: "The four musicians played on broken instruments ... the keys on my upright piano remained lowered when I pressed...[the musicians were dressed] in the oddest way, in completely tattered clothes and wooden clogs large enough for the blood to circulate despite the snow underfoot."

There is Native American sandpainting. in which "the Navajos traced patterns with a startling purity, but always left a small area blank; this meant the drawing was incomplete. A double lock on the gates to the soul; a way to prevent the paintings from commencing their tasks."

The translator explained the book's intended effect: "Gradually, a pattern emerges from this mosaic that attests, among other things, to the importance of music and art to our moments of crisis and extreme emotion, elation and abjection alike."

There is much talk by Sagasti about how silence plays a crucial part in music, but, being musically unsophisticated, I didn't quite get it, Whether or not I understood Sagasti's thesis, however, the stories, one after another, stream-of-consciousness style, are instructive and entertaining, a happy 100-page read, especially compared to last month's 400-page grim tale of a World War I prisoner of war.


The translator interviews the author at https://southwestreview.com/the-music-of-silence-an-interview-with-luis-sagasti/.

February 11, 2023



February 11, 2023



February 9, 2023

AI-Generated Figure with two penises and one vagina


I watch the flood of works being created these days using AI-generation text-to-image technology. Many of them show young girls of perfect (if cold and expressionless) beauty. But some practitioners figure on making money in the porn industry with hard-core explicit images. The problem is that AI-generation technology is terrible on certain anatomical details: fingers, toes, and genitalia. The failures of would-be hard-core porn makers are hilarious in a disturbing way. In the background is a collage of these failed porn images, mercifully obscured for the sake of the viewer, but one image is clearly in the foreground: a glamorous, Farrah Fawcett beauty squatting to display a nonsensical set of genitalia, one long penis dangling down, a shorter penis pointing up, and a vagina next to the short penis.


Images from 4-chan \b board

February 8, 2023


The left image is an interference pattern, created by superimposing a collage of two advertisements for appliances and a set of punched sieves from the 1927 edition of "American Artisan and Hardware Record" (Link1), a trade magazine for the heating industry.

Another layer is a display of coins from the reign of Varahran in Iran around 300 A.D. from "The numismatic chronicle and Journal of the Royal Numismatic Society" (Link2)

The right image is the same interference pattern, dimmed, with text using Iconian Fonts/Dan Zadorozny's "Fly Eagles Fly" dingbat font (Link3). Zadorozny is a Philadelphia native who says he "bleeds green and silver."


Link1: https://archive.org/details/sim_american-artisan-the-warm-heating-and-sheet-metal_1927-12-31_94_27
Link2: https://archive.org/details/dli.ministry.18042
Link3:  https://www.dafont.com/fly-eagles-fly.font

February 5, 2023


The cartoon of the eager football player comes from a 1927 issue of the popular humor magazine Judge (Link1), published 1881-1947. I do not know the name of the cartoonist, although I have seen the style before. If you can identify the cartoonist, let me know.

The cartoon is mounted inside a drawing of a machine advertised in a 1927 edition of the trade journal "Engineering and Mining Journal" (Link2).


Link1: https://archive.org/details/sim_judge_1927-12-31_93
Link2: https://archive.org/details/sim_engineering-and-mining-journal_1927-12-31_124_27/

February 3, 2023


"Piers Plowman" is the name of a 14th-century English religious poem. 500 years after it was written, a group of English academics penned a series of books based on that poem. One was a history of England, called "Piers Plowman Histories Junior Book VII" (Link1), which described violent riots at parliamentary elections in Middlesex in 1768 (pictured).


Link1: https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.215895

February 1, 2023


A composition made up of four elements:

In the background, an artist's conception (Link1) of a downtown transportation center serving airplanes, trains, and buses, from the 1927 "American Lumberman" trade journal. The caption reads: "Call a taxi, drive to the station, be whisked by an express elevator to the roof, board a cabin de luxe airplane, and in a few hours arrive at your remote destination."

Overlaid on that drawing, is a quilt pattern called 'The Airship', from a 1927 issue of "The Progressive Farmer" (Link2).

The object in the center is composed of a flush valve from a 1927 issue of "Domestic Engineering" (Link3) combined with a folding ceiling ladder from the "American Lumberman" referenced above.


