![]() Portrait by Remo Frangiosa |
Philly-Bob’s Free-for-All 2021One man's visual art, largely consisting of digital manipulations of images, taken from (1) my own photographs/videos, (2) downloaded from the Public Domain, or (3) utilized under the Fair Use provision of copyright law. Also, occasional prose observations on politics and life.Click on a pic to enlarge. May take several clicks to get full-size. |
Studio still of Katherine Hepburn (Link1) in her role as a woman dressed as a young boy to evade police in the 1935 film "Silver Scarlett." Pictures of Hepburn in this role adorned the walls of Hepburn's, a lesbian bar at 1320 Chancellor in Philadelphia, closed in 1955 (Link2). Feminist author Amy Villarejo wrote to a retired Hepburn asking about the ubiquity of the image and thanked Hepburn for her cryptic but charming reply: "I’m sorry—I can’t answer those questions—I’m really too busy to understand why anyone would want them answered— Good Luck—".
SOURCES: IMAGE: Publicity shot from "Silver Scarlett" shown in 2003 book "Lesbian Rule Cultural Criticism And The Value Of Desire" (Link3)
Link1: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katharine_Hepburn Link2: https://lostwomynsspace.blogspot.com/2011/07/hepburns.html Link3: https://archive.org/details/lesbian-rule-cultural-criticism-and-the-value-of-desire
A kind of artistic commemoration of the two strands of my religious past: (1) the Roman Catholic rosary of my childhood and (2) the Runic writing of my old European ancestors.
IMAGE1: Photo of 9th Century Viking Runes carved on 5-ton granite slab in Sweden, from 1923 "Walzel Handbuch Der Literaturwissenschaft" (Link1; trans 'Walzel Handbook of Literary Studies')
IMAGE2: Image from cover of undated pamphlet describing the Roman Catholic prayer beads known as the "Franciscan Crown or the Rosary of the Seven Joys of the Blessed Virgin" (Link2)
Link1: https://archive.org/details/walzel-handbuch-der-literaturwissenschaft-bd-12.1 Link2: https://archive.org/details/franciscan-crown
IMAGE: Cover of 1961 35-cent paperback "Brother and Sister: A Tender, Compassionate Novel Of Incestuous Love" by Donald Westlake (Link1) writing under the psuedonym Edwin West. Cover artist not credited.
Link1: https://archive.org/details/brother-and-sister-by-edwin-west
My 77th birthday! Dinner with friends at a local bar with good food and a pool table -- how long since I've done that? Used to do that three times a week in the old days. Granted, I'm accepting a certain amount of Covid risk.
I feel loved and secure in my place in the world -- but time is running down for an overweight, underexercised near-octagenarian. Every project, every piece, could be my last. I'm okay with that.
MUSIC: Excerpt from 1967 sacred song "Dies Irae: Oratorio Dedicated to the Memory of Those Murdered at Auschwitz" by Polish composer Krzysztof Penderecki (Link1)
IMAGES: Illustrations from 1900 "Горькие плоды пьянства. Альбом рисунков, изоброажающих вред пьянства" (Link2; trans 'The bitter fruits of drunkenness. Album of drawings depicting the harm of drunkenness') published by Alexander Nevsky Sobriety Society, St. Petersburg.
Link1: https://archive.org/details/lp_penderecki-dies-irae-auschwitz-oratorium_henryk-czyzh-orkiestra-filharmonii-im-karo Link2: https://archive.org/details/gorkie_plody_pyanstvaDecember 23, 2021
IMAGE: Photo by Bob Moore
December 22, 2021
IMAGE: Collage of two illustrations from the 1952 technical book "Pressmen's Ink Handbook" (Link1)
Link1: https://archive.org/details/pressmens_ink_handbook_1952
IMAGE1: Illustration from a 1901 medical book, "La photothérapie : Traitement des dermatoses par les rayons chimiques concentrés" (Link1: trans 'Phototherapy: Treatment of dermatoses by concentrated chemical rays').
IMAGE2: Illustration from "Textiles De Estilo Nasca" (Link2: trans 'Textiles Of The Nasca Style'_)
December 20, 2021
Another piece about the historical time I am studying for the Zoom coming up Sunday. The Art Nouveau artist Alphonse Mucha visited Philadelphia and spoke at the Plastic Club. He even designed a poster for the talk, which is in the Club's archives. We're trying to find it.
IMAGE: An 1897 poster titled 'An Inca man and the Godess Incas' by Mucha advertising a coca-based wine called "Vin des Incas" (Link1; trans 'Wine of the Incas'). The image is described as "An Inca man requests the goddess Incas to hand over coca, but she refuses, holding a bottle of coca wine for herself."
Link1: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:An_Inca_man_and_the_Godess_Incas_Wellcome_L0047158.jpgDecember 17, 2021
Preparing for presentation at Plastic Club on the Club's founding year 1897. Since the Club was founded by women artists as a reaction to an all-male Philadelphia artists establishment, my research is taking me into the history of women's activism during that period. One ugly event in the struggle was when English police arrested suffragists. The women went on a hunger strike, and the police wardens chose to forcibly feed the strikers. The picture shows a woman being force-fed though a nasal tube. In other cases, women were forcefed through the rectum and the vagina.
IMAGE: Illustration (Link1) from 1911 "The suffragette; the history of the women's militant suffrage movement, 1905-1910" by Sylvia Pankhurst (Link2).
Link1: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/76/Force-feeding_%28suffragettes%29.jpeg Link2: https://archive.org/details/suffragettehisto00pankuoft/December 16, 2021
IMAGE1: Illustration of Birchwort flower from 1929 "Art Forms in Nature: Examples from the Plant World" (Link1) by Karl Blossfeldt
IMAGE2: Photograph of clockworks from undated tourist brochure "Prague Astronomical Clock" (Link2) by Prague City Tourism. The clock was first installed in 1410.
IMAGE3: Catalog reproduction of 1934 painting "Couple in the forest [Pastoral]" by Emilio Sanchez Cayuela, from 2012 "Funds Museo De Navarra Figuraciones" (Link3; trans 'Figurations, Collection of the Museum of Navarre')
MUSIC: 2021 Composition in folk style "Afsluiten van een verjaardag V2" (Link4; trans 'Closing a birthday V2') by Jacques Saldiën. Arranged for vibraphone, bass drum, cymbal, harp, and double bass. Tempo reduced 20% by Bob to fit video.
Link1: https://archive.org/details/b31360336 Link2: https://archive.org/details/prague-astronomical-clock Link3: https://archive.org/details/fondos-museo-de-navarra-figuraciones-2012 Link4: https://imslp.org/wiki/Afsluiten_van_een_verjaardag_V2_(Saldi%C3%ABn,_Jacques)#IMSLP750176 om/December 14, 2021
Photos to illustrate article by science fiction author Andy Offutt on difference between American and Italian hero movies.
Top row, from left: Ed Fury, Alan Steel, Gordon Scott.
Second row, from left: Richard Harrison, Steve Reeves, Mark Forest.
"Ah, so many, so many. potboiler ''science fiction", with plots, writing, and acting making the phrase a dirty name, roll out of hollywood, usa. potboiler "historical romances" with writing, plots, acting—and dubbing—surely disturbing gibbon and tacitus and plutarch in their honored graves, roll out of a place called cinecitta."What are you doing?' asks a modern italian playing—with a bronx accent—an ancient hellene in a film shot in spain. ''The throneroom is full of soldiers!"
"I cannot ask any of you to come with me,'! the american muscleman of the week replies with wooden heroism. 'But i must try to save her."
muscles rippling, buttocks flashing, face contorted as he performs feats which would have made poor samson resemble a 96-lb weakling, amid cries from the enthroned baddy of "KILL THAT TRAITOR!" our herculean hero tangles with 40 minions of evil—and prevails. he is all- good. you can always tell, in italian movies. the hero doesnt wear a white. hat—hes built like a geek god. shucks, he is! "
IMAGES: From a 1965 edition of Texas fanzine "Trumpet 3" (Link1)
Link1: https://archive.org/details/trumpet-03-1965-12December 11, 2021
MUSIC: Excerpt from "Reel: Sleepy Maggie" from the 1970 album by the Dublin folk group 'Harmony Rowe' (Link1)
IMAGES (Background): Black & white Illustrations from 1950 Russian book "Руководство По Лабораторным Методам Исследования" (Link2; trans: 'Laboratory Research Methods Manual'). Colorized using Gimp/G'Mics/Black and White/Colorize Lineart (Smart Coloring.)
IMAGES (Foreground): 2021 Dingbat font "Barrel of Ninjas" created by Dan Zadorozny at Iconian.com (Link3)
Link1: https://archive.org/details/lp_harmony-rowe_harmony-rowe_0 Link2: https://archive.org/details/1950_20211202 Link3: http://www.iconian.com/December 9, 2021
MUSIC: Excerpt from track "A Little Close Harmony" on the 1961 album 'A Little Close Harmony from Dixie' by Nashville Grand Ole Opry regulars The Old Hickory Singers (Link1)
IMAGE1 (Overlay): Type specimens from 1861 "Histoire de l'Imprimerie Imperial de France" (Link2: trans 'History of the Imperial Printer of France')
IMAGE2 (Colored Background): Illustrations from 1528 "Coelvm Philosophorvm, sev, De Secretis Naturae Liber" (Link3: trans 'Body Cavity of the Philosophers, or, On the Secrets of Nature Free'); colorized using Gimp/G'Mics/Black and White/Colorize Lineart (Smart Coloring.)
Link1: https://archive.org/details/lp_a-little-close-harmony-from-dixie_the-old-hickory-singers_0/ Link2: https://archive.org/details/histoiredelimpr00natigoog/ Link3: https://archive.org/details/coelvmphilosopho00ulst/November 27, 2021
IMAGES (Foreground): Figure from 2021 Dingbat font "Barrel of Ninjas" created by Dan Zadorozny at Iconian.com (Link1)
IMAGES (Background): Selections from 1912 catalog of English "Harrods For Everything" Department Store (Link2) and a black-and-white illustration in an undated (probably 1900) book of geometric designs, "Neuer Flachenschmuck 1" (Link3; trans: 'New Flat Jewelry').
Link1: http://www.iconian.com/ Link2: https://archive.org/details/harrods-for-everything-images. Link3: https://archive.org/details/neuer-flachenschmuck-1December 9, 2021
Trying to develop an illustration style, making a "Liney Headshot" of Doctor Rochelle Walensky (Link1), with an image taken from the television. She often appears on television explaining the latest COVID-19 twist and turn.
I was disappointed in Googling this very smart and plain-spoken woman (Harvard professor, Chief of Infectious Diseases at Massachusetts General Hospital, Director of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) to find the subject many people are talking about is whether she's Jewish or Black. What idiots we divided American have become!
LINKS: Link1: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rochelle_Walensky
December 1, 2021
IMAGE1: Silent movie actress and producer Norma Talmadge on the cover of a 1920 issue of "Photoplay" magazine (Link1). The portrait is by pastel commercial artist Rolf Armstrong.
LINKS: Link1: https://archive.org/details/photoplayvolume11718chic/page/n7/mode/2up
November 30, 2021
Another Cassidy headshot. And importing yesterday's Liney Headshot, plus colors from G'Mic Black & White Colorize Lineart(Smart Coloring) on an old decorative pattern, not visible.
The second image is an intermediate step, a pattern from a black-and-white illustration from an undated (probably 1900) book of geometric designs, "Neuer Flachenschmuck 1" (Link1; trans: 'New Flat Jewelry'). Color is added from Gimp/G'Mics/Black and White/Colorize Lineart (Smart Coloring.)
IMAGE1: Detail of studio shot by Kyle Cassidy.
LINKS: Link1: https://archive.org/details/neuer-flachenschmuck-1
NANovember 29, 2021
Another Cassidy headshot . Decided to go all the way in abstracting my head into a series of lines and then laying that onto a background collage composed of 1865 type from a Montreal type catalog (the word "ME" turned sideways), and two art nouveau designs, a swirling page and decorative crowns.
Second version is an intermediate step, establishing the liney face, skips the background, without my usual idiosyncratic frame and logo.
IMAGE1: Detail of studio shot by Kyle Cassidy.
IMAGE2: Type specimen from 1865 "Specimens of printing types plain & ornamental : rules, borders, cuts, &c." by Montreal Type Foundry (Link2)
IMAGE3: Designs from 1904 "Dekorative Vorbilder" (Link3; trans: 'Decorative Models')
Link1: https://archive.org/details/MawCoCCA33550 Link2: https://archive.org/details/McGillLibrary-rbsc_specimens-printing-types-ornamental_folioColgate3M668M6S61865-20939 Link3: https://archive.org/details/dekorative-vorbilder-14November 29, 2021
Another Cassidy headshot (Link1) on an Art Nouveau collage (Link2).
IMAGE1: Detail of studio shot by Kyle Cassidy.
IMAGE2: Design from 1904 "Dekorative Vorbilder" (Link2; trans: 'Decorative Models')
Link1: https://archive.org/details/MawCoCCA33550 Link2: https://archive.org/details/dekorative-vorbilder-14November 28, 2021
MUSIC: Excerpt from song "Ghost Picker" by bluegrass musician Tut Taylor (Link1), taken from mid-1960's taping 'Tut Taylor with an Unknown Electric Guitarist & Tut Taylor Dobro Solos' (Link2)
PATTERNS: Digitally altered Illustrations from the 1875 "Geometrical and Roman Mosaics, Encaustic Tile Pavements and Enamelled Wall Decorations" by Maw & Co. (Link3)
PORTRAITS: Head shots by Kyle Cassidy (Link4)
Link1: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tut_Taylor Link2: https://archive.org/details/spps-tutR076 Link3: https://archive.org/details/MawCoCCA33550 Link4: http://www.kylecassidy.com/November 27, 2021
Another Cassidy headshot with tile fantasy (Link1). As my face expands, the pattern grows stronger. The idea is still that, as I age, my biographical, physiological self disappears into the complicated cultural and Internet world I have inhabited since my first experience of computers and literary learning in the 1960's -- the memes, the misinformation, the abandoned masterpieces.
