Portrait by Remo Frangiosa

Philly-Bob’s Free-for-All 2025

One man's visual art, largely consisting of digital manipulations of images, taken from (1) my own photographs/videos, (2) downloaded from the Public Domain, (3) utilized under the Fair Use provision of copyright law or (4) uncopyrightable images produced by A.I. image generation. This page is designed old-style, for display on full-size computer, not on phones or tablets.

Click on a pic to enlarge. May take several clicks to get full-size.


"Bird," the latest movie on MUBI.COM, the European movie streamer, tells the story of a significant week in the life of 12-year-old street-smart Bailey: her first period, her father's wedding, her chance meeting with a stranger with supernatural powers. Hectic story but happy ending.


A publicity photo from the Movie

March 13, 2025


I have been stunned into guilty silence by the wrong-headed and destructive policies of the Trump/Musk administration. Four years of this? The heart sinks.

As I said on October 31, when I endorsed Harris, "Trump is enmeshed in the plans of Russian leader Vladimir Putin." Events since his inauguration have borne this out, including betrayal of American pledges to Ukraine and NATO, the U.S. voting with the Soviet bloc at the UN, and squabbles with allies Europe, Canada and Greenland.

All because Trump, a greedy real estate developer, has made some sort of deal with Putin and taken the Republican Party with him.

Distrust of Russia has been a constant all my life, from my father's accounts of Russian atrocities he knew of in World War II (the Katyn Forest Massacre) -- to the McCarthy hearings -- to the Cuban missile crisis -- to the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 -- to Soviet warfare in Afghanistan and Chechnya. Even in my most leftist days during Vietnam, I thought the Russian state was clumsy and brutal, even though Russian kids loved rock and roll.

The depth of my disenchantment with Trump (and the American Tech Bros that put him in office) has led me to question my consumer choices. Here are two charts that describe how to switch to a more European, less American equipment setup.

Already, I'm reducing my Amazon orders and streaming from MUBI.COM instead of Netflix and Hulu.



March 12, 2025

Layering AI Girl and Brazil Roofs

An AI image of a girl on a crackling surface, titled "Golden Fractures: Beauty in Brokenness" by American digital artist Jeff Doutes on DeviantArts (Link1). The image is superimposed on a photo of a new suburban development in Brazil (Link2).

The originals:


Link1: https://www.deviantart.com/jeffdoute/art/Golden-Fractures-Beauty-in-Brokenness-1150527715

January 30, 2025

East European FLOTUS

A news photo superimposed on a design downloaded from DeviantArt.(Link1)

New president Donald Trump's wife Melania at the inauguration, dressed in this austere nun-like outfit, one of her unhappy fashion choices. Like her coat emblazoned with the slogan "I really don't care. Do U?" when she went to visit refugees. Her dark Christmas decorations. Are we really going to have four more years of this loveless arrangement? The heart aches.

Not to speak of her husband's policy decisions....

The originals:


  Link1: tapestrycreate_a_handmade_tapestry_that_showcases__by_artworksstudio_diy8g2e.jpg

January 23, 2025

My first video of the new year. I like to keep my hand in. The so-called French and Indian War effected settlers in my home state of Michigan. Park rangers can still discuss the behavior of various Indian tribes. It was all part of the Napoleonic War in Europe. The two girls in the clip do not come to a good end. SOURCES:

VIDEO: Clip from the 1920 silent movie "The Last of the Mohicans" (Link1) based on James Fenimore Cooper's novel of life on the American frontier during the French and Indian War.

MUSIC: Sonata Number 42 by Joseph Haydn from Arthur Loesser's 1967 record "Con Amore" (Link2)

Link1: https://archive.org/details/PublicdomainTheLastoftheMohicans
Link2: https://archive.org/details/lp_con-amore_arthur-loesser-joseph-haydn-wolfgang-am

January 11, 2025

Continuing yesterday's New Year/square-rigger motif, an overlay of two images:
  1. A painting of the tall ship "Pamir" by the Belgian maritime painter Yasmina (Link1).
  2. A publicity photo of the 2024 Miss Ukraine, portraying her as an "Angel of Light," the archangel Gabriel, protector of the Ukrainian city of Kiev (Link2).I am saddened that the new administration will probably cut support for Ukraine's long struggle against neighborhood bully Russia.

The originals:


Link1: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pamir_(ship)#/media/File:Yasmina.
Link2: https://editors.dexerto.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/13/Miss-

Incidentally, the top pop song of 2024 to my Motown-tuned ear is "Flowers" by Miley Cyrus, a catchy anthem of female independence (for the rich, young, and physically attractive):

[Verse 1]
We were good, we were gold
Kinda dream that can't be sold
We were right 'til we weren't
Built a home and watched it burn

Mm, I didn't wanna leave you, I didn't wanna lie
Started to cry, but then remembered I

I can buy myself flowers
Write my name in the sand
Talk to myself for hours
Say things you don't understand
I can take myself dancing
And I can hold my own hand
Yeah, I can love me better than you can

Can love me better, I can love me better, baby
Can love me better, I can love me better, baby

December 28, 2024

Annual Turnover: Rounding the Cape

Time to archive last year's page and start a new page for another year. This is a laborious, high-risk, unrewarding job, but the passage of years is the sole organizing principle of this would-be writer would-be artist's life.

Image is one of the last of the square-riggers, the four-masted German steel-hulled barque "Pamir", first launched in 1904. She was the last commercial sailing ship to round Cape Horn, in 1949. She sank in 1957 carrying a cargo of 3,780 tons of barley from Buenos Aires to Hamburg.

The font used is "History of Wawa" (Link1) by Indonesian type designer Syaf Rizal [Khurasan]. It does not refer to the Philadelphia convenience store of the same name.


Link1: https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/1hgzw0w/the_pamir_was_a_fourmasted_sailing_vessel
Link2: https://www.dafont.com/history-of-wawa.font

December 24-26, 2024

To contact Philly-Bob, email me at bobmoore [at symbol] pobox.com (of course, replace "[at symbol]" with "@"].

Masthead Portrait by Remo Frangiosa, 2015