Link1: https://archive.org/details/sim_home-improvement-center_1927-12-31_2746
Link2: https://archive.org/details/sim_progressive-farmer_1927-12-31_42_53
Link3: https://archive.org/details/sim_plumbing-heating-piping_1927-12-31_121_14

January 31, 2023



HEADGEAR images AI-generated by Anonymous and uploaded to 4-Chan /b "AI DEGENerated Art" thread on 1/26/2023

MOTHGIRL images AI-generated by Dantion and uploaded to 4-Chan /b "AI DEGENerated Art" thread on 1/30/2023 (Link1). See also Mothgirl images on my web page on 1/9/2023.

MUSIC: Song "Cold Black Oil" on album INTRO by Mr. and Mrs. Smith (musician Hollis Smith) (Link2).

Link1: https://boards.4chan.org/b/thread/893548991
Link2: https://archive.org/details/BSINT0002

January 30, 2023


After a long absence, I returned to the Plastic Club's Thursday morning Open Workshop, moderated by neighbor Ted Gutswa.

Did one quick image (left), using Sharpie-type pens and Crayola crayons, trying to visualize how the brain connects random sensory inputs (blue & yellow explosions) into a stream of consciousness semi-narrative (green glob). In a rush, left interim title "Title" in the red and orange bricks at top.

Unexpected treat because visitor George Herquet not only played violin, but also did a portrait of me (right).

January 27, 2023


There is a brutal war going on in Europe, as Ukraine resists a Russian invasion. To me, it is clear that Ukraine has the moral high ground. A system of governance where one country can invade their neighbor at will is unstable.

I follow the war closely. There is a kind of sentimental religious style in the art, as in this image, a posed photograph, from 4-Chan's "K" (Weapons) board (Link1), which shows two camouflage-clad soldiers (perhaps a father and son) huddled under the wings of a Ukrainian holy mother figure.

There is also another style, which shows young women (usually with a cat) sitting before a window, contentedly sipping a cup of coffee, thankful for the beautiful morning and saying a prayer that the soldiers at the front return safely.

This touches me because it reminds me of the World War II situation I (born 1944) was too young to remember: my mother, sister, and I awaiting our father's return from that other European war.

Link1: https://boards.4channel.org/k/thread/56709245 (since removed)

January 26, 2023


Busy getting ready for Janice's show, which opened Friday 1/20 -- and exhausted after, so late and sparse on the bibliographic notes for these two.

First image is from a 1927 edition of "American Artisan and Hardware Record" (Link1), a trade magazine for the heating industry. It shows the cold and warm air pipes in a furnace installation in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The furnace face happened to be the exact same dimensions as a famous photo of a tail gunner in a WWII British bomber installed in a British museum (Link2).

On the quotation, Safa is a UN Human Rights activist (Link3), originally from Lebanon. The quote is sometimes (falsely) attributed to Nelson Mandela. Safa's Twitter handle is @mhdksafa (Link4). The font is Gentium Book Basic (Link5).

A confused draft of a Valentine day card, using Photoshop's standard heart shape and images from the 1927 product catalog, called "Distinctive lighting fixtures" (Link6) by Beardslee Chandelier Mfg. Co. of Chicago.

Link1: https://archive.org/details/sim_american-artisan-the-warm-heating-and-sheet-metal_1927-12-31_94_27
Link2: www.flickr.com/photos/mrelliott 
Link3: https://en.everybodywiki.com/Mohamad_safa
Link4: https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-quote-divided-world-nelson-idUSKBN26X1Y3
Link5: https://en.maisfontes.com/gentium-book-basic.font
Link6: https://archive.org/details/distinctivelight00bear

January 21-25, 2023

IN ENGLISH TRANSLATION: Harrowing Ordeal of WWI Hungarian POW in Russia

NOTE: Bob Moore (#1216) reviews books written in foreign languages whose translations into English have won prizes.

The 2020 prize for translation from Hebrew into English went to Avigdor Hameiri's "Hell on Earth" translated by Peter C. Appelbaum.

It is the second volume of Hameiri's memoirs of World War One. The first volume, "The Great Madness," covered Hameiri's experience as an officer in the Austrian army. His unit was captured by Russians in 1916.

"Hell on Earth" continues Hameiri's story, as he moves from railcars to camps to fugitive status, all the way to Siberia and back. Along the way, he hears about the Russian Revolution, the changing fortunes of war, and the Balfour Declaration (which called for a national home for the Jewish people).