The filter I use in this image is Gimp/G'Mic/Filters/Deformations/Conformal Maps. It is a graphing of a formula:
IMAGE1: Detail of studio shot by Kyle Cassidy.
IMAGE2: Digitally altered Illustration from the 1875 "Geometrical and Roman mosaics, encaustic tile pavements and enamelled wall decorations" by Maw & Co. (Link1)
Link1: https://archive.org/details/MawCoCCA33550November 26, 2021
Another Cassidy headshot with tile fantasy (Link1). The idea is that as I age, my biographical, meat self disappears into the complicated cultural and Internet world I have inhabited since my first computer and literary learning in the 1960's -- the memes, the misinformation, the abandoned masterpieces.
This is the first photo Cassidy took, asking me to hold up an index card with my name and email address.
The filter I use in this and the previous image is Gimp/G'Mic/Filters/Deformations/Conformal Maps. It is a graphing of a "Dipole" formula:
((1.1 + i*z/6)/(1.04 - i*z/6))^6.2
or, in another representation:
'Dipole: 1/4*z^2-1'
Frankly, I don't understand it, but I may put in the time to experiment.
IMAGE1: Studio shot by Kyle Cassidy.
IMAGE2: Illustration from the 1875 "Geometrical and Roman mosaics, encaustic tile pavements and enamelled wall decorations" by Maw & Co. (Link1)
LINKS: Link1: https://archive.org/details/MawCoCCA33550
November 25, 2021
One of the headshots taken at the October 23 PhillyCam party, just received from PhillyCam with message "You are free to use these photos any way you’d like. Kyle Cassidy is the amazing photographer who helped create this work." Kyle's work, one of 34, superimposed over latest latest tile fantasy.
IMAGE1: Studio shot by Kyle Cassidy.
IMAGE2: Illustration from the 1875 "Geometrical and Roman mosaics, encaustic tile pavements and enamelled wall decorations" by Maw & Co. (Link1)
LINKS: Link1: https://archive.org/details/MawCoCCA33550
November 24, 2021
I might enter the image above in the Plastic Club's "Nostalgia" show.
On an emotionally intense day, I took some time out to listen to old music in the "Unlocked Recordings" section of The Internet Archive. (That means the record is out of print and not being sold commercially, which makes it an "orphan recording" -- less likely to be protected by copyright.) Two songs brought me to tears: Frankie Laine's version of Marty Robbins' "You Sent Me a Mountain" (Link2) and Keeley Smith's "What Kind of Fool Am I?" (Link3). It helps sometimes to cry. B
SOURCES: IMAGE: Cover illustration from undated Croatian collection of children's stories, "Stopedeset kratkih pripovijesti" (Link1: trans '150 Short Stories').
Link1: https://archive.org/details/stopedeset_kratkih_pripovijesti-krs Link2: https://archive.org/details/lp_you-gave-me-a-mountain_frankie-laine-jimmy-bowen-orchestra-choru Link3: https://archive.org/details/lp_what-kind-of-fool-am-i_keely-smithNovember 22, 2021
IMAGE: Caption says 'Sister Liu, from Parma, at a missionary in Hukuo." The little girl seems to be preparing for a pageant or dance with the nun's help.
Link1: https://archive.org/details/radosna_vijest_misijski_informativni_list_br_1_1972November 21, 2021
Selection of images from catalogs and design manuals by a 1920's Chicago manufacturer (Zouri) about how to design a storefront window that attracts customers.
The words to the song are:
I really like the poem's close: after all the vigorous and athletic language, there's finally something for the slug-a-beds like myself: our own Moon.I'm standing here alone on top of the world the wind is so cold and fresh I can hardly breathe The rising sun brings a new day pushing the dark away showing me what is lying beneath. First rays of golden light will dissipate for a while the night's gloom. Everyone will have his own sun. Those who are late to wake up get a moon.
IMAGES: Illustration and diagrams from Zouri Drawn Metals Company, a Chicago company that marketed a system to secure windows into elaborate storefront displays. The company was in business from 1910 to 1934. (Link1)
MUSIC: Excerpt from 2021 "On Top of the World" composed by Moscow-based Alexander Strugov. Piano by Celia Williams; Soprano voices are Caroline Joy and Katya Titova (Link2). The words are given on Bob's webpage (Link3).
Link1: https://archive.org/search.php?query=creator%3A%22Zouri+Drawn+Metals+Co.%22 Link2: https://imslp.org/wiki/On_Top_of_the_World_(Strugov,_Alexander)#IMSLP744682 Link3: www.philly-bob.net.November 21, 2021
FONT: "Honeycomb Happiness" by Don Johnston's and Allison James' UK font company 'Chequered Ink', (Link1)
IMAGE: Turkey illustration from vegan magazine "Vegaprocity" (Link2).
Link1: https://chequered.ink/font-listing/ Link2: https://vegaprocity.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/closeup-turkey.jpgNovember 19, 2021
IMAGE: Illustration for story "The Blue Bird" from Lang's 1895 "The Green Fairy Book." Note the odd bird on the girl's lap. Slightly colorized by me. (Link1).
Link1: https://archive.org/details/greenfairybook00fordgoog/November 17, 2021
MUSIC: Excerpt from "How My Yodeling Days Began" from Canadian singer/songwriter/yodeler Hank LaRiviere and his Country King's 1968 album 'The Ballad of Rodger Young' (Link1)
IMAGES: Tool images from 1965 "Bay State : The Use and Care of Taps" (Link2), 1937 "Williams Superrench and Supersocket Wrenches" (Link3), 1956 "Woden Tools Catalogue" (Link4), 1911 'Wells Bros.: Screw Cutting Tools and Machinery" (Link5)
BACKGROUND: Tree shadow video by Bob Moore. LINKS:
Link1: archive.org/details/lp_the-ballad-of-rodger-young_hank-lariviere-and-the-country-kings Link2: archive.org/details/bay-state-use-and-care-of-taps-01/Bay%20State%20Use%20and%20Care%20of%20Taps%2002 Link3: archive.org/details/jh-williams-a-409-1937 Link4: archive.org/details/woden-tools-catalogue-no-56 Link5: archive.org/details/wells-bros-co-catalog-no-30November 16, 2021
IMAGE1: Lamps for carriages, cars, and hearses from the 1907 catalog of Connecticut-based C. Cowles & Co (Link1).
IMAGES2 & 3: A set of lampshades and candelabras from an undated catalog (early 20th century) of wrought iron furniture from John B. Salterini (Link2) of New York.
Link1: https://archive.org/details/C-Cowles-and-co-catalog-1907/ Link2: https://archive.org/details/salterini-cat-7November 15, 2021
IMAGE1 (Portrait): John Worrell Keeley (Link1) was a turn-of-the-century Philadelphia con man who convinced John Jacob Astor and others to back his perpetual motion project. The project was a fraud, discovered after Keeley's death, when engineers discovered a hidden room with a remote power mechanism underneath his laboratory. (Link2)
IMAGE2: Intending to prove the effectiveness of his device, over many decades, Keeley took photographs using glass plate negatives, which are preserved today by Jeff Behary and his "Electrotherapy Museum" (Link3)
MUSIC: Excerpt from song "Mysterious Source" from 2021 album 'Abracadavor' album by electronic music producer Bad Snacks (Link4) LINKS:
Link1: https://i0.wp.com/www.actionroyaliste.fr/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/keely.gif Link2: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Ernst_Worrell_Keely Link3: http://www.electrotherapymuseum.com/ Link4: https://archive.org/details/bad-snacksNovember 14, 2021
IMAGE1: Lamps for carriages, cars, and hearses from the 1907 catalog of Connecticut-based C. Cowles & Co (Link1).
IMAGE2: A 1516 print illustrating the points on the body from which a patient can be bled, from the 1995 "The Dark Side of Christian History" (Link2). Author Helen Allerbee says "Once the fields of Greek and Roman medicine were declared heretical, the dangerous medical practice of bleeding became common."
Link1: https://archive.org/details/C-Cowles-and-co-catalog-1907/ Link2: https://archive.org/details/dark-side-of-christian-history-helen-allerbe_202111November 12, 2021
IMAGES: Illustrations from 2017 Chinese translation (Link1) of Japanese novelist Osamu Dazai's 1948 novel "Human Disqualification" (Link2). A recent English translation is available (Link3). Artist is not known.
MUSIC: Excerpt from Maurice Jarre's soundtrack for the 1969 film "The Loves of Isadora" (Link4)
Link1: https://archive.org/details/20211108_20211108/ Link2: https://archive.org/details/aozorabunko_00301 Link3: https://archive.org/details/no-longer-human Link4: https://archive.org/details/lp_the-loves-of-isadora_maurice-jarreNovember 10, 2021
LINKS:November 7, 2021
I added an image to my last, sign-off screen. It's from a 1935 issue of the Soviet propaganda magazine "Наши достижения" (Trans: 'Our Achievements', Link4) and shows a shirtless Russian with a shovel going through some oily slush. That's me, getting through the vast expanse of human culture found on the modern Internet.
MUSIC: Excerpt from "Dance of the Seven Veils" in Richard Strauss's 1905 opera 'Salome' (Link1). The recording by the Vienna Philarmonic appears in an Internet Archive listing called "Unlocked Recordings", of music believed available under the Music Modernization Act (Link2).
IMAGES: Selections from various editions published around 1907 of "Album Caranda," items found in excavations by archaeologist Frédéric Moreau (Link3).
Link1: https://archive.org/details/lp_salome_richard-strauss-christel-goltz-julius-patz_04 Link2: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music_Modernization_Act Link3: https://archive.org/search.php?query=creator%3A%22Moreau%2C+Fre%CC%81de%CC%81ric%2C+1798-1898%22 Link4: https://archive.org/details/Nashi_dostizheniya_1935/Nashi_dostizheniya_1935_01November 7, 2021
LINKS:November 6, 2021
https://archive.org/details/poor-richards-how-to-keep-your-volkswagen-alive/mode/2up https://archive.org/details/ec-atkins-hardware-edition-1911/page/129/mode/thumb https://archive.org/details/magazin-aeronautic-anul-ii-nr.-12-1-feb.-1942/page/n19/mode/2up
IMAGE1: Various Kaleidoscopic filters from Gimp G'MIC program applied to illustration of two-knob and three-knob spike pullers from 1920 catalog of Verona Tool Works (Link1).
IMAGE2: Clip from 1965 appearance of "Mouseketeer" Annette Funicello on TV variety show "Hullabaloo" (Link2)
MUSIC: Rendition of Theme from the Mickey Mouse Club by Frank Comstock orchestra, from 1960 demonstration album "How to Get the Most Out of Your Stereo" (Link3).
Link1: https://archive.org/details/verona-tool-works-catalogue-no-11/ Link2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4olOgNZ-0OE Link3: https://archive.org/details/lp_how-to-get-the-most-out-of-your-stereo_various-don-ralke-orchestra-frank-comstockNovember 5, 2021
IMAGES: Cover illustrations from the French do-it-yourself magazine "Je Fais Tout" (Link1, trans: 'I do everything') from 1929 and 1930, representing projects described in each issue. These comprise about half of the magazine's editions. I have inverted the image colors for artistic effect.
MUSIC: Excerpts from 1912 composition by Luckey Roberts "The Junk Man's Rag" (Link2) performed by Banjoist Fred Van Epps in 1913 (Link2). Sound was recorded from an early phonograph cylinder (Link3).
Link1: Publisher's catalog Link2: https://archive.org/details/edba-2225 Link3: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phonograph_cylinderNovember 4, 2021
IMAGES: Blue Magnolia wallpaper from 1939 Sears catalog "For you...a bright new world of wallpapers" (Link1). Original image, then copies after application of Photoshop Creative Cloud Image Style Transfers.
IMAGE2: Border composed of ornaments from undated "A Catalogue of Type" by Baltimore Type and Composition Corp. (Link2)
MUSIC: Excerpt from "Tree of Life", a composition for voice and electronics by Italian Carlotta Ferrari (Link3)
Link1: https://archive.org/details/ForYou...aBrightNewWorldOfWallpapers Link2: https://archive.org/details/BaltimoreTypeCCCatalog1929 Link3: https://imslp.org/wiki/Tree_of_Life_(Ferrari,_Carlotta)#IMSLP742221November 3, 2021
Another intuitive, playful collage of images from tool catalogs. Two elements from the handsomely illustrated catalog of Pittsburgh-based Verona Tool Works (Link1): a pipe bender and pitchforks. Deep in the background is also a set of file sharpening patterns from the Disston Tool Manual for School Shops (Link2).