Although Hameiri, a recognized poet in Budapest, started the war as a patriotic Hungarian with literacy in Hebrew, over the course of his travels, as he met Jewish families, he became a Zionist. The conclusion of "Hell on Earth" shows him preparing to depart for Israel, where he will fight in the 1948 War for Independence.

This simple account of Hameiri's life does not communicate the strength of his writing. He describes scenes of grim horror -- ever-present vermin, medical experimentation on prisoners, ghastly food, the brutality of guards -- and he describes sacrifice, friendship and camaraderie, all in the same spare, deadpan, but allusive prose. The prisoners discuss religious questions, ethnic division, and philosophy with bluntness and honesty. The book reads as a series of anecdotes, which is probably what made it a best-seller in Israel.

For instance, here are Hameiri's thoughts on geopolitics after a rumor spreads through a village that he is a German spy:

"Do I want us to win this war? Should its purpose only be to remove dictatorships?

"I search my soul. In the whirlpool of this war, no country properly understands the plight of smaller nations 'attached' to the Austrian and Germany monarchies. Even if the Central Powers are victorious, what do these countries gain? Take Hungary for example. What would we gain? A larger slice of the pie? ... Most importantly, this bloody war revolts me; all wars revolt me. No, I won't deceive myself by saying that I want to trumpet victory into the faces of the wretched, conquered Russian people. We're all companions in the misfortune of this horrible war.

"On the other hand, if our side loses... what will be the fate of poor, wretched Hungary, reluctantly following Germany and Austria, singing its touchingly sad songs of farewell all over the front... Hungary's task is that of a lightheaded gigolo pursuing his mistress, Vienna, the beautiful, protecting her against all danger. In peacetime, he provides her with white bread, wine, beautiful music, and material assistance to support her 'court'... Now, when we're at war, he protects her with his body, and takes up her cause."

The book, tough-going at 458 pages, includes Hameiri's wry cartoon-like pencil drawings.

Photo of Hameiri: https://israeled.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/3-685x1024.jpg

January 19, 2023


Combining three images from a 1927 New Yorker (Link1): two decorative borders for ads and a cartoon of tourists examining a skeleton of a Brontosaurus dinosaur. (Thanks for correct identification of dinosaur, Al.)

Link1: https://archive.org/details/sim_the-new-yorker_1927-12-31_3_46

January 16, 2023


January 16, 2023


A combination of three elements: botanical illustrations from the newly-public- domained 1927 Indian "Records of the Zoological Survey" (Link1), an AI-generated waterfront scene from Reddit user "Wookieenon" from Reddit's "/b" (random) board (Link2), and a dingbat from a Woodcutter font "Pink Panther" (Link3).

Another interference pattern, with elements centered in the rectangle. But two closing twists: (1) uncentering some elements of the composition and (2) showing just a detail of the whole composition.

Link1: https://archive.org/details/dli.zoological.records.029.04
Link2: https://boards.4chan.org/b/ (AI-DeGENERATE thread, since removed)
Link3: https://www.dafont.com/the-pink-panther.font

January 12, 2023


You see it in most every detective drama. When the police are tracking down a suspect, they use a wall covered with pictures. And if the suspect they are seeking is a stalker or serial killer, that suspect also usually has their own wall covered with pictures. Often, there is red yarn connecting pictures, ideas, headlines, etc. That's what this website is to me: the wall where I make connections.

When my brain and soul get overheated, I find great relaxation in constructing simple compositions like the one above. I don't have the true artist's mastery of asymmetry and design -- I simply overlap and center several images within a rectangle -- but it feels good, and I view the resulting patterns like emerging miracles.

January 9, 2023


NOTE: Text-to-Image (T2I) is a type of Artificial Intelligence program that takes a formatted piece of text and turns it into a corresponding image.


IMAGES: In a January 2023 thread on 4-Chan's "\b" (random) image board, user "Dantion" offered a T2I text description called "Mothgirl" along with the corresponding image, of a young Albino girl dressed in fairy clothes, surrounded by moths and butterflies. "I really want to see [M]othgirl in different models," Dantion said. A number of other users responded with their own T2I interpretations of Dantion's Mothgirl text. (The Mothgirl text is shown at the end of this video.) There were 12 contributors to the Mothgirl thread, going under pseudonyms, among them "Anonymous", "Obscure Anon", "Selph Destruct", "Bad Anatomy", and "Moist".