LINKS:November 2, 2021
Link1: https://archive.org/details/verona-tool-works-catalogue-no-11 Link2: https://archive.org/details/disston-tool-manual-for-school-shops
PHOTOS: circa 1860 by Russian Nikolai Platonovich Orlova a drawing teacher, who also studied early photographic processes. The photos "Типы Населенiя Пензенской Губернiи" (Link1; trans: 'Penza Governorate Population Types') were presented to the Russian throne. After Orlova died, they were published and hand-colored after the fashion of the time. I left them largely alone except for slight sharpening. (Link1)
MUSIC: Excerpt from 1917 Victrola Record "Two Folk-Songs of Little Russia" by soprano Alma Gluck (Link2). Romanian-born Gluck (Link3) moved to the United States at an early age.
Link1: https://archive.org/details/i-i_20211028/ Link2: https://archive.org/details/78_two-folk-songs-of-little-russia_alma-gluck-efrem-zimbalist_gbia0033729a Link3: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alma_GluckOctober 31, 2021
After I harvest a new set of public domain images from the Internet, the first thing I like to do is to seek interesting pattern combinations. In this one, I take two images from a 1960 English catalog of machinist's tools (by Record Tool Co., Link1) and combine them with various digital alterations.
There is also a kind of accidental found poetry in the specific names of the objects: in this case, in the bottom foreground, a multi-plane that can be used for "Ploughing, Rabbeting, Fillistering, Dadoing, Match Planing, Beading, Sash Planing, Centre Beading, and Slitting." Above that is a Plough Plane for grooving plywood.
LINKS:October 30, 2021
Link1: https://archive.org/details/record-tools-catalogue-no-16-pocket-1960
Another "Just Don't Fall" invocation, plus a tip for online ordering -- which I learned the hard way.
The words are displayed on an illustration of a stairway from a 1925 catalog of decorative enameled brick, "The Shape Book" (Link1) by the Hydraulic-Press Brick Company. The advantage of enameled bricks, the text says, is "durability, sanitary cleanliness, and ... beautiful rich colors."
LINKS:October 29, 2021
Link1: https://archive.org/details/polychromatic-decoration-1-1925-a
A set of four steam engine governors, rotated around a point, from the 1884 catalog of Denver Foundry and Machine Company (Link1)
In the background, a diagram of an eight-day clock, from "Cassells Household Guide Vol 4" (Link2), also 1884.
In the center, rather small, a Russian gang tattoo, showing a crying and manacled woman, with Russian words "I will change" and "I do not forget." Another translation: "I do not forgive betrayal." From Woodcutter's dingbat font of Russian criminal tattoos. (Link3)
LINKS:October 28, 2021
Link1: archive.org/details/catalogue-of-denver-foundry-and-machine-co Link2: archive.org/details/cassells-household-guide-iv Link3: www.dafont.com/russian-criminal-tattoos.font
To add to the 10/23 collection of portraits, here's a self-portrait done a couple years ago on a borrowed IPad. Was not a happy time: "Look away, I'm hideous", as Seinfeld's Kramer character said.
Photo by Bob Moore
October 27, 2021
WATER: Stock footage "Clinch River" 2007 by C.E. Price (Link1)
BACKGROUND: Architectural samples from 1918 Atlas Portland Cement's "Guide to good stucco including a new method of toning stucco with color aggregates; also complete specifications" (Link2) and "Building a bungalow" (Link3)
MUSIC: Excerpt from 2021 "Waves Themselves" by Baltimore-based composer George L Smyth (Link4). Written to accompany a haiku sequence (Link5) by Irish poet Pat Boran (Link6), from which the text is drawn.
FONT: 2021 font "Danse Macabre" (Link7) by Daniel Zarodny (Link8),p
Link1: .archive.org/details/CEP_00_038_WS Link2: archive.org/details/guide-to-good-stucco-1918-a Link3: archive.org/details/building-a-bungalow-1918-a Link4: archive.org/details/waves-themselves Link5: www.naviarrecords.com/2021/10/14/poetry-in-sounds-bull-island-haiku/ Link6: patboran.com/ Link7: www.dafont.com/danse-macabre.font Link8: www.iconian.com/October 26, 2021
A collage of illustrations from the 1941 "Candy Book" (Link1) by Chicago's Culinary Arts Institute. The book opens:
"Until the beginning of the nineteenth century, the art of making sweetmeats was practiced chiefly by physicians and apothecaries, who used sugar and honey to conceal the taste of their medicines."
I didn't know that! It's got 45 pages of stuff, including how to make marshmallows when you can't buy them in a plastic bag at the supermarket.
Done as a triptych because I wanted to experiment with the form after talking to some artist friends.
For the curious, here's the directions for Chocolate Marshmallows:
4 ounces gum arabic
1 cup water
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon almond extract
3 egg whites
Melted coating chocolate
Soak the gum arabic in the water overnight; then strain into a double boiler, add the sugar, and cook until mixture thickens. Remove from heat and add the almond extract with the stiffly beaten egg whites. Beat the mixture until stiff, then pour into a pan which has been dusted with equal quantities of Confectioners’ Sugar and cornstarch. Dust top with the cornstarch mixture. Let stand overnight, then cut in rounds and dip in chocolate.
Video of the process here.
Link1: https://archive.org/details/candy_202110
October 24, 2021
At a Philly-Cam street party, where I went to see fashion instructor Laurel Hoffmann (subject of a video series by her son and Plastic Club member Andy Hoffman). I showed Laurel one of my father's World War 2 woolen uniform shirts. Although she thought the workmanship was excellent, she said the basic design for a man's shirt was unchanged and she could duplicate the shirt if she wanted to.
While there, I played percussion gourds with an impromptu drum circle by local musicians and I took advantage of the offer of a free caricature by Steve Lefkowitz. Lefkowitz's caricature of me is on left, his selection of tools is on right. Should I switch that humorous image with Remo Frangiosa's more serious image at the top of the page?
Here are some other portraits of me:
For sources, see bottom-most post in 2017 Free-for-All.
To update this list, I should add four more:
Caricature by Steve Lefkowitz
Photo by Bob Moore
October 23, 2021
Background is a photo of brickwork from the 1932 catalog "Recapturing the charm of old brick" by Western Brick Company (Link1). The variation in brick color is caused by primitive control over temperature and glaze.
On top of that, decorative tiles from the 1887 catalog "Grand tuileries réunies" (Link2: trans: 'Large tileries united') by Perrusson Fils & Desfontaines of Dijon, France.
Behind that, ancient pots excavated from a Nubian town, shown in a 1910 archaeological book "Karanòg V.4" (Link3)
Link1: archive.org/details/western-brick-1932-a(Link3) Link2: archive.org/details/perrusson-1900-a/ Link3: archive.org/details/karanog-v.-4October 22 2021
There's an occasional phenomenon where the right artist gets a regular gig doing covers for a regular magazine. It doesn't happen often. Norman Rockwell and the Saturday Evening Post. Currently the newsmagazine The Week has a regular artist who does covers.
In exploring the online treasures of the Internet, I ran across one blessed coincidence of a skilled artist and a magazine willing to run their art on the cover: it's a Chinese literary review, published in Shanghai between 1921 and 1923, called "Sunday." Because I don't read Chinese, I don't know the artist's name, but I respect their mastery of drawing and watercolor and their sense of humor.
MUSIC: Excerpt from "Butterfly Lovers", a modern arrangement for piano and clarinet by Shuwen Zhang (Link1) of a song from a traditional Chinese opera (Link2)
IMAGES: Covers (Link3) from 星期 ("Sunday") a short-lived literary magazine published in Shanghai from 1921 to 1923. Sadly, I do not read Chinese and do not know the name of the excellent artist.
Link1: imslp.org/wiki/Butterfly_Lovers_(Zhang%2C_Shuwen) Link2: www.butterflyinsight.com/butterfly-lovers-chinese-legend.html Link3: .archive.org/search.php?query=subject%3A%22%E6%98%9F%E6%9C%9F%22&page=1October 21, 2021
Illustration for article in 1920 catalog (Link1) from Dennison Mfg. company showing a stylish Halloween party. The range of Halloween Bogies was much narrower back then: black cats, spiders, witches on brooms. Now you got -- what? Zombies, Cthulu, superheroes. .
Link1: archive.org/details/dennisonsbogiebo00denn.October 18, 2021
Thinking about China these days. Note that China is an economic competitor, not an enemy. As far as I know, it doesn't engage in overseas assassinations or sneaky armed conquest like Russia, they're just fighting via economic means for share of the world market. That's fair, under the rules of capitalism.
Influenced by two sources, showing the development of China over the last century. First source is early Chinese economic magazines, showing the machines used to extract China's mineral wealth and build its infrastructure. The other source is the Alibaba Group marketing machine, which is more sophisticated (and intrusive) than the American Amazon marketing machine and posts incredibly sexy models showing off its clothes offering.
The machine in the foreground is an electrical transformer for light and power plants, from the 1905 issue of the "Far Eastern Economic Review" (Link1).
The background is composed of two images. Barely visible (except for the straps) is a revealing top ("sexy hollow out camisole women Punk style Ribbed knitting crop tops club party wear Colorful tank top bandage vest") which is mainly visible in the frame from Alibaba (Link2)
The second Alibaba source, less overtly sexy but very romantic and dreamy, is a wallpaper showing an Asian woman modestly dressed in white lace. sitting in a flowery river, used by an Alibaba vendor in a live feed (Link3) .
Link1: https://archive.org/details/far-eastern-review-1905.3 Link2: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005001325501707.html Link3: https://live.aliexpress.com/live/6000032587301851?spm=a2g0t.170October 17, 2021
MUSIC: Excerpt from 2021 composition by David Verotta (Link1) entitled "Dances to Mytilini," a quartet inspired by the folkloric traditions of the eastern Balkans and Turkey. (Link2)
Disaster Dingbats: From Disaster font by Ric Stephens (Link3) based on icons designed by United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (Link4)
Face: Engraved portrait of Cooper Union founder Peter Cooper from 1964 yearbook of Cooper Union (Link5)
Background Video: Cell phone video (Link6) showing wind-tossed fabric hanging.in front of The Pleasure Chest on Walnut St.
Link1: http://davideverotta.com/ Link2: https://imslp.org/wiki/Dances_to_Mytilini,_O.38_(Verotta,_Davide)#IMSLP738741 Link3: https://www.dafont.com/disaster.font Link4: https://brand.unocha.org/d/xEPytAUjC3sH/icons Link5: https://archive.org/details/1964-cable/page/n3/mode/1up Link6: Video by Bob MooreOctober 16, 2021
A photograph of young men doing a folk dance, appearing in the 1991 issue of "Ellopia" (Link1), a magazine of Greek history and culture. The text emphasizes the importance of preserving the culture embodied in "Pontic Dances" (Link2), first developed in Pontus (in Turkey) and imported to Greece but later suppressed during the bloody Ottoman genocide (Link3). One source notes:
"The Pontian style is one of the most serious of all Greek dances. This is because dancers are representing those who have gone to war and died for their families. Each time the daouli beats, it is representing one heart that has died at war. This is why Pontian dancers look very somber in their expression and have a hard and powerful style."
The Pontic dances often include songs, including this touching poem:
O work abroad, many drink your poison, They pour it into the heart with a glass; They live with homesickness and want to return To their wives, to their children. Some work five years, others seven. They struggle to earn much money. One breaks his foot, the other loses his hand. Working in a foreign land is a two-edged sword. "Mother, where is my father?" the child asks, My wife writes in a letter, it will cost me my life. "Will you return home when it is too late? Will you stay there nine or ten years more to earn more? Stranger, your feet grow weary, You do not recognize your children, they have grown up. Your withered wife has half a soul left, For her there is no life, she will pass on."
Link1: https://archive.org/details/ellopia-8/page/54/mode/1up Link2: https://socalfolkdance.org/articles/pontian_music_and_dance_boxell.htm Link3: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pontic_GreeksOctober 15, 2021
transformation. Another AliBaba model (Link1) showing a "Sexy Club Elegant Dress Backless Mini Corset Bodycon White Summer Dress 2021 One Shoulder Asymmetrical Flounced Edge". Her image is placed on a digitally transformed Art Nouveau fabric pattern (Link2).
The second image is a by-product of my peculiar digital transformation process, representing the combined colors and shapes of neural style layers ready to be merged onto my original transformation.
Link1: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002517892888.html Link2: https://archive.org/details/neuer-flachenschmuck-5/mode/1upOctober 14, 2021
Sometimes I don't know whether I'm a horny 14-year-old boy or a placid septaguenarian. Many times, I obscure the sexy image the 14-year-old boy likes (on the right) to produce a less overt, more socially acceptable image (on left).
The obscuring pattern, above the girl, is a set of drawing of ship models from a 1937 edition of the English magazine "Hobbies Weekly" (Link1).
The background girl in the blue dress is a model from the fashion industry, a frequently used image I found here at an advertising page for Chinese clothing marketer "Ali Express" (Link2). It is a $16 "summer short-sleeved ... women's ultra-short mini dress." The company is a subsidiary of Chinese conglomerate AliBaba Group (Link3). The company's catalog photos are very sexy (in a Jessica Rabbit/Kim Kardashian way) and the models seem to be holding their own smart phones, as if they are taking their own pictures..
Link1: archive.org/details/hobbies-weekly-no-2186 Link2: www.aliexpress.com/item/10000351460619.html Link3: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alibaba_GroupOctober 13, 2021
IMAGE1: Two superimposed images of telephone system wiring from a 1942 magazine published by a Canadian telephone company (Link1)
IMAGE2: Boat silhouette from dingbat font sailing-ships (Link2) by Ric Stephens, an interesting graphic designer (Link3)
Link1: https://archive.org/details/bc-tel-telephone-talk/BC%20Tel%20Te Link2: https://www.dafont.com/sailing-ships.font Link3: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ricstephens/October 12, 2021
MUSIC: "Electro Piano in D Minor" (Link1), excerpt from instrumental piece written and performed by young Australian composer Nicholas Locke.