The prompt is difficult to understand, but it does point to two 19th century artists for style transfer: English genre painter Charles Spencelayh (Link2) and German realist painter Adolph Menzel (Link3).

MUSIC: A rather goofy version of the 1927 Tin Pan Alley standard "Ain't She Sweet," from the 1961 album 'The Percussive Twenties' by Eric Rogers and his Orchestra (Link4). which just entered the public domain on January 1.

There are some marvelous covers around. The unfortunately-cancelled dance drama "Bunheads" had instructor Sutton Foster use it to teach students how to audition (Link5).The Beatles played it for years in their Hamburg sojourn and recorded it in 1961 (Link6). In 1933 cartoon pioneer Max Fleischer and Lillian Roth combined live action and cartoons (Link7) .

Link1: https://boards.4chan.org/b/
Link2: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Spencelayh
Link3: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolph_Menzel
Link4: https://archive.org/details/lp_the-percussive-twenties_eric-rogers-chorale-and-orchestra-eula-par
Link5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WkgaIeAbA0
Link6: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1FSRMfNtLU
Link7: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/transcoded/1/1e/Ain%27t_She_Sweet_%281933%29.webm/Ain%27t_She_Sweet_%281933%29.webm.360p.webm

January 9, 2023


Cover of sheet music for a 1927 novelty song (Link1) that became a folk-classic, with lyrics no one knows except it's ten-word refrain: "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream." It recently came into the public domain with other books, movies, and song published in 1927 (Link2).

A 1925 version by Fred Waring's Pennsylvanians is at Link3. An undated but swinging version by Swedish Gunhild Carling is at Link4.

Link1: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_Cream_%28I_Scream,_You_Scream,_We_All_Scream_for_Ice_Cream%29
Link2: https://blog.archive.org/2023/01/01/welcoming-1927-to-the-public-domain/
Link3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0pfP_MD6xA
Link4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7I_cFMyeSM

January 7, 2023


The girl in the foreground is an AI-generated image that appeared in a "AI DEGENerated Art and Porn" thread on 4-Chan's "B" bulletin board (Link1). The image in a manga comic book style was generated by user Daru-San, who casually explained "[S]uppose [I']ll post my '[A]bandoned to her own devices cause we don't have the food to feed everyone this coming winter' girl."

AI-generated art right now appears mainly in venues filled with porn, mainly because the AI-generation programs are so complicated that only fifteen-year-olds can run them. And you know what fifteen-year-old boys are thinking about!

The image is mounted in a complicated title-page design from a 1929 issue of the Argentinan "Revista De Arquitectura" (Link2).

Note that a recent legal decision (Link3) held that AI-generated work is not entitled to copyright protection.

Link1: https://boards.4chan.org/b/thread/892041052 (since removed)
Link2: https://archive.org/details/revista-de-arquitectura-ano-xv-numero-102.pdf
Link3: https://aibusiness.com/ml/ai-generated-comic-book-loses-copyright-protection

January 5, 2023

ARCHIVE: Webpage Proprietor's Portraits II

Time to change my image at top of this web page. The new image is a small pencil portrait done by Remo Frangiosa. It was done while I sat for Remo's portrait class over a two-week period at Philadelphia's historic Plastic Club in September, 2015.
The second image is a larger painting I commissioned from the Plastic Club's Andy Hoffmann.

Next are two other images also used as masthead portraits. Third image is an iPad self-portait in a coffee shop (approx. 2014). It is probably the best representation of my revulsion at the aging process and my sadness at the prospect of diminishing cognitive powers.
Fourth is an attempt to limit portrait to the fewest number of facial features and still be recognizable (approx. 2012). (Sorry: unlike the other images on this page, these masthead pictures don't enlarge when clicked...)
Fifth is a drawing done in our Open Studio workshop by Meri Collier, a Toronto-based artist and member of the Plastic Club.

Next row: three photos of pictures done when I sat for our Portraits class, followed by an image by Paul Jones and a self-portrait done in my recent frame/winged trilobite style.
Last are five new images from Mike Nathan of our Tuesday Digital Share. Mike spent a lifetime doing wedding photographs and uses those skills to craft "Digital Compositions" poking fun at Tuesday Share members -- especially long-bearded Bob.


In the foreground, a diagram of a posture exercise from the 1974 "Somo-psychic Power: Using its Miracle Force for a Fabulous New Life" (Link1).
"Would you like to be more successful at your job? Do you need to find financial backers for your money-making idea? Do you wish your sex life was more exciting? Do you suffer from constant aches and pains? Would you like to turn your worst enemy into your biggest supporter? Do you long for happiness, success, health, wealth, and friendship?"
In the background, an AI-generated still life, light filtering through bottles on an alchemist or apothecary table (Link2). Unfortunately the link has gone dead so I can't credit the uploader by name. I like his work.

Note that a recent legal decision (Link3) held that AI-generated work is not entitled to copyright protection.

Link1: https://archive.org/details/frank-rudolph-young-somo-psychic-power
Link2: https://boards.4chan.org/b/thread/891195076 
Link3: https://aibusiness.com/ml/ai-generated-comic-book-loses-copyright-protection

December 22, 2022


NOTE: Sometimes Bob Moore reviews books written in foreign languages whose translations into English have won prizes.

The 2021 prize for translation from French into English went to Hubert Mingarelli's "The Invisible Land" (Link1) translated by Sam Taylor.

This slim (137-page) novel takes place in a defeated Germany, shortly after the Nazis surrendered. It follows a war photographer, his assignment finished, waiting to go home. Impulsively, he decides to take a short trip to photograph German families in their homes. An occupation officer assigns him the fancy limousine of an executed German officer and assigns a young American, O'Leary, as his driver and body guard.

The novel covers the two weeks the photographer and O'Leary travel around, almost aimlessly.

The time and place provide horrors enough -- including bodies in a concentration camp, corpses floating in rivers, and the grim mistrust and hostility of the defeated Germans. But Mingarelli handles these matters with a light touch.

What gives the novel its haunting tone is the everyday life of the two travelers:

"I fell asleep and dreamed about the tarpaulins that we'd spread over the dead that night, and in my dream they lifted up and we thought it was the wind and even though we hammered stakes into the ground to hold them down they still kept lifting up. We held them down with our hands, using all our strength, but a greater force continued to lift them up and each of us knew deep down that it was the dead, pushing at the tarpaulin with their gray legs."

O'Leary and the photographer share the discomforts of camping out in the car, form no attachments with the German citizens they photograph, and know nothing of the larger world. The book ends as the two are returning to the car after one last photography session, during which a miscommunication led O'Leary to shoot a farmer.

The two trudge back to the car.

"For more than an hour only our footsteps reverberated in the night. O'Leary's kept fading behind and I kept stopping and waiting for him. After a while, as we were walking together, I said: 'The sea isn't far, O'Leary. Check the petrol when we get to the car and if you think we have enough left, we can try to find somewhere near the water where we can sleep. You want to try that?' "A long time after, as we were approaching ... the car, I heard a word muffled by a sigh and I thought he was murmuring an answer to himself, that he'd said yes to a question he had asked inside his head. And just as I remembered the question that I had asked him, he whispered, the words half-broken by a sob: 'Yes, sir, we can try.'"

Is that optimism, or pessimism?

Sadly, Mingarelli (pictured above) died of cancer in Grenoble, France, in January of 2020.

Link1: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hubert_Mingarelli

December 21, 2022


SOURCES: IMAGES: Eight camouflage patterns discussed in a thread on Reddit's 'K' (Weapons) board (Link1) MUSIC: Excerpt from 1949 suite "The Battle of Stalingrad: Stalingrad in Flames" (Link2) by Soviet and Armenian composer Aram Khatchaturian (Link3) FRAME COLOR: "Coyote Brown" (Link4)

Link1: https://boards.4channel.org/k/thread/56358556
Link2: https://archive.org/details/lp_the-battle-for-stalingrad-the-fall-of_aram-khatchaturian-dmitri-shostakovich/disc1/01.02.+Suite+From+The+Film+%22Battle+For+Stalingrad%22%3A+Stalingrad+In+Flames.mp3
Link3: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aram_Khachaturian
Link4: https://colorcodes.io/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Coyote-brown-color-swatch.jpg

December 23, 2022


Time to create a web page for 2023 and file the web page for 2022.

In order to clear time for this task (1. Philly-Bob's Free for All 2023), and for (2.) installing a new computer for Janice, and for (3.) figuring out money and taxes for next year, I'm going to cut back on my work this week.

And this post will be the first post on my page in 2023.

December 10, 2022

To contact Philly-Bob, email me at bobmoore [at symbol] pobox.com (of course, replace "[at symbol]" with "@"].

Masthead Portrait by Remo Frangiosa, 2015