(1) Specimen of lace, (2) Engraving of bas-relief, (3) Ceramic plate from 1861 edition of French illustrated art magazine "Art Pour Tout" (Link2)
(4) Video of sunlight on Plastic Club floor (Link3)
Link1: imslp.org/wiki/Electro_Piano%2C_Op.11_(Locke%2C_Nicholas) Link2: archive.org/details/08-l-art-pour-tous-1861-1904-xvie-siecle-italie-1/page/n11/mode/2up Link3: Video by Bob Moore, September 2021October 11, 2021
IMAGE: Drawing (Link1) by photographer Edward Steichen (Link2) appearing in the 1915 first issue of Alfred Steiglitz's (Link3) "291 Magazine" (Link4). The drawing illustrates (lower right) a line based on Shakespeare: "What is rotten in the State of Denmark?" Digitally transformed and framed by me.
Link1: archive.org/details/291-magazine-no.-1 Link2: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Steichen Link3: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Stieglitz Link4: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/291_(magazine)October 9, 2021
MUSIC: Excerpt from song "The Witch of the Woods" on album 'Nar Kveld Hever Like Ved' (Link1; trans: "When Evening Rises Just By") by Australian two-man band Kveld Falls on Canadian label Deadknife Records.
IMAGES: A selection from the 105 collages in the French book "Le Tombeau Virtuel de l'Alchimiste Quantique" (Link2; trans; 'Virtual Tomb of the Quantum Alchemist'" by Claude Packet (Link2). The author combines scientific and spiritual references from the Mesopotamians and shamans with the latest modern quantum physics.
Link1: archive.org/details/nar-kveld-hever-like-ved-remastered Link2: archive.org/details/tombeau-alchimisteOctober 7, 2021
Did this at the last minute, barely making my personal quota of a video per week to present at my Tuesday Digital Sharing.
MUSIC: Excerpt from song "The Lucent Moon" on album 'Nar Kveld Hever Like Ved' (Link1; trans: "When Evening Rises Just By") from Australian two-man band Kveld Falls on Canadian label Deadknife Records.
IMAGES: Images of pigeon tail feathers from "Leaked Evidence" (Link2), a booklet submitted to the Toronto City Council in a controversy over a measure to ban feeding of pigeons in public places. The images are watercolors.
Link1: archive.org/details/nar-kveld-hever-like-ved-remastered Link2: archive.org/details/leaked-evidence-hwmb-01-006October 4, 2021
The world is full of wild theories, most of them implausible. One idea I like is a vision of the future that envisions a technological singularity. Along comes someone writing under the pen name 'Gregor Mobius', who opens his essay "Biosphere The Next Stage Of Life" (Link1) with disarming humility:
"This is not a coherent text, just a number of notes about the possible emergence of a single living being consisting of all life on Earth -- the Biosphere.
"Of course, this entire idea is very hypothetical, but if it has some substance it could indicate that the evolution of life on Earth is still going on. That life continues to develop from smaller and simpler toward larger and more complex entities, as it did all the time since the emergence of first living molecule. That the next stage might be an emergent living being that would encompass the entire Earth in which humans together with all other living beings will be integrated and play specific roles. In that way the anticipated [Technological Singularity] might, after all, have a living alternative."
Four of the elements of this collage are illustrations from Mobius' book: (from top right), the earth, a rectangle showing the eye parts of different animals, a rectangle showing cell division, and the largest rectangle, showing a representation of all the species on earth. The fifth element, bottom left, is a portrait of a Norman king from Volume 19 of the 1985 Spanish series "Los Grandes Imperios Y Civilizaciones" (Link2; trans: 'The Great Empires and Civilization')
Link1: archive.org/details/biosphere-the-next-stage-of-life Link2: archive.org/details/los-grandes-imperios-y-civilizaciones-19-la-expansion-de-gran-bretana-sarpe-1985October 3, 2021
A collage of two illustrations of jewelry from a Russian edition of the 2012 mail order catalog from Bader's department store (Link1). Click on the image to enlarge and look at the subtle textures.
Link1: https://archive.org/details/output_20210925October 2, 2021
Recently released to archive.org, a set of magazines (Link1) called "North China" published by the Japanese-controlled North China Transportation Company during the Japanese occupation of China 1939-1943. The magazines are similar to the American Life magazine, full of large, high-quality photographic reproductions. The general idea seems to be to present a picture of normalcy and tradition in China despite the brutal occupation. Here, a girl with a long braid holds up a leaf or fan to block the hot sun on a Peking afternoon (Link2).
Link1: archive.org/search.php?query=subject%3A%22The+North+China%22&page=1 Link2: archive.org/details/kitashi-2.7October 1, 2021
In a 1977 news photo from a local newspaper, a 13-year-old boy climbs rigging at a park in Pittsfield, Massachusetts (Link1). The photographer was Joel Librizzi. The photo was captioned "Sky Climber.".
In the background, from a 1991 book "Gemology" (Link2), a diagram showing the interference pattern of a sample of quartz.
Link1: https://archive.org/details/ppds-1977-complete Link2: https://archive.org/details/gemology_202109September 30, 2021
From a collection of movie Press Books for 1917-1918 (Link1), an illustration for a 1918 movie called "His Own Home Town" starring Charles Ray (Link2).
Link1: https://archive.org/details/paramountpressbo05famo_4 Link2: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0712776/September 27, 2021
Trying to sound a more hazy, hopeful, romantic note after the suicide and fascist posts. A collage of two illustrations from the 1981 (Link1) and 1983 (Link2) season brochures of the Dublin Grand Opera Society.
Link1: archive.org/details/1981s-season-brochure-dgos Link2: archive.org/details/1983s-season-brochure-dgos
After 76.75 years on this planet, I try to be positive and surround myself with positive people. But I am troubled by the stupidity and evil of my fellow men, past and present. Lately I've been thinking about the sufferings of World War 2 because it was so well documented and my father was in Patton's army.
But my own country in the current age has a strong undercurrent of stupidity and evil -- witness the anti-science anti-vaxxers, the "Fuck your Feelings" libtard-baiters, and the Jan. 6 Trump coup-plotters. If my work is dark these days, so be it. I am seeking (somehow) beauty in the ugliness. But, sadly, my dear reader, the world sometimes turns very dark, and my art reflects that.
A friend sent me a card with the following message:
This, my dear, is the greatest challenge of being alive: To witness the injustice of this world, and not allow it to consume our light.
MUSIC: Excerpt from song "Gen Antonescu" from bRAINWASHEd's undated album 'Legion'. (Link1) Ion Antonescu (Link2) was a member of the Iron Guard who was prime minister of Romania, executed for war crimes in 1946.
IMAGES: Illustrations from various issues of Romanian magazine "Glasul Stramosesc" during World War 2 (Link3; trans: 'The Ancestral Voice'), the magazine of the Romanian Iron Guard (Link4)
ATROCITY IMAGES: From collection of pogrom images on Pinterest (Link5). Caution: extremely disturbing.
Link1: archive.org/details/Brainwash_legion Link2: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ion_Antonescu Link3: archive.org/details/glasul-stramosesc-anul-vi-nr.-7-1-dec.-1940 and others Link4: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Guard Link5: www.pinterest.fr/alamowitch/pogrom-de-lviv-1941-ww2/September 25, 2021
In 1947, 24-year-old beauty Evelyn McHale leapt to her death from the Empire State Building, landing on a parked limousine. A student photographer, Robert Wiles, took this photo (Link1). Life magazine ran it full-page.
On the building's Observation Deck, with her neatly folded coat, McHale left the following suicide note:
"I don’t want anyone in or out of my family to see any part of me. Could you destroy my body by cremation? I beg of you and my family – don’t have any service for me or remembrance for me. My fiance asked me to marry him in June. I don’t think I would make a good wife for anybody. He is much better off without me. Tell my father, I have too many of my mother’s tendencies."
She's dressed in a lady-like skirt and jacket. Her feet are at the top, her head at the bottom of the crumpled limousine. It was a black-and-white photo, I added the color and texture.
Link1: weirdpicturearchive.com/pics/suicide-of-evelyn-mchale.php
New laptop computer broke down. Seems to be a battery or battery charger problem. Returned it to Fred, he's looking at it. He'll replace it if he can't fix it, but I'll have to go through rigmarole with Adobe if I have to transfer the license for Creative Cloud to a different computer.
September 23, 2021
Grumbling profanely, I took advantage today of a deal at Adobe and updated to the Creative Cloud installation of Photoshop and other Adobe programs. It will cost me $40/month for a year (on sale from $50/month). It will enable me to use high-end Adobe Premiere on my videos.
I also took the opportunity to buy a refurbished laptop, a large screened Acer gaming setup for $625, from my local vendor, low-key and friendly Fred Huang at Tristate Computech.
To mark the expected but unscheduled $plurge, Iq cxdew8KI6/898 had a dinner of Chicken Ramen, the standard low-cost student subsistence ration.
September 22, 2021
MUSIC: Excerpt from song "Children of Heaven" by Belarussian "bard singer" Tatiana Belanogaya on 2006 album 'See the World' (Link1)
IMAGES: Medals and honors awarded to Belarussian dictator Alexander Lukashenko (Link2)
IMAGES (B&W): First picture (of paranoid man) is from a 1989 literary journal published by the Belarussian Central Committee. (Link3) The picture is credited to A. Nazarenes.
IMAGES (B&W): Next two pictures are from the same journal and are credited to Belarussian artist Marta Shmatava (Link3)
IMAGES (Color): Marta Shmatava's recent work displayed on the European art sale site "Artburgac" (Link4)
Link1: kamunikat.org/?pubid=17664 Link2: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Lukashenko Link3: archive.org/details/kamunikat-36540-1.pdf Link4: artburgac.blogspot.com/2012/08/marta-shmatava.htmlSeptember 20, 2021
LINKS: Link1: archive.org/details/TheStrandMagazineVolume57September 18, 2021
MUSIC: 1928 recording of dance song "Louisiana" by Duke Ellington and His Orchestra from 78 RPM record (Link1). See article on Ellington (Link2)
IMAGES: Illustrations from a six-page spread in the 1909 English magazine "The Strand" (Link3)
Link1: archive.org/details/78_louisiana_duke-ellington-and-his-orchestra-razaf-schafer-johnson_gbia0064586b Link2: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duke_Ellington Link3: archive.org/details/TheStrandMagazineVolume57September 17, 2021
MUSIC: Song "Ooh" on 2021 album 'Let the House Burn' by acid band Professor Robodisco 303 (Link1)
IMAGE1: Photo of reception during Royal Visit to Melbourne, Australia, showing an arch erected by Chinese residents, from a 1901edition of English photo magazine "The Junior Munsey" (Link2)
IMAGE2: Illustration from a scholarly article (Link3) by geologist Karl Gumbel about an 1875 meteorite shower in Iowa, showing the distribution of constituent minerals in a thin slice of one of the meteors.
IMAGE3: Ape and laughing woman, an illustration from a 2018 French book about early man, "Gaia: Prehistory Revisited" (Link4)
Link1: archive.org/details/let-the-house-burn Link2: archive.org/details/the-junior-munsey-v-10n-06-1901-09-autolycus-0152-beb Link3: archive.org/details/gumbel_iowa_stone_meteorite_munich_academy_1875_english Link4: archive.org/details/gaia-2021September 15, 2021
Another experiment, not happy with it.
The main image is a combination of two images from the company magazine "Pacific Electric" (Link1), one (left) showing an executive at the controls of a steam shovel, the other (right) showing a chemist (far, far right) looking at his chemistry apparatus.
In the background, top right and bottom right, a photo from a 1901 issue of the children's picture magazine, "The Junior Munsey" (Link2), showwing "bluejackets" from a U.S. Navy ship drilling on the New York waterfront.
LINKS: Link1: archive.org/details/pe-mag-1924-05-may-10 Link2: archive.org/details/the-junior-munsey-v-10n-06-1901-09-autolycus-0152-bebSeptember 14, 2021
Another experiment in the frame, using the three versions of a kaleidoscope utility offered in Gimp.
Superimposed black-and-white photos and X-rays of reptiles from the island of Madagascar, from a 1977 edition of the French science journal "Faune de Madagascar" (Link1).
LINKS: Link1: archive.org/details/faunedemadagasc45blanSeptember 13, 2021
Since every Internet-enabled idiot feels free to offer medical advice during this pandemic -- sure, ingest horse parasite medication; go ahead, drink bleach, etc. -- here's my contribution: Just Dont Fall. Whatever piss-poor shape you're in now, you'll be worse off if you fall and break some bones.
This is part of a series I started after Janice's mother broke her hip in a fall. I call it my "JDF" series -- "Just Don't Fall." See another JDF posted July 18 explaining my irrational belief that the Universe pays more attention to my ungrammatical petitions and protects my circle/audience from falls.)
Also, re-did my July 18 JDF after objections to the typeface from friends. See July 18 entry for sources, except following Ted Gutswa's suggestion for revising the letterforms. (Link3).
Ran my Photoshop/Gimp/Style Transfer digital process on an illustration for a story in a 1934 issue of "Ladies Home Journal" (Link1). The story is titled 'The Crooked Lane' by Frances Noyes Hart and the illustrator is Roy Spreter. I seldom read the whole story because I find it difficult to read from the computer screen, but for this story I skipped to the end and was charmed/puzzled by the story's romantic conclusion:
"When he dropped his hand, the hall was empty; only the echo of her voice still haunted it—that deep young voice, clear and gallant as a child's, even the echo of which was to make every other one that he ever heard again unreal as a dream."
The font is "A Antara Distant" by Indonesian designer 'wep' (Wahyu Eka Prasetya) (Link2). Prasetya offers his font "100% Free" but notes in his comments that contributions are accepted. I sent him $5.
LINKS: Link1: archive.org/details/ladies-home-journal-v-051-n-07-1934-07 Link2: www.dafont.com/a-antara-distance.font Link3: docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/font-list/sitkaSeptember 12-15, 2021
Experimenting with the three Kaleidoscope utilities I have found in Gimp: (1) Filters/Distorts/Kaleidoscope, (2) Filters/G-Mics QT/Testing/Joan Rake/Deformations/Kaleidoscope Layer Cake, and (3) Filters/G-Mics QT/Testing/Reptorian/Kaleidoscope Polar.
In the foreground, several kaleidoscope-based variations of an illustration in the 1995 "The Body Emblazoned: Dissection And The Human Body In Renaissance Culture" (Link1), showing reproductive anatomy of a dramatically posed female figure from the 1522 Italian book 'Isagoge Breves' by Giacomo Berengario.
In the background, a photograph of an electrical substation switchboard from a 1922 issue of "Pacific Electric Magazine" (Link2).
LINKS: Link1: archive.org/details/0176-the-body-emblazoned-dissection-and-the-human-body-in-renaissance-culture Link2: archive.org/details/pe-mag-1922-12-dec-10September 11, 2021
The traditional hooded death figure with scythe stands on the left; pictured dimly next to him is a man sitting next to a clock. A black-and-white illustration from a 1920 issue of "All Story Weekly" (Link1). The story was called 'The Death Sentence.'
My treatment was an attempt to master a tiling technique, but it didn't work and I made the best of it. The tiling appears vaguely in the frame.
LINKS: Link1: archive.org/details/all-story-weekly-v-109-n-03-1920-04-24September 10, 2021
MUSIC: Scott Joplin's 1899 "Maple Leaf Rag" in 1941 recording by Lu Watters and the Yerba Buena Jazz Band recording (Link1)
IMAGES: Plates appearing in 1922 German "Kunstgewerbliche Schmuckformen für die Fläche, Band 10" (Link2; trans 'Decorative forms of jewelry for the surface, volume 10') LINKS:
Link1: archive.org/details/78_maple-leaf-rag_lu-watters-yerba-buena-jazz-band-lu-watters-bob-scobey-turk-murphy_gbia0044083a Link2: archive.org/details/kunstgewerbliche-bd-10SOURCES:September 9, 2021
SOURCES: Central image is from the 1985 Russian "We Can't Forget These Roads: Articles, Memories, Diaries" (Link1), recollections of Russian theatre people who performed during World War II. Image is a photo of a musical gimmick, a number called "Live Piano": five girls dressed in white have black keys on their white gloves, and a pianist pretends to play them.
Background is composed of full-color Art Deco images from the 1922 "Kunstgewerbliche Schmuckformen für die Fläche, Band 10" (Link2 trans 'Decorative forms of jewelry for the surface, volume 10').
LINKS: Link1: archive.org/details/1985_20210906 Link2: archive.org/details/kunstgewerbliche-bd-10September 8, 2021
A long, frustrating, nervous day's work ends up in a simple image and (for me) an innovative use of style transfer technology. Much wasted effort -- but ran across some gorgeous Art Deco fabric patterns in full color, for later use. ss
In the foreground, part of the cover image from another cookbook, the 1940 "Sealtest Food Adviser" (Link1), showing a brother and sister sharing an outdoor lunch on a porch.
In the background, a black-and-white fabric pattern from the 1930 "Neuer Flachenschmück VII" (Link2: trans 'New Flat Jewelry VII'). Using style transfer, the color scheme and style of the Sealtest image was applied to the fabric pattern.
LINKS: Link1: archive.org/details/sealtest-1 Link2: archive.org/details/flachenschmuck7September 6, 2021
The mental connection here is this: I'm so fortunate to have the modern Internet and an adequate Social Security income to allow me to spend these closing years exploring a creative outlet. In truth, I think my good fortune is is the privilege of being a white, male child of that World War II generation. Dad came back a war hero and Mom, after years of separation, was smart and independent -- and they loved each other. I got a good education in a stable community.
In the foreground, part of the cover image from a wartime cookbook, the 1942 "Sealtest Food Adviser" (Link1), showing a smiling wartime wife preparing a cake for her husband, home on leave.
In the background, an illustration by Errol Le Cain for a 1975 retelling of the Grimm's fairy tale, "Thorn Rose" (Link2). From one online summary:"[T]here came a king’s son into that land: and an old man told him the story of the thicket of thorns; and how a beautiful palace stood behind it, and how a wonderful princess, called Briar Rose, lay in it asleep, with all her court." In the illustration, the prince enters on the right into the thicket of thorns.
LINKS: Link1: https://archive.org/details/sealtest_202109 Link2: https://archive.org/details/thorn-rose-grimmSeptember 5, 2021
IMAGE1: Two-page spread of pictures from a 1928 issue of the French magazine 'Le Film Complet', a periodical that told the story of an already-produced film in words and pictures. The film described is the 1926 German film "Le Baiser Mortel" (Link1: trans 'The Deadly Kiss').
IMAGE2: (Background) A drawing of a jazz band from an ad for a music store in a 1921 edition of the "North China Herald" (Link2).
LINKS: Link1: archive.org/details/FilmComplet-BaiserMortel Link2: archive.org/details/north-china-herald-1921.01.01/mode/1upSeptember 4, 2021
LINKS: https://archive.org/details/wardwayhomes.1930/page/n92/mode/1upSeptember 3, 2021
Childen's images are always interesting, and the book cited promises to distinguish schizophrenic kids' drawings from normal kids' drawings, but since I don't read Russian I can't really classify them. The scholar finds the root of many kids' drawings in the folk tale of a monster, Baba Yaga, who kidnaps disobedient children. Which led me to Mussorgsky's masterful musical reflection on Baba Yaga.
MUSIC: Excerpt from 2018 performance by Georgian pianist Khatia Buniatishvili, playing the ninth movement in Mussorgsky's 1874 "Pictures at an Exhibition," about Slavic bogeyman Baba Yaga, said to live in a house that walked on chicken legs. (Link1)
IMAGES: Illustrations from 1971 Russian book "Drawings of Preschool Children with Schizophrenia" (Link2)
Link1: www.youtube.com/watch?v=QA-MEgv1evg&ab_channel=KhatiaBuniatishVEVO Link2: archive.org/details/risunki_detey_doshkolnogo_vozrasta_bolnykh_shizofreniyeySeptember 3, 2021
LINKS:August 31, 2021
In the center of this image is a round map of the world from the Seventh Century. It's from the 1986 "Theodorich Guide to the Holy Land" (Link1). It's called a T and O map" and shows a circle (with East at the top) divided into three parts. (The image shown has been updated with English translations from a modern scholar.) In the top half is Asia, with Jerusalem prominent, bounded by the Don River which run across Russia and was an important trading route in Byzantine times. The bottom half of the globe is divided by the vertical Mediterranean into Europe on the left and Africa on the right.
Surrounding the ancient world map are two sets of Runes, the alphabet used in Scandinavia and Europe until the Latin alphabet was introduced around 700 A.D. The images are from the 1994 book "Il Segreto Delle Rune"(Link2; trans.'The Secret of the Runes').
LINKS: Link1: archive.org/details/theoderich-guide-to-the-holy-land Link2: archive.org/details/il-segreto-delle-runeAugust 30, 2021
I like the traditional icons of the EasternChristians. See also July 25 images.
Note that here I slowed MacDowell's recording to 76% to make the duration match the video -- but distorting the pitch.
MUSIC: Excerpt from "Rhapsodie" of Edward MacDowell's XXXX 'First Modern Suite, Op. 10' (Link1)
IMAGES: Icons from undated Romanian religious pamphlet "Sfântul prooroc Samuel" (Link2: trans 'Holy Prophet Samuel').
Samuel is a historical religious leader who lived from 1070 BCE to 1012 BCE (Link3).
LINKS: Link1: imslp.org/wiki/First_Modern_Suite%2C_Op.10_(MacDowell%2C_Edward) Link2: archive.org/details/sf.-samuel-nou-edit Link3: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SamuelAugust 30, 2021
From a 1941 edition of the Portugese news magazine "Vida Mundial Ilustrada" (Link1), a picture of two dancers and their shadows.
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/vida-mundial-ilustrada-n-032-1941.1 (Link broken)August 29, 2021
MUSIC: "Of a Tailor and a Bear" composed by Edward MacDowell performed in 1919 on album 'Rhythms for Children' by the Victor Orchestra. (Link1) MacDowell is an interesting figure (Link2). A leading American composer, a teacher at Columbia, he got involved in faculty politics, resigned in protest, and later succumbed to dementia.
IMAGES: From an unusual feature in the Chinese movie fan magazine "Movie Life," February 1940 (Link3) and March 1940 (Link4). May have been a propaganda piece during the Japan-China war 1937-1945 (Link5)
LINKS: Link1: archive.org/details/78_rhythms-for-children-2-the-wild-horseman_victor-orchestra-edw-macdowell_gbia0327468/01+-+Rhythms+for+Children+(1.+Of+a+Tailor+an+-+Victor+Orchestra.flac Link2: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_MacDowell Link3: archive.org/details/movielife-1940-02 Link4: archive.org/details/movielife-1940-03 Link5: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Sino-Japanese_WarAugust 27, 2021
A 'Gifts for Him' display from the 1940 "Sears Christmas Wishbook Catalog" (Link1).
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/1940-sears-christmas-wishbook-catalogAugust 25, 2021
Sometimes I like to change my background on Zoom calls. Here is a background I may use, my digital treatment from a black-and-white photograph of a room in Pogrzybow, Poland, from the 1929 Polish book "Memento Kresowe" by Antoni Urbanski (Link1).
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/urbanski-memento-kresowe-1929August 24, 2021
Combining two illustrations from the 1936 Polish history book "Polska Jagiellonów: dzieje polityczne" (Link1: trans 'Poland of the Jagiellonians: political history'). The Jagiellonian Dynasty reigned in several Eastern European countries from the 14th to the 16th centuries, during what some consider the "Polish Golden Age".
Image captions (via Google Translate) are (1) "Top of the altar by Wit Stoss in the church of N. P. Marja in Krakow" and (2) "Polychrome in the vault of the Jagiellonian chapel st. Cross in the Wawel Cathedral". I especially liked the haloed saints crowded in the Top of the Altar Piece and the way I was able to add color to the black and white photo of the Wawel Cathedral Vault.
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/kolankowski-polska-jagiellonow-1936August 23, 2021
MUSIC: An unusual 2018 performance of Erik Satie's composition "Gymnopedia #1" by the Argentinian Ezequiel Diz Tango Quintet, featuring Keyboard, Hand Saw, Bandoneon, Guitar, Violin, Cello, Bass (Link1)
IMAGE1: North Korean cheerleading squad, known as "The Army of Beauties" from a 2014 photo in the 'Voice of America' website (Link2). North Korean leader Kim Il Sung married one of the cheerleaders in 2005.
IMAGE2: Cover of 1937 Argentinian comic book "Patoruzú" (Link3) featuring a Patagonian chief by that name who is the last of his dynasty and has superhuman strength. (Link2)
SOURCES: Link1: imslp.org/wiki/3_Gymnop%C3%A9dies_(Satie,_Erik)#IMSLP724979 Link2: www.voanews.com/east-asia/north-korea-sending-cheerleaders-asian-games Link3: archive.org/details/patoruzu-n-4-febrero-1937August 22, 2021
A popular figure in the Catholic lore of saints in the midwest and upstate of the U.S. is Katerin Tekawitha.
This piece took three days -- way too long. Several times I got completely lost. I had to scale my ambitions back.
MUSIC: Excerpt from video of a 2009 Round Dance by the Logan Alexis Singers and Friends (Link1)
OPENING VIDEO: Excerpt from video (Link2) introducing the "National Shrine of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha" in Fonda, NY.
B&W IMAGES: Illustrations from 1934 German book "Kateri Tekakwitha, die Lilie der Mohawks 1656-1680" (Link3; trans: 'Kateri Tekakitha, The Lily of the Mohawks')
COLOR IMAGE: Photo portraying Kateri Tekakwitha by the Saints Project (Link4)
SOURCES: Link1: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uo_4x0vhzhE&ab_channel=SgweProductions Link2: www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OMUCvhNYEI&ab_channel=SyracuseDiocese Link3: archive.org/details/Tekakwitha Link4: www.thesaintsproject.org/saints/st-kateri-tekakwitha-2/August 21, 2021
Although I personally am living in relative security, I find the world a scary place. Here, for instance, are two reminders of man's inhumanity to man.
Foreground are four views of a wrist watch dented by a bullet, recovered from a mass grave of Polish resistance fighters killed by Nazis in January 1945. The picture is from an Archeology article in "ScienceMag.org" (Link1). The hands of the watch are stopped at 5 PM, the time of the massacre.
To the right of that is an illustration from the 2007 anthropology book "The Taking & Displaying Of Human Body Parts As Trophies" (Link2), a decoration on a bowl showing a man in a horned serpent costume displaying the severed head of an enemy and a curved knife, from around A.D.1000.
In the background, from the same source, a modern digital reconstruction of horizontal supports for the Great Skull Rack in a sporting arena of México.
SOURCES: Link1: www.sciencemag.org/news/2021/08/archaeologists-unearth-nazi-era-massacre-poland-s-death-valley Link2: archive.org/details/the-taking-displaying-of-human-body-parts-as-trophiesAugust 18, 2021
Fine Arabic calligraphy of a significant verse from the Koran, uttered several times a day by observant Muslims. Translation: "In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful". You can hear it pronounced here.
Image is from the undated "Symbols Of Islam" by Tanja Al Hariri Wendell (Link1). See the explanation by an Islamic online reference (Link2).
I present it here thinking of the Islamic Taliban's conquest of Afghanistan this week, hoping that the victors will remember the capacity of Allah to be merciful.
Note: the spelling of the title of the book seems to be a typographical error, "Islamn" instead of "Islam." I retained the typo in the link, but not in the text.
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/symbols-of-islamn-by-tanja-al-hariri-wendell Link2: myislam.org/bismillah-hir-rahman-nir-rahim/August 17, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/the-girls-of-atomic-city-the-u-denise-kiernan Link2: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Calutron_operators.jpgAugust 15, 2021
MUSIC: Excerpt from the 2021 song "El Camino de la Ballena" (Link1; trans 'The Way of the Whale') on the album 'Archipiélago Coloane' by the Chilean group 'Lluvia Acida' (trans 'Acid Rain'). The song is dedicated to the writings of Chilean novelist Francisco Coloane (Link2)
IMAGES: Cartoon strip "Express" (Link3) by Claude Renard and Francois Schuiten from the collection of European cartoons 'Illustration+ Comix Internacional' by publisher Toutain S.A. (Link4). Animation added by Bob Moore.
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/pnvny01/pnvny01_07_El-camino-de-la-ballena.mp3 Link2: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francisco_Coloane Link3: archive.org/details/raccolta-su..-comix-international-liberi-varios-b-n-e-colori-toutain-ed.-1980-cr Link4: es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toutain_EditorAugust 14, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/der-portratkopf-der-konigin-teje-im-besitz-von-dr.-james-simon-in-berlin-18_202108 Link2: drrunoko.com/product/book-the-black-image-in-antiquity/August 14, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/augusta-military-academy-recall-1971/August 13, 2021
MUSIC: Excerpt from 1942 performance of gospel hymn "Lift Every Voice and Sing" (Link1) performed by The Southern Sons, digitized from a 78 RPM record (Link2). Originally written by James Weldon Johnson for for the anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's birthday in 1900.
IMAGES: Illustrations from the 1946 pamphlet "Smash the Chains" (Link3) by Louis E. Burnham (Link4) of the Southern Negro Youth Congress (Link5). Illustrations by Irwin Greenberg.
SOURCES: Link1: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lift_Every_Voice_and_Sing"> Link2: archive.org/details/78_lift-every-voice-and-sing_james-weldon-johnson-j.-rosamond-johnson-the-southern-son_gbia0000392b Link3: archive.org/details/smash-the-chains Link4: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_E._Burnham Link5: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_Negro_Youth_CongressAugust 11, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/tv-star-parade-1979-septemberAugust 9, 2021
SOURCES: NAAugust 7, 2021
"Everything still in use needs to be cleaned out once in a while, and this is as true of religions as refrigerators. Bad or wrong ideas gradually smother a religion’s essential messages in a million sticky notes tacked on by narrow- minded, power-oriented, or simply confused leaders..."There is a brilliant model we can use. It comes from science, which has a method of separating 'best working knowledge' from those principles that we can confidently call truth. At first this may sound paradoxical, but it’s quite profound: No scientific theory can be both true and universally applicable. In other words, you can never call a scientific theory true until you know its limits—where it stops being true, what it can’t explain.
"The clearest example is Newtonian physics, which is still taught to every physics student and still accurately describes how things fall when you drop them and how the planets orbit in our solar system. However, for any object traveling close to the speed of light or near the immense gravity of a black hole, Newton’s laws don’t apply, and you need Einstein’s theory of relativity to calculate what’s happening.
"In the 1960s a philosopher of science named Thomas Kuhn wrote a book called The Structure of Scientific Revolutions that has misled generations into thinking that a new scientific theory, like Einstein’s, simply overthrows the previous theory, in that case Newton’s, and Newton’s is no longer considered true. But Kuhn was wrong. Einstein’s theory explains gravity in extreme circumstances, but in the ordinary circumstances we experience on Earth, the two theories make the same predictions.
"Einstein’s theory of relativity never overthrew Newtonian physics; it enshrined it. It drew a box around it—a truth box. Inside the box Newtonian physics can forever be considered true. This exalts Newtonian physics to what’s actually the highest level of truth that exists in science: the truth of a theory whose limits we know. We can rely on it with absolute confidence— inside its truth box.
"The idea of a truth box is a real humility enforcer. It prevents the kind of disastrous conflicts caused by competing religions, all claiming that their theories are both true and universal. Only by defining the limits of a religion can you discover in what respects it is reliably true. In the previous example, I should point out, no one has defined the truth box for relativity or quantum mechanics, so no one knows how far these theories can be trusted. They are our best working knowledge. Right now the best guess for a bigger theory that could encompass and define the limits of relativity and quantum mechanics is something called superstring theory, but so far there’s zero evidence for it. Physicists are constantly trying to find the limits of their best theories, constantly forced to embrace their own humility in the process. "
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/nancy-ellen-abrams-a-god-that-could-be-real Link2: archive.org/details/denis-lombard-nusa-jawa-2-jaringan-asia Link3: www.flickr.com/photos/quadralectics/4355398451August 6, 2021
MUSIC: Excerpt from Canadian Michel Rondeau's (Link1) 2021 composition "Trumpet Canon & Fugue No.87" (Link2), based on Joseph Haydn's E-Flat Trumpet Concerto for 2 B-Flat Trumpets)
IMAGES: Illustrations from the 1454 "Armorial de Berry", a manuscript collection of coats of arms of nobility (Link3), the earliest heraldic roll in Scotland.
Link1: www.windrep.org/Michel_Rondeau Link2: imslp.org/wiki/Trumpet_Canon_%26_Fugue_No.87_(Rondeau,_Michel)#IMSLP721622 Link3: archive.org/details/armorial_de_berryAugust 4, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: twitter.com/britishmuseum/status/892697196948320257/photo/4 Link2: archive.org/details/magnificent-bharat-1August 3, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/the-children-s-treasury-1880 Link2: archive.org/details/tanaka-love Link3: archive.org/details/1996_Lexikon-der-SymboleAugust 1, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/XavierCorberaLaCulminacio Link2: archive.org/details/japanese-prints-bonhams-march-2019July 31, 2021
"Just now im heart broken💔 Not because I came 4th but because I truly lined up knowing I was a whole lot more capable than what I achieved. I know I’ll come back stronger from this. Paris I’m coming for you🔥 Thank you to all my team❤️"
SOURCES: Link1: i.iplsc.com/jemma-reekie/0009T1B2LBT7IX76-C122-F4.jpgJuly 31, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/graffiti-in-poland-1940-2010July 30, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/gnc-web-0411-12-m/July 26, 2021
Most Kazan icons are small, 9 x 11 inches.
A Russian Orthodox source says "The Kazan icon of the Virgin remains popular, especially as a wedding gift, and is sometimes associated with Russian nationalism."
SOURCES: MUSIC: Carlotta Ferrari's 2017 hymn "Ave Regina" performed in 2018 by Magnificat Children's Choir of South Korea (Link1) ICONS: From 2021 Russian book "Icona Maicii Domnului facatoare de minuni din Kazan" (Link2: trans: 'Icon of the Miraculous Mother of God in Kazan') IMAGE: Scenes from opening of rebuilt Cathedral of Kazan on July 21, 2021. The original was blown up in 1932 (Link3) Link1: imslp.org/wiki/Ave_Regina_(Ferrari%2C_Carlotta) Link2: archive.org/details/ic.-md-de-la-kazan Link3: orthochristian.com/140669.htmlJuly 25, 2021
SOURCES: MUSIC: Excerpt from song "Gravity" on 2021 album 'Empty Sounds' by Gleam (Camilo Vergara) (Link1) VIDEO: Excerpt from video of Yaroslava Mahuchikh's high jump of 6 feet 9 inches (2.6 m), which set a meet record at Banska Bystrika in Slovakia (Link2) IMAGE: Mahuchikh in blue dress in the Ukrainian city of Lutsk, from her Instagram page ("rosya_dp") (Link3) Link1: archive.org/details/A22026_EmptySounds Link2: www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgOqTwZiYbE Link3: www.instagram.com/p/CQOdMImHFML/July 22, 2021
The colors are my own addition; I am experimenting with colors created algorithmically using (1) the Gimp/G'Mics/Testing/Reptorian/Autofill Coloring Book command and (2) various Dreamscopeapp Style Transfers.
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/urbanski-pro-memoria-1929July 21, 2021
Background: 24-year-old Walt Disney running one of his first full-size movie cameras; photo from "Walt Disney: Maker of Magical Worlds" (Link1)
Middle: Cartoon advertising Stanley measuring rulers, from "Auto Tips 1939" (Link2), a compilation of car repair ideas from "Popular Science."
Left: Drawing of a pre-Christian idol from Ireland, from the book "Codex Magica" (Link3) by disreputable occult writer Texe Marrs.
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/storyofwaltdisne00seld Link2: archive.org/details/auto-tips-1939 Link3: archive.org/details/MarrsTexeCodexMagica_201608/Marrs%20Texe%20-%20Codex%20MagicaJuly 20, 2021
Color cover photograph from a 1945 issue of "FilmIndia" (Link1), a cinema magazine based in Bombay. The studio photo shows Nirmala Devi, a vocalist and actress appearing in the 1944 movie 'Gaali'. Nirmala was the mother of Bollywood superstar Govinda and former actor Kirti Kumar. You can hear her here. The caption to this picture reads:
NIRMALA: This pretty starlet is reported to have given some good work in 'Gaali', a social story by N.R. Desai Productions.
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/filmindia194511unseJuly 18, 2021
I have an irrational superstition. Call it the "Deliberately Ungrammatical Invocation." I used it for 20 years or so among my friends; when we parted after an evening, I always said "DRIVE SAFE" -- even though I (a college English major) knew that the correct grammar would be "Drive Safely." And for 20 years, none of my friends got in a serious auto accident. As if the grammatical mistake served as an INTENSIFIER -- and took my wish all the way to the top of the Universe's To-Do list.
Now that I'm old and my circle of friends does less driving, I have adjusted my Invocation. It was suggested after I saw the steep decline in Janice's mother after she fell and broke her hip. She went from being an active woman who happily toodled all over South Jersey in her Toyota to -- suddenly -- a months-long bed-bound cripple, never to fully recover.
So I have a new "Deliberately Ungrammatical Invocation," except the words and medium are different. The medium now is graphic art. And the words are "JUST DONT FALL." (The ungrammatical part is the lack of an apostrophe in "DON'T".) I have done about seven cards on the Just-Dont-Fall theme for distribution among my friends -- and so far, no one has suffered a major fall.
Now with this publication, you, my friends and readers, are under the irrational protection of my superstition: So be aware as you move around the planet of things that could make you fall -- wet spots, dizzy spells, obstacles, snow/ice -- and JUST DONT FALL.
Okay? Do not become a bed-bound cripple.
The image shows stairs in the hallway of a manor house in Raszkow, Poland, from the 1929 memoir "Pro memoria: 4-ta serja rozgromionych dworów kresowych" (Link1; trans: 'Pro memoria: 4th series of defeated borderland manors') by Antoni Urbanski.
The font is the 2011 font "Pink Oil" by truth14ful (Link2), created on the website fontstruct.com. On 9/16, I revised the font according to suggestions by Ted Gutswa.
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/urbanski-pro-memoria-1929 Link2: fontstruct.com/fontstructions/show/530824July 18, 2021
Recall that history records that the fascists in that time period -- the folks in that magazine complaining about the other side's atrocities -- caused the most human suffering in that time, with the German concentration camps and the Japanese rampages in Asia. You can't choose your side based on one side's atrocity propaganda.
Anyway, I couldn't get the gory Civil War photos out of my head. So, as I often do in art, I used a Window-Framing device to distance myself (and to obscure) the unfortunate victims. At first I tried a view through the window of an airplane cockpit, but later I did a second version with a larger window based on a Francis Picabia surrealist painting used as the cover of a novel "Transit" by Anna Seghers; I also speeded up the atrocity photos, and I hope this second version exorcises the sight of such inhumanity in now-civilized Spain.
MUSIC: Excerpt from 2021 composition by Frank Zintl, "Chaconne for Violin and Piano" performed on MuseScore synthesizer; composer's note: "Bad synthetic sound as usual." (Link1)
IMAGE: Reproduction of Francis Picabia's 1930 painting "Olga" (Link2)
WINDOW: Field photographs of Spanish Civil War atrocities from 1937 edition of Romanian fascist newspaper "Cuvantul Argesului" (Link3)
SOURCES: Link1: imslp.org/wiki/Chaconne_for_Violin_and_Piano_(Zintl%2C_Frank); permlink: imslp.org/wiki/Special:ReverseLookup/715170 Link2: i.pinimg.com/originals/11/93/18/1193187781f2d1d1604e35a7f8e097f6.jpg Link3: archive.org/details/cuvantul-argesului-anul-ii-nr.-34-37-20-mai-1July 14, 2021
Yesterday I developed a new system for organizing the image files that I download from the Internet (usually from here). I divide the files into two groups: Sequences and Strays. Sequences are files that I could turn into a video, Strays are images that are promising but solitary. I used this system on a recent group of downloaded files, and was left with these Strays:
SOURCES: Link1: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:MPH-Carnegie-Hall-ticket-1942.jpg Link2: archive.org/details/albania-tanaan Link3: archive.org/details/a-brief-history-of-korea-by-mark-peterson-phillip-margulies Link4: archive.org/details/the-armchair-detective-v-26-n-03-1993-summer Link5: archive.org/details/otaku-hiroki-azumaJuly 12, 2021
From a 1948 edition of a comic book aimed at girls, "Polly Pigtails" (Link1) two child models pose with parasols in outfits aimed at duplicating the chorus line of an old musical comedy, "Florodora" (Link2). The text:
"Back at the turn of the century, Grandpa watched the Florodora chorus from a balcony seat. Now granddaughter wears Florodora-inspired fashions. Left, a Hered skirt and plaid bib are all that’s needed to make Barbara the belle of the ball. In crisp taffeta, about $5. Ann’s jumper-effect cotton has a quilted skirt, It’s washable."You can hear a 1908 Edison recording of "Tell Me Pretty Maiden," the hit song from Florodora, here, courtesy of commons.wikimedia.org and Adam Cuerden.
The background is a collage composed of color samples from the 2018 catalog of Vallejo (Link2), a maker of acrylic paints for models and miniatures. The background is shown separately in the second image, before colors are altered by style transfers and filters.
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/polly_pigtails_volume_0003_number_0034_november_1948 Link2: archive.org/details/vallejo-catalogue-january-2018/July 11, 2021
In 1990, a Moscow publishing house issued a collection of memorabilia, including poems and letters, (Link1) from the career of Alexander Vertinsky (1889-1957). Vertinsky, known as the "Russian Pierrot" performed many popular songs, including "Those Were the Days" (Link2).
This image, appearing without context, shows Vertinsky in his clown costume, inset onto an image of a stormy beach. I found it moody -- an aging man considering his own fears and vulnerabilities; I chose very subdued colors.
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/1990_20210707 Link2: www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMaz70bOd7w&ab_channel=jonjamgJuly 9, 2021
To the right, a 2007 Roman Catholic Holy Card image of a statue of Mary and Jesus from a Cathedral in Stenjevecka, Croatia (Link1). Like most Holy Cards, it has text on its back:
"Mother of God and Our Mother,
You are our role model and example
how to seek and accept God's will,
how to live with God and surrender to Him completely.
... Help our Croatian people
to be faithful to your Son
building with Him your future.
In the background, a photo of abandoned Sears store in Woodville Mall outside Toledo, Ohio. (Link2) Sears was the retail giant of its time, but in the 1970's it began a painful decline because of over-diversification, an Ayn Rand mentality in its corporate suite, and decline in quality of product. Most male Boomers have stories about the decline of Sears's Craftsman Brand tools.
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/sveta_slicica_majka_bozja_stenjevecka_zagreb Link2: www.cbsnews.com/news/a-dying-breed-the-american-shopping-mall-2/July 7, 2021
MUSIC: Soviet national anthem, written in 1938 by Alexander Alexandrov, adopted in 1944, performed by the Red Army Ochestra (Link1)
IMAGES: Illustrations by I.L. Abakumov for S.P. Borodin's 1987 novel about the life of Dmitry Donskoy (1350-1389), hero of Russian resistance against Mongols (Link2)
Link1: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Soviet_Union_national_anthem_instrumental_1977.ogg Link2: archive.org/details/1987_20210629July 1, 2021
Working on images that I can print BIG -- 24" wide.
At top is a round photograph of an air-cooled radial aircraft engine which powered many English-built heavy bombers from the undated brochure "The Power Behind Their Wings" by the Bristol Aeroplane Company. (Link1)
Below that is a round frontispiece illustration from the 1914 "The Progress Of Eugenics" (Link2).
This is a second try.
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/tpbtw Link2: archive.org/details/williams-saleeby-caleb.-the-progress-of-eugenics-1914June 29-July 1, 2021
In the foreground, a fish and seaweed design for hobbyists to jigsaw and paint, from a 1945 issue of the Do-It-Yourself magazine "Deltagram" (Link1).
Behind that a diagram from a Russian article analyzing the underlying patterns in medieval designs from the 1982 "Khudozhestvenny_yazyk_srednevekovya" (Link2; trans: 'The artistic language of the Middle Ages')
The frame is part of the Deltagram jigsaw pattern. Overlaid on the frame is a Flame Border from the 1912 ATF "American Specimen Book of Type Styles" (Link3).
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/1945-1502-deltagram Link2: archive.org/details/khudozhestvenny_yazyk_srednevekovya Link3: archive.org/details/americanspecimen00amerrichJune 27, 2021
IMAGE: An illustration from the 1865 English Penny Dreadful book, "Rose Mortimer; Or, The Ballet-Girl's Revenge" (Link1)
Link1: archive.org/details/ anonymous-rose-mortimer-or-the-ballet-girls-revenge-london romance-co.-1865June 26, 2021
MUSIC: Excerpt from song "Kali" on the 2021 album 'Mono o Estereo?' by the two-person group Clics from Santiago, Chile. (Link1)
IMAGES: From 1980 book "How To Rebuild Your Ford V 8" (Link2). Background shows two V-8 combustion chambers. Foreground shows the application of adhesive to head-to-manifold gaskets. Also, line drawing of engine.
IMAGES: Other gasket images from online catalogs of Napacanada and Allindia.
Link1: archive.org/details/pn190 Link2: archive.org/details/how-to-rebuild-your-ford-v-8-351-c-351-m-400-429-460June 24, 2021
MUSIC: Excerpt from 2018 organ composition "Pastorale giapponese, Marginalia No.69" by Italian composer Fulvio Caldini (Link1)
IMAGES: Collage of illustrations from 1932 engineering book "Motores Hidraulicos" (Link2; trans: 'Hydraulic Motors')
Link1: imslp.org/wiki/Pastorale_giapponese,_Marginalia_No.69_(Caldini,_Fulvio)#IMSLP709734 Link2: archive.org/details/motores-hidraulicos-l-quantz-a-garrigosa-1932June 22, 2021
MUSIC: Song "Golden Rule" from album of the same name by the midwestern group Sun Wave, used by permission (Link1)
Link1: archive.org/details/SN004SWJune 20, 2021
IMAGE1: Frame and design from an ad for the movie "Rafaela" starring Erna Moreno in a 1918 edition of the German movie trade magazine 'Lichtbild-Bühne' (Link1).
IMAGE2: 1925 photo of Erna Moreno by Alexander Binder (Link2).
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/lichtbildbuhne-1918-01 Link2: www.flickr.com/photos/truusbobjantoo/4798588664/June 17, 2021
MUSIC: An excerpt from the song "Spirale (Iteration 1)" by Zumaia, featuring Linn Freberg, on the album 'Oddity Spirale Remixes' (Link1)
IMAGE: An image shows a woman examining a record album, from "The Deltagram" (Link2), a 1947 collection of Do-It-Yourself woodworking plans. The image illustrates a record cabinet designed to hold a Philco radio-phonograph combination.
BORDER: The image is set in a border created from the Beardsley design in the 1912 ATF type catalog. The large face in the second half of the video is also from that set. (Link3) SOURCES:
Link1: archive.org/details/OdditySpiraleRemixes Link2: archive.org/details/1947-1701-deltagram Link3: archive.org/details/americanspecimen00amerrichJune 15, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/wiped-the-curious-history-of-toilet-paper Link2: archive.org/details/americanspecimen00amerrichJune 12, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/lichtbildbuhne-1918-01June 10, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/lichtbildbuhne-1916-9 Link2: archive.org/details/americanspecimen00amerrichJune 9, 2021
MUSIC: Cut 2 entitled 'Post-Humans of '90s Anime Character Design', from 2021 album "A Desert of Noise and Despair," a collaboration between the Nicaraguan musician Cat Destroyer and the Norwegian musician Princess Army Wedding Combat (Link1)
BACKGROUND VIDEO: Excerpt from 24-minute video performance by Princess Army Wedding Combat from 12/27/2021 music/video festival Tsungeddon (Link2)
IMAGE: Screenshot of girls gathered around video-chat camera uploaded anonymously to 4chan (Link3)
GRAPHICS: Border from the Inland family of printer's decorations, as shown in the 1912 ATF type catalog. (Link4)
Link1: archive.org/details/lf147mp3 Link2: www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOQcCNn94sA Link3: www.4chan.org/b Link4: archive.org/details/americanspecimen00amerrichJune 5-9, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: www.4chan.org/b Link2: archive.org/details/americanspecimen00amerrichJune 5, 2021
SOURCES: MUSIC: Song "Oasis Mirage" by Waveskania (Link1). Waveskania is a musical project founded in 2019 by Ukrainian music producer Katerina Yan. The song appears on the 6/3/2021 weekly compilation by Netwaves.org (Link2) IMAGE: Arrangement of Art Nouveau printer decorations from 1912 American Type Foundry edition of "American Specimen Book of Type Styles : Complete Catalogue of Printing Machinery and Printing Supplies" (Link3, Link3A?). Decoration is known as 'Knickerbocker Ornates'. Knickerbocker is the name given to early Dutch settlers of New York. IMAGE2: Clown figure with balloon in advertisement for short films in 1917 issue of German movie trade journal "Lichtbild-Bühne" (Link4; trans: 'Photo Stage'). VIDEO: Excerpts from a video (Link5) commissioned by New York's Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) honoring installation of iron decorations based on Knickerbocker Ornates at the subway's Knickerbocker Avenue station in Brooklyn. Link1: archive.org/details/nws.bpm0102 Link2: www.netwaves.org/ Link3: archive.org/details/americanspecimen00amerrich Link3A: archive.org/details/americanspecimen00amer Link4: archive.org/details/lichtbildbuhne-1917-11 Link5: www.youtube.com/watch?v=vd6Qd3z5WigJune 5, 2021
IMAGE: Drawing of German silent movie actress Marta Novelly from 1917 issue of German film industry magazine "Lichtbild-Bühne" (Link1; trans: 'Photo Stage')
GRAPHIC ELEMENTS: Art Nouveau border from 1897 American Type Founders catalog "Specimens of Printing Types" (Link2)
MUSIC: Excerpt from 2021 song "Better Days Ahead" on album 'Etu' by Illinois-based musical project 'Sun Wave' (Link3). Opening narration is:
"Yes, I have decided not to grieve any longer. Okay. You can depend on me. But we only have enough medicine for three more doses."
I contacted the musician Tai of Sun Wave about that quote and he said it was from the 1996 video game: "Resident Evil" for Playstation I. "[I] used it as an implementation of my own subjective sense of nostalgia into the thematic base of the song/project, as well as an homage to the unique aesthetics of the series."
Link1: archive.org/details/lichtbildbuhne-1917-08 Link2: archive.org/details/specimensofprint00amerrich Link3: archive.org/details/SN007SWJune 3, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/specimensofprint00amerrich Link2: archive.org/details/lichtbildbuhne-1917-08June 2, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/specimensofprint00amerrichJune 1, 2021
SOURCES: Link: archive.org/details/redbook-v-060-n-02-1932-12 Link2: www.dafont.com/celtic-knots.font Link3: archive.org/details/encyclopedia-of-minerals-1999May 30, 2021
For countless generations, man has sought all these things but only to a few have all of them been given! The Ancients believed that all of them could be acquired by every man and woman if the Key to the Universal could be found.
Even today there are people who believe that they have found this Key to Power and claim that the secret lies in the use of MYRRH..."
MANY MYSTICAL POWERS were attributed to MYRRH as far back as the time of Moses and reference to it may be found in Exodus, Chapt. XXX, Verse 34. The ancient Sassamans, Zoroastians and Egyptians used it in strange rituals which they claimed induced the vibration of a Lucky Planet toward them and followed them into the Astral Plane of Good Fortune and Success."
The medical efficacy of myrrh is disputed, but back in 1941 gold was $35 an ounce and the ring (with its secret compartment for myrrh) was sold for $1.97. Probably a good buy, although the gullibility of the public for this "Myrrh-moves-planets" story reminds me of today's believers in QAnon's absurd conspiracy theories.
There were two payment options in those pre-Amazon, pre-credit card times: (1) Send a $1.97 money order ("PREPAID") or (2) pay your postman $1.97 cash when it arrived (C.O.D.). Other images on that page are from various other products advertised in that issue.
SOURCES: Link: archive.org/details/science-fiction-v-02-n-05-1941-06May 29-June 1, 2021
SOURCES: Photo by Janice MooreMay 29, 2021
SOURCES: https://archive.org/details/a-history-of-toysMay 28-31, 2021
SOURCES: https://archive.org/details/a-history-of-toysMay 27-31, 2021
SOURCES: https://archive.org/details/adansonia24museMay 23, 2021
SOURCES: IMAGE: Four views of a reconstruction of an early man from the 1964 Russian book "People of the Stone Age" (Link1) MUSIC: Track 3 "Szoneratic" from Roberto Massoni's 2020 album 'NeoMTRX5' (Link2) Link1: archive.org/details/1964_20210517 Link2: archive.org/details/NeoMTRX5May 22, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/the-ideals-of-indian-artMay 21, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/1964_20210517May 20, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/1991_20210509May 20, 2021
SOURCES: Microphoto by Bob MooreMay 17, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/1908-king-sewing-machines-buffalo-ny Link2: archive.org/details/parismode1-1896May 17, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/VVDFDDSSSSS Link2: archive.org/details/1bardon-2018/page/36/mode/1up Link3: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Cath%C3%A9drale_Saint-Lazare_d%27Autun:_Tympan#/media/File:Autun_Tympan_cathedrale.jpgMay 16, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/von-list-guido-der-unbesiegbare-ver Link2: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Armanenrunor_i_cirkel_med_siffror_vector.svg Link3: archive.org/details/francemode15-1895May 15, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/Barto_Ahnija.Cacki_old.pdf/mode/2upMay 14, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/Lavonava_Ala.Starazytna-bielaruskaja_skulptura.djvu Link2: archive.org/details/Backauscyna.Zbornik_1996.djvuMay 12, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/libro-gordo-de-petete-03-tomo-magenta-ptt-g-ferre-1982 Link2: archive.org/details/ModellEisenbahner/Modell%20Eisenbahner%201980-01 (Back cover; issue not known)May 12, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/libro-gordo-de-petete-03-tomo-magenta-ptt-g-ferre-1982 Link2: archive.org/details/florian-cajori-a-history-of-mathematical-notations-dover-publications-1993May 10, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/McGillLibrary-122623-2081 Link2: archive.org/details/ModellEisenbahner/Modell%20Eisenbahner%201980-01 (Issue not known)May 9, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/repciuc-aparatul-locomotor-varianta-2 Link2: archive.org/details/laventure-ppt20-converted/ Link3: archive.org/details/ModellEisenbahner/Modell%20Eisenbahner%201980-01May 7, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datei:Limburg_railyard_bombed_23_Dec_1944.jpg Link2: archive.org/details/flying-magazine-1946-01-ocrMay 7, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/CharlesParkerCoCatalogue1912 Link2: www.artdesigncafe.com/charles-parker-hardware-vises-catalogues Link3: fontstruct.com/fontstructions/show/1939046/las-mamacitasMay 6, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/wonderbookofwonders_imagesMay 4, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: Link2: https://www.google.com/search?q=%22Never+kissed+a+Tory%22&sxsrf=ALeKk03FkPwzIeDFsVa5xS_mIMxRfZ7Vww:1620078444555&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjzicjBvq7wAhWWMVkFHaU4DeEQ_AUoAnoECAIQBA&biw=1067&bih=401 Link2: archive.org/details/coats__clarks_number_308_october_1954May 2, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: fontstruct.com/fontstructions/show/1923608 Link2: archive.org/details/a-550530040040-cropped-umbt-i-2-i-3May 2, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: www.dafont.com/alien-hieroglyph.font?back=themeMay 2, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: fontstruct.com/fontstructions/show/1869939May 1, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: fontstruct.com/fontstructions/show/1935479 Link2: archive.org/details/WaltDisneysMagazine195802May 1, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: fontstruct.com/fontstructions/show/1849161/new-wave-3-1 Link2: juli.smvi.co/#svfontheadertxtApril 29, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Legend_of_Zelda Link2: www.dafont.com/botw-hylian.font?sort=date Link3: zelda.fandom.com/wiki/File:BotW_Crest_of_the_Sheikah_Symbol.png_ Link4: www.fightersgeneration.com/np4/char/char/link-st.jpgApril 28, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/handbookoforname00meyeuoft Link2: archive.org/details/derornamentensch00dolmApril 26, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/handbookoforname00meyeuoftApril 26, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/recipes_joys_of_jello_10th_editionApril 25, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/modern-mechanix.1937.08 Link2: archive.org/details/saddekroslApril 24, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/1971_20210422April 23, 2021
SOURCES Link1: archive.org/details/frick-31072002491357April 22, 2021
SOURCES Link1: archive.org/details/mothergooseinpro00baum_2 Link2: archive.org/details/the-cowardly-lion-of-ozApril 21, 2021
SOURCES Photoshop image by Mike NathanApril 20, 2021
SOURCES Link1: www.reddit.com/r/Inkscape/comments/ms916a/again_same_as Link2: www.reddit.com/r/Inkscape/comments/ms8xpf/new_car_wrap_ Link3: archive.org/details/photo1_202104/page/n109/mode/1up Link4: texturelabs.org/?ct=35April 19, 2021
SOURCES Link1: archive.org/details/sevenyearsinsout02holu_0April 18, 2021
SOURCES Link1: archive.org/details/piranesi-le-antichita-romane-t.-2-1784/ Link2: archive.org/details/allaroundyouenvi00unit Link3: archive.org/details/frick-31072002471292April 17, 2021
SOURCES archive.org/details/mojo-april-2016_202104/page/63/mode/2up archive.org/details/curso-de-caligrafia/page/n31/mode/1 archive.org/details/true-detective-sept-1927/page/75/mo archive.org/details/halliwell-shelton-vibrator/mode/1upApril 16, 2021
SOURCES Link1: archive.org/details/TattingBook35revOrrApril 14, 2021
SOURCES Link1: archive.org/details/campbell-electric-photos Link2: archive.org/details/high-resolution-1April 13, 2021
SOURCES Link1: archive.org/details/southerngoodroad1811unse Link2: archive.org/details/roctober-33 Link3: www.5minutesonline.com/ Link4: https://ia801504.us.archive.org/12/items/middpf_a10pfmcnb02-15-1900-01np/a10pfmcnb02-15-1900-01np.jpgApril 12, 2021
SOURCES Link1: archive.org/details/rost-anul-v-nr.-53-54-iulie-august-2007April 10, 2021
SOURCES Link1: www.medias-presse.info/lappel-de-hans-kung-au-pape-francois-abolir-le-dogme-de-linfaillibilite-pontificale/50950/April 9, 2021
SOURCES Link1 (news/file photos): 1. assetsds.cdnedge.bluemix.net/sites/default/files/styles 2. www.repstatic.it/content/nazionale/img/2021/03/28/12220 3. i.pinimg.com/originals/f8/ac/d1/f8acd1a7c1eea00e8c3292914fbaf5c6.jpg Link2: archive.org/details/elferqaaa-zaydyaaaApril 9, 2021
SOURCES Link1: archive.org/details/W.B.McKayVol.21944 Link2: archive.org/details/faunaaustralia5well Link3: archive.org/details/20210406_20210406_1359April 8, 2021
SOURCES Link1:https://https://archive.org/details/tome-02-la-walkyrie/Tome%2001%20-%2 Link2: archive.org/details/mohammed-charlemagne-and-the-origins-of-europeApril 7, 2021
SOURCES TBAApril 6, 2021
SOURCES Link1: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Queen_of_the_Night_(Babylon).jpg Link2: www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/W_2003-0718-1April 4, 2021
SOURCES Link1: shafaq.com/en/Kurdistan/U-S-Special-Envoy-to-Syria-attends-Akitu-celebration-in-northeastern-SyriaApril 2, 2021
SOURCES INTERIOR: Photo of modern-day aircraft control panel, uploaded by user 'Jttu Vm' to photo-sharing "pexels.com" (Link1) BACKGROUND1 (Face): Cover portrait from 1926 edition of Brazilian movie magazine "A Scena Muda" (Link2) showing actress Patsy Ruth Miller (Link3) BACKGROUND2 (Birds): Two-page spread from 1977 Croatian children's book "Što je ptica?" (Link4; trans: 'What is a Bird?') MUSIC: Track "Chillway" from 2021 album 'NEKOU-Type Z' by Indonesian 'lolicore noise' musical group NekouaiZ (Link5) Link1: www.pexels.com/photo/control-panel-in-cockpit-of-modern-aircraft-4051077/ Link2: archive.org/details/s192605060268a000/s192605060268a000 Link3: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patsy_Ruth_Miller Link4: archive.org/details/sto_je_ptica_slikovnica_1977 Link5: archive.org/details/lf139mp3April 2, 2021
SOURCES PHOTO: Interior of Lockheed Vega (Link1), the airplane first built in 1927 (Link2), used by Amelia Earhart (Link3) to be the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic in 1932. EXTERIOR: Digitally altered image from 1802 edition of "La Divina Comedia di Dante Alighieri" written in 1265. (Link4) MUSIC: Track 9 on 2021 album "Generative Brinksmanship" by D.J. Frankenstone (Link5); Composer Thomas Park notes "All tracks equally reminiscent of calamity". Link1: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lockheed_Vega_Interior.jpg Link2: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_Vega Link3: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amelia_Earhart Link4: archive.org/details/McGillLibrary-rbsc_la-divina-comedia_dante_folioPQ4329F551802-20446 Link5: archive.org/details/GenerativeBrinksmanshipApril 1, 2021
SOURCES TBAMarch 31, 2021
SOURCES TBAMarch 30, 2021
SOURCES FOREGROUND: Cockpit of World War II B-29 bomber, used as model for Star Wars space vehicle "Millenial Falcon" (Link1) BACKGROUND 1: Panel showing forest scene from 1950 edition of Argentinian comic book "Intervalo" (Link2) BACKGROUND 2: Typographic designs for letters 'A' and 'K' by user Katmada20XX posted on Reddit Inkscape board (Link3) MUSIC: Track 13 on 2021 album "Generative Brinksmanship" by D.J. Frankenstone (Link4); Composer Thomas Park notes "All tracks equally reminiscent of calamity". Link1: www.reddit.com/r/Inkscape/comments/mde54a/letters_a_and_k_more_soon/ Link2: theaviationist.com/2015/12/15/millennium-falcon-b-29-cockpit/ Link3: archive.org/details/intervalo-anuario-1950 Link4: archive.org/details/GenerativeBrinksmanshipMarch 29, 2021
SOURCES PHOTO of bomber cockpit from 1940 Nazi propaganda pamphlet "Wir greifen England an!" (Link1 trans: 'We're attacking England!') BACKGROUND: Photos of sea shells from 1987 issue of “American Conchologist” (Link2) SWASTIKA: From Wikimedia Commons (Link3) MUSIC: Song "Even Now They Talked in Their Tombs" on 2021 album 'Forgotten Depths' (Link4) by Lovecraftian musicians Novopanthalassa Link1: archive.org/details/wirgr-ena-495439908 Link2: archive.org/details/americanconchol45conc Link3: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Nazi_Swastika.svg Link4: archive.org/details/wptr0009-Novopanthalassa-ForgottenDepthsMarch 27, 2021
SOURCES Photo of girl from cover of 1983 issue of Polish children’s magazine “Plomyk” (Link1) Photos of sea shells from 1987 issue of “American Conchologist” (Link2) Music from 2021’’Chacabuco Parte 4: Despues de la Historia” (Link3; trans ‘After the Story’) by Chilean José Miguel Candela Link1: archive.org/details/plomyk-1983-nr-09x Link2: archive.org/details/americanconchol45conc Link3: archive.org/details/pn184March 25, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/plomyk-1988-nr-14/page/n13/mode/1upMarch 22, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: www.windowworld.com/products/windows/sliding-windows#galleryMarch 22, 2021
Link2: archive.org/details/vesyolyie_kartinki_1973_03
SOURCES: Link1: www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/products/planes/tank_killer/March 20, 2021
Link2: archive.org/details/vesyolyie_kartinki_1973_03
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/rbms_russianhygieneposters-wipe-your-feetMarch 20, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/ArchitecturalInteriorAndExteriorWoodworkStandardizedThePermanent Link2: archive.org/details/vesyolyie_kartinki_1973_03March 20, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/upload/iblock/1b0/dcs_2014-12-26_21-58-23-71.jpg Link2: archive.org/details/vesyolyie_kartinki_1973_03March 18, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/efqJd5858Oo/maxresdefault.jpg Link2: archive.org/details/vesyolyie_kartinki_1973_03March 18, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: https://archive.org/details/cronachedellaguerra022920071940 Link2: archive.org/details/N027038March 18, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: https://archive.org/details/the-sacred-symbols-of-mu-james-churchwardpMarch 17, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/valencian-lusterware-15thcentury-metropolitanmuseumofartMarch 16, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/sim_bookman-a-review-of-books-and-life_1927-04_65_2 Link2: archive.org/details/sim_bookman-a-review-of-books-and-life_1925-12_62_4 Link3: archive.org/details/N027038 Link4: archive.org/details/anderhound-01March 15, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/cronachedellaguerra022018051940 Link2: archive.org/details/N027038March 13, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/Amazing_Stories_UK_v01n20_1952-05_Daisy_ChainsawMarch 12, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/glamourofhollywo00condMarch 10, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/glamourofhollywo00condMarch 10, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/documents-presargoniques-fascicule-i.-premiere-partie.-30-planches-de-i-a-xxvMarch 9, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/sim_textile-industries-1904_1921-12_86_2March 7, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/widsfilmdomoctde18widsMarch 7, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/widsfilmdomoctde18wids Link2: www.allmovie.com/movie/v95487March 7, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/muse-feb-2014-1_202103 Link2: www.academia.edu/37867016/The_Resurrectionist_The_Lost_Work_of_Dr_Spencer_Black_by_E_B_Hudspeth_pdf Link3: archive.org/details/mcelligotspoolMarch 6, 2021
SOURCES: Link1: archive.org/details/ocean-sailing-academy-yacht-hand-and-yacht-skipper-training-manual Link2: archive.org/details/soviet-sputniks Link3: archive.org/details/sf.-muc.-valentina Link4: thenunsgarden.org/saint-valentina.phpMarch 4, 2021
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